- -able and -ible
- -emia or -aemia
- -Esque Suffix—Usage, Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- -gate Suffix
- -Holic, -Oholic, and -Aholic - Suffix, Meaning & Examples
- -phile and -phobe Suffix
- -Wise Suffix
- 'L', L, el (Chicago trains)
- 'Monkey Business' Idiom: The Art Of Trickery and Lies
- 'Tis the season
- "Be Patient" or "Have Patience" - Meaning & Difference
- "Google" vs. "google" - Is It Capitalized?
- "Used To" Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- (Let's) Call It a Night—A Simple Phrase for Going Home
- 10 Best Books for Proofreaders and Editors
- 10 Copyediting Jobs for Every Skill Set
- 10 Tips to Help You With Punctuation
- 10 Tips to Improve Your Readability Score
- 11 Best Dissertation Editing Services
- 11 Best Grammarly Alternatives - Viable Free and Paid Options
- 11 Bizarre Habits of Legendary Writers That Fueled Their Genius
- 11 Tips for Editing Your Own Writing - Checklist Included
- 12 Easy Tips to Proofread Your Emails Before Hitting Send
- 14 Types of Freelance Writing Jobs—From Copy to Content
- 15 Freelance Writing Services—From Blogs to Whitepapers
- 17 Essential Proofreading Skills and How to Improve Them
- 19 Best Book Editing Services
- 20+ Best Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners
- 200+ Linking Words - Full List, Examples
- 21 Common Punctuation Mistakes
- 21 Reasons Why Proofreading Is Important
- 25 Hilarious Proofreading and Editing Memes
- 25 Online Editing Jobs For Freelancers
- 25 Unique Ways to Say Good Luck Without Being Cliché
- 29 Proofreading Marks and Symbols—The Key to Error-Free Writing
- 29 Tips to Proofread Your Resume Like a Pro
- 30 Common Grammar Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
- 30 Dog Idioms and Phrases - Origins and Meanings
- 47 Greetings and Salutations in French
- 49 Top Tips for Effective Proofreading
- 5 Key Mindset Shifts to Boost Your Writing Resilience
- 50+ Simple Future Tense Examples and Worksheets
- 65 Motivational Writing Quotes to Ignite Your Creative Spark
- 7 Best Proofreading Reference Books to Fine-Tune Your Skills
- 7 Tips on How to Punctuate a Poem
- 7 Types of Commas - Usage & Examples
- 8 Best Editing Services
- A Bed of Roses - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- A Big Ask - Idiom & Meaning
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- A Blessing in Disguise - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- A cat may look at a king
- A Close Shave - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- A day late and a dollar short
- A Detailed Guide to Effective Proofreading and Editing When You Write an Essay
- A Dime a Dozen - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- A Far Cry From - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- A Fate Worse Than Death—The Hidden Phrase for 'Too Horrible to Bear'
- A Feather in Your Cap - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- A Fish Out of Water—A Simple Idiom for Feeling Awkward
- A Fishy Story – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- A fool and his money are soon parted
- A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed – Origin and Meaning
- A hold vs ahold
- A la (à la)
- À La Mode – Origin and Meaning in English
- A leg up
- A leopard can't change its spots
- A Lick and a Promise – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- A Light at the End of the Tunnel - Meaning, Origin & Examples
- A little and A Few Exercises (with Printable PDF)
- A Little vs. A Few - Difference, Examples
- A Lot On My Plate – How To Express Heavy Workload In English
- A lot vs allot
- A Lot vs. Alot - Difference & Meaning
- A man is known by the company he keeps
- A Man of Letters - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- A means to an end
- A method in one's madness
- A miss is as good as a mile
- A New Lease on Life - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- A penny saved is a penny earned
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- A Piece of Work - Meaning & Examples
- A Pound of Flesh – Origin and Meaning
- A priori
- A rolling stone gathers no moss
- A Shot in the Arm - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- A Shot in the Dark – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- A Slap In The Face - Meaning & Examples
- A Slap on the Wrist - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- A stitch in time saves nine
- A Stone's Throw—A Simple Phrase for Short Distance
- A Taste of Your Own Medicine or Dose of Your Own Medicine
- A Visit From The Stork - Idiom & Meaning
- A watched pot never boils
- A Whole Nother – Usage and Meaning
- A.D., B.C., B.C.E., C.E.
- A.M. or P.M. - How to Write Them (+ Examples)
- Abandon vs. abandonment
- Abbreviation Punctuation
- Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms
- Abdicate, abnegate, abrogate
- Abecedarius
- Abetter vs. abettor
- Abhorrent vs aberrant
- Abided vs. abode
- Ability vs. capability vs. capacity
- Abject or object
- Abject vs object
- Abjure vs. adjure
- Abolishment vs. abolition
- Aborted vs. abortive
- About-face
- Above Board, Above-Board or Aboveboard
- Above one's pay grade
- Abracadabra - Usage, Origin & Meaning
- Abridgment and abridgement
- Absolve vs resolve
- Abstracter vs. abstractor
- Abstruse vs. obtuse
- Abuse vs abuse
- Academic Editing—Precision in Academia
- Acapella or A Cappella – Definition and Correct Spelling
- Accell
- Accent vs accentuate
- Accept vs Except
- Acceptance vs. acceptation
- Access
- Access vs excess
- Accessorize or Accessorise - Meaning & Spelling
- Accessory vs accessary
- Accidental vs incidental
- Accidental vs occidental
- Acclimate, acclimatise, acclimatize
- Acclimation vs acclamation
- Accord vs. accordance
- According to Hoyle or According to Cocker - Origin & Meaning
- Accost
- Accoutrement
- Ace in the Hole - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Acephalous
- Achilles' heel
- Acid Test vs. Litmus Test - Idiom & Meaning
- Acknowledgement vs. Acknowledgment – Uses and Examples
- Acme vs acne
- Acronym vs anacronym
- Across the Board - Origin & Meaning
- Action Speak Louder Than Words - Meaning & Examples
- Actualise vs actualize
- Ad hoc
- Ad Hominem Fallacy Examples and Definition
- Ad Nauseam - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Ad vs. add
- Ad-lib and ad lib
- Adam's off ox
- Adamance
- Adapt vs adopt
- Adaptable or adaptive
- Adapter vs. adaptor
- Adaption vs. Adaptation - What's the Difference?
- Add fuel to the fire
- Add Insult to Injury - Origin & Meaning
- Addenda vs. Addendums – What's the Difference?
- Addicting vs. addictive
- Addition vs. edition
- Addlepated, addlebrained and addleheaded
- Adduce vs educe
- Adjectives and Adverbs - Difference, Examples
- Adjectives and Adverbs Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Adjectives: Definition, Types, Examples and Quizzes
- Adjudicate
- Administrate
- Admittance vs. Admission - Difference & Definition
- Adolescence vs adolescents
- Adopted vs. adoptive
- Ads, adds or adze
- Advance vs. advanced
- Advent
- Adventurous vs adventuresome
- Adverbs of Frequency - Rules, List of Examples
- Adverse vs. Averse - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Advert vs. avert
- Advertise vs advertize
- Advice vs. Advise - Meaning, Spelling & Examples
- Adviser vs. Advisor – Which Is Correct?
- Aegis
- Aeon vs. eon
- Aerie vs airy
- Aerobic vs anaerobic
- Aeroplane vs. airplane
- Aesthetic vs. ascetic
- Aether vs. ether
- Aetiology or etiology
- Affect vs. Effect - What's the Difference?
- Affective vs. effective
- Affinity vs infinity
- Afflict vs. inflict
- Affluent vs. effluent
- Affluenza
- African-American vs. black
- Afterward vs. afterwards
- Afterward vs. afterword
- Agape vs agape
- Ageing vs. Aging – Which Is Correct?
- Agent and recipient nouns
- Aggrandize
- Aggravate - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Aggravate vs aggregate
- Aggravate vs mitigate
- Aggression vs. aggressiveness
- Agitprop
- Agnostic vs. Atheist - What's the Difference?
- Agog or agape
- Agree
- Agreement vs. Agreeance – Which Is Correct?
- Ahead of the Curve or Ahead of the Curb - Origin & Meaning
- Ahold
- Aid vs. Aide - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Ail vs ale
- Ailment vs aliment
- Ain't
- Air quotes
- Air vs err
- Air vs heir
- Akimbo
- Alas or But Alas - Usage, Punctuation & Meaning
- Albatross Around My Neck - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Albeit
- Alcoholism vs dipsomania
- Algorithm vs logarithm
- Alight
- All American or all-American
- All Bark No Bite - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- All but
- All but vs anything but vs everything but
- All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go - Origin & Meaning
- All get-out
- All good things must come to an end
- All Hands on Deck - Origin & Meaning
- All in all
- All of the Sudden vs All of a Sudden - Which is Correct?
- All Ready vs. Already - Meaning, Definition & Spelling
- All right vs. alright
- All Roads Lead to Rome - Origin & Meaning
- All sizzle and no steak
- All Systems Go - Origin & Meaning
- All that
- All that glitters is not gold
- All together vs. altogether
- All-around, all-round
- All's fair in love and war
- All's Well That Ends Well - Meaning & Expansion of Idea
- Allegation vs accusation
- Alleviate vs elevate
- Alley vs ally
- Alligator vs. crocodile
- Alliterate, literate or illiterate
- Alliteration vs assonance
- Allude vs. elude
- Allusion vs. elusion vs. illusion
- Allusive, elusive or illusive
- Alma Mater - Meaning, Spelling & Capitalization
- Aloud vs allowed
- Alphabetic vs. alphabetical
- Also-ran
- Altar vs. alter
- Alter ego
- Alternate vs alternate
- Alternate vs. alternative
- Alternately vs alternatively
- Although vs. though
- Alum vs alum
- Aluminium vs. aluminum
- Alumna, Alumnae, Alumni, Alumnus - What's the Difference?
- Always a bridesmaid, never a bride
- Always vs all ways
- Amalgam vs. amalgamation
- Amative or amatory
- Amazeballs
- AMBER alert
- Amber vs ember
- Ambiance vs. ambience
- Ambiguous vs ambivalent
- Ambulance chaser
- Ameliorate vs alleviate
- Amend vs. emend
- Amends vs amends
- America
- American
- American Indian vs Native American
- Amiable vs amicable
- Amiable vs. amicable
- Amok vs. amuck
- Among vs. Amongst - Difference, Usage & Examples
- Among vs. Between - When to Use Each
- Amoral vs. Immoral - What's the Difference?
- Amount vs. number
- Amphitheater vs amphitheatre
- Amuse vs. bemuse
- An Arm and a Leg - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- An Englishman's home is his castle.
- An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
- An historic
- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- Anachronism
- Analog vs. analogue
- Analogue vs. analogy
- Analogy vs allegory
- Analyse vs. Analyze - Difference & Meaning
- Analyses vs analyzes
- Anamorphic
- Anapest
- Anathema
- Ancillary vs auxiliary
- And yet
- Anecdote vs antidote
- Anemic or anaemic
- Anesthesia vs anaesthesia
- Angel vs. Angle - How to Remember the Difference
- Angle Bracket Symbol
- Animal Adjectives - Complete List
- Animal collective nouns
- Animate vs adamant
- Annal vs annual
- Annex vs. annexe
- Annual, perennial or biennial
- Anodyne vs analgesic
- Anomalous vs anonymous
- Another string in your bow
- Another think coming
- Ante- vs anti-
- Antediluvian
- Antennae vs. antennas
- Antichrist
- Antifa
- Antimacassar
- Antonyms
- Anyday vs any day
- Anymore or any more
- Anyone vs. Any One - Usage & Difference
- Anyplace or Any Place - Which is Correct?
- Anytime vs. Any Time - Difference, Usage & Examples
- Anyway vs. anyways
- Apart vs. A Part - Usage, Difference & Definition
- Apartment vs. Flat - What's the Difference?
- Apiary vs aviary
- Apologetics
- Apologise vs. apologize
- Apoplectic vs apocalyptic
- Apostle
- Apostrophe (poetry)
- Apostrophe After S - Rules and Examples
- Apostrophe Rules and Punctuation Guide With Examples
- Apostrophes Before S - Rules and Examples
- Apostrophes With Names Ending in S
- Apotheosis
- Appal vs. appall
- Appeal to Authority Fallacy - Definition & Examples
- Appellation vs appellative
- Append vs. Upend
- Appetizer or hors d'oeuvre
- Appetizer vs appetiser
- Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree - Origin & Meaning
- Apple of My Eye – The One Cherished Above All Others
- Apple-pie order
- Apple-Polish - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Apposite vs opposite
- Appositive Phrases and How to Use Them in a Sentence
- Appraise vs. apprise
- Apprehend vs apprehensive
- Apprehend vs comprehend
- Apprehensive vs reprehensive
- Approbation vs approval
- Approbation vs opprobrium
- Appropriate vs appropriate
- Appropriate vs. expropriate
- April Fool's or April Fools'
- Apropos
- Arbor or arbour
- Arc vs arch
- Arc vs ark
- Arcane and obsolete
- Archaeology vs. archeology
- Arctic, Antarctic
- Ardor or ardour
- Are Seasons Capitalized? Examples in a Sentence
- Argot vs ergot
- Argumentative vs. Argumentive - What's the Difference?
- Arise or rise
- Armor vs. armour
- Around the clock, round the clock
- Around vs. round
- Arouse vs. rouse
- Arrant vs. errant
- Arse vs. Ass – What's the Difference?
- Artefact vs. artifact
- Artesian vs artisan
- Articulate vs articulate
- As crook as Rookwood
- As Far As - Meaning & Examples
- As per
- As pleased as Punch
- As the Crow Flies – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- As Thick As Thieves - Meaning & Origin
- As vs. Like - Difference & Examples
- As yet, as of yet
- Ascared - Meaning and Usage
- Ascent, ascendance, ascendancy, etc.
- Ascribe vs attribute
- Ascribe vs subscribe
- Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies
- Askew vs eschew
- Asking For a Friend - Origin & Meaning
- Asleep at the Wheel or Asleep at the Switch - Idiom & Meaning
- Aspiration vs inspiration
- Aspire vs inspire
- Assail vs. assault
- Assignation or assignment
- Assure, ensure, insure
- Asterisk Symbol (*) - Usage and Examples
- Astrology vs astronomy
- Asylum
- At a loose end
- At All Costs or At Any Cost - Idiom & Meaning
- At Face Value – A Blind Belief Or Unquestioned Acceptance?
- At loggerheads
- At Sixes and Sevens - Origin & Meaning
- At the Drop of a Hat - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- At the End of the Day - Usage & Meaning
- At Wits End - Meaning, Origin and Correct Spelling
- Ate vs. Eight - Homophones, Spelling & Meaning
- Atlas
- Attache
- Attain vs. obtain
- Attic vs addict
- Attribute vs attribute
- Au contraire
- Au Courant - Meaning in English & Examples
- Au fait
- Au pair
- Auger vs. augur
- Aught or Aughts - Usage & Meaning
- August
- August vs august
- Auld lang syne
- Aunt vs. Ant – What's the Difference?
- Aural vs. oral
- Aureole vs oriole
- Auspicious vs suspicious
- Authorise vs. Authorize – What's the Difference?
- Authoritative vs. authoritive
- Autobiography vs biography
- Autocorrect
- Autocrit vs. ProWritingAid
- Autotune or Auto-Tune
- Autumn vs. fall
- Auxiliary Verbs - Uses, Examples
- Avail
- Avant-Garde – Meaning and Examples in a Sentence
- Avenge vs. Revenge vs. Vengeance - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Avocation vs. vocation
- Aw or awe
- Awaiting vs. Waiting – What's the Difference?
- Award vs reward
- Away vs a way
- Awed vs odd
- Awfully
- Awhile vs. A While - Difference, Examples
- Awry vs wry
- Ax vs. axe
- Axe to Grind – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Axel vs. axle
- Axes vs axes
- Axiom, adage or epigram
- Axis vs axes
- Aye vs eye
- B Line or Beeline - Origin & Meaning
- B2B Copywriting—The Future of Client Engagement
- Babe in the Woods - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bachelor’s or bachelors degree and master’s or masters degree
- Back in the day
- Back in the Saddle - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Back seat vs. backseat
- Back the Wrong Horse or Bet on the Wrong Horse
- Back to Square One - Origin & Meaning
- Back to the drawing board
- Back up vs. backup
- Backseat Driver - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Backstab - Definition & Examples
- Backward vs backwards
- Backwater or backwaters
- Backyard, back yard, back-yard
- Bad Apple - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bad penny
- Bad rap vs. bad wrap
- Bad vs badly
- Bae vs bay
- Bail vs. Bale - Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Bailiwick
- Bailout, bail out, and bail-out
- Bain-marie vs double boiler
- Bait vs. bate
- Baker's dozen
- Bald, balled or bawled
- Balderdash - Origin, Meaning & Definition
- Ball vs. Bawl and Balling vs. Bawling - Difference & Meaning
- Balmy vs. barmy
- Baloney vs. bologna
- Bamboozle
- Ban vs. bar
- Band (together) vs. bandy (about)
- Band vs banned
- Bane
- Bankster
- Baptise vs. baptize
- Baptism by Fire or Baptism of Fire – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah
- Barbecue vs. barbeque
- Barbed wire
- Bard
- Bard vs. Barred
- Bare Bones - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bare vs. Bear - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Bark Is Worse Than One's Bite - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bark vs barque
- Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Barnstorm
- Baron vs barren
- Bartleby Write vs Grammarly
- Basal, basil, or Basel
- Base or Bass - Pronunciation & Definition
- Based vs baste
- Basis (on a daily basis, on a regular basis, etc.)
- Basis vs bases
- Basket case
- Bass vs bass
- Bastion
- Bated Breath or Baited Breath - Meaning and Origin
- Bath or Bathe - Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Bathos vs pathos
- Baton vs batten
- Batten Down the Hatches - Meaning and Origin
- Batting cleanup
- Battle royal
- Bawdy vs body
- Bawl out
- Bazaar vs. bizarre
- BCP - Non Buyers
- Be My Guest - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Beach vs beech
- Beachcomber
- Bean Counter - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bear market, bull market, bearish, bullish
- Beat Around the Bush - Origin & Meaning
- Beat Imposter Syndrome: 7 Tips to Write with Confidence
- Beat Me to the Punch – Origin and Meaning
- Beat or beaten
- Beat Swords into Plowshares—The Promise of Peace
- Beat vs beet
- Beating a Dead Horse—An Idiom Explaining Futile Efforts
- Beau and Belle - Difference & Meaning
- Beau vs bow
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
- Bechdel test and Bechdel-Wallace test
- Beckon call
- Bee in Your Bonnet – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Been around the block
- Been there, done that
- Beer vs bier
- Beg Off - Origin & Meaning
- Began vs. Begun - Usage, Difference & Examples
- Beggar Belief - Meaning and Origin
- Beggars can’t be choosers
- Begging the Question Fallacy - Meaning and Examples
- Begrudge
- Behalf
- Behavior vs. behaviour
- Behest vs bequest
- Behind the Eight Ball – Meaning and Origin
- Behold and beholden
- Behoove
- Belay vs belie
- Belie
- Bell the Cat (or To Bell the Cat) - Idiom & Meaning
- Bell vs belle
- Bells and Whistles – Origin and Meaning
- Bellwether
- Bellyache
- Below the belt and hit below the belt
- Benchmark
- Benefit of the Doubt - Meaning, Origin & Examples
- Benefiting vs. Benefitting – What's the Difference?
- Bent or bended
- Bereaved vs. bereft
- Berry vs bury
- Berserk
- Berth vs birth
- Beside or besides
- Besotted
- Bespeak vs bespoke
- Bespeckled or bespectacled
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- Bête noire
- Better Late Than Never - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Better Safe Than Sorry - Proverb, Meaning & Examples
- Better vs bettor
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place – Origin and Meaning
- Betwixt - Usage & Meaning
- Beyond the pale
- Bezel vs embezzle
- Biannual vs. biennial
- Biannual, biennial and semiannual
- Biceps and triceps
- Bid, bade, bidden
- Big Fish in a Small Pond - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Big Kahuna - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Big League and Bush League - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Big-ups
- Bigwig - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bill and Coo - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bill of goods
- Billed vs build
- Bimonthly and semimonthly
- Binded vs. bound
- Binge-Watch or Binge-Watching - Meaning & Examples
- Bingeing or binging
- Bingo
- Birds of a Feather Flock Together - Proverb, Origin & Meaning
- Bisect vs dissect
- Bit vs. bitten
- Bite Off More than You Can Chew - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bite or Bight - What's the Difference?
- Bite the Bullet - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bite Your Tongue - Idiom, Origin & Examples
- Bite-size or bite-sized
- Bivouac
- Biweekly vs semiweekly
- Black market
- Black out vs blackout
- Black Sheep Idiom - Meaning & Origin
- Blackmail vs extortion
- Blah Blah Blah - Origin & Meaning
- Blandish vs brandish
- Blatant vs. flagrant
- Blather vs blabber
- Blather vs. blither
- Blaze a Trail - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Blench vs blanch
- Blessed vs. Blest - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Blew, blown, or blowed
- Blind Leading the Blind - Origin & Meaning
- Blind Side vs. Blindside - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Bling
- Blitzkrieg
- Bloc vs. block
- Blockbuster - Meaning & Examples
- Blond or Blonde - Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Blood Is Thicker Than Water—Origin & Meaning
- Bloviate
- Blow a Gasket vs. Blow a Fuse - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Blow Hot and Cold - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Blow off steam and let off steam
- Blow Someone's Cover - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Blow the Whistle - Origin & Meaning
- Blow-By-Blow Account - Idiom, Origin & Meanin
- Blowhard and windbag
- Blowing a Raspberry or Bronx Cheer - Origin & Meaning
- Blowing up one's phone
- Blowout vs. blow out
- Blowup vs. blow up
- Blue blood
- Bluetooth
- Board vs bored
- Bob's Your Uncle Meaning and Origin
- Bobble vs bauble
- Bobbsey twins
- Bode vs. Bowed
- Bodega
- Body politic
- Bogeyman
- Boggle the mind and mind-boggling
- Bohemian
- Bokeh
- Bold as brass
- Bold-Faced Lie or Bald-Faced Lie - Meaning & Origin
- Bolder vs boulder
- Boldface text
- Bollocks vs bollocking
- Bombogenesis
- Bon vivant
- Bona fide, bona fides
- Bone of contention
- Bone to pick
- Bone vs debone
- Bonhomie
- Booby hatch
- Book Proofreading Jobs and How to Land Them
- Boondocks vs boonies
- Boondoggle
- Boot camp
- Boots on the Ground - Origin & Meaning
- Booze vs boos
- Border vs boarder
- Bore, boor, boar
- Born with a Silver Spoon – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Borne vs. born
- Borough, burro, burrow
- Bot vs bought
- Botanic vs. botanical
- Bottom Line - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bough or bow
- Bought the Farm vs. Gone for a Burton - Origin & Meaning
- Boughten
- Bound vs. bounded
- Bounteous vs bountiful
- Bourgeois, bourgeoisie
- Bow vs bow
- Bowdlerize
- Bowl Over or Bowled Over - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bowl vs boll
- Bowl vs bowel
- Bowled vs bold
- Boy vs buoy
- Brackets in Quotes - Usage & Examples
- Brackets vs. Parentheses
- Braggadocio
- Braggart vs bragger
- Braid vs brayed
- Brain trust vs think tank
- Brainchild
- Brainwash
- Braise, brays, or braze
- Brake vs. Break - Homophones, Spelling & Difference
- Brand spanking new
- Brand Stories—Crafting Compelling Narratives
- Brandish vs brand
- Bravado
- Breach, breech, broach
- Bread and Butter - Origin & Meaning
- Bread vs. Bred - Homophones, Difference & Definition
- Breadcrumbs, breadcrumb trail and trail of breadcrumbs
- Break a Leg - Origin & Meaning
- Break the Bank - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Break the Ice—Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Break the Mold or Broke the Mold - Origin & Meaning
- Break up vs. breakup
- Breakthrough Copyediting and Proofreading Course
- Breakthrough Copyediting and Proofreading Light Course
- Breastfeeding, breastfed, breastfeed, etc.
- Breath vs. breadth (vs. width)
- Breath vs. Breathe - Usage, Difference & Definition
- Breeches vs. Britches
- Brewed vs brood
- Brews vs. Bruise
- Brexit and Grexit
- Bric-a-brac and knick-knack
- Bridezilla - Origin & Meaning
- Bridle vs. bridal
- Brief vs debrief
- Bring Home the Bacon - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bring one's A-game
- Bring the House Down or Bring Down the House - Idiom & Meaning
- Bring vs take
- Brite vs. Bright - Meaning, Definition & Spelling
- Briton
- Briton vs Britain
- Broach vs. brooch
- Brouhaha
- Brown-nose and brownnose
- Browse vs. Brows
- Brung, brang
- Brussels Sprout vs. Brussle Sprout
- Buck Naked vs. Butt Naked - Which Is Correct?
- Bucket list
- Buckle Down—Unraveling the Determination Behind the Idiom
- Buckle Up - Origin & Meaning
- Buffaloed - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Buffer vs. buffet
- Buffet vs buffet
- Bugbear or bugaboo
- Build up vs. buildup
- Building castles in the air
- Building Your Writer's Portfolio—A Guide for Emerging Authors
- Bulk, balk, baulk
- Bull in a China Shop - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bullet Points - Rules, Usage, and Examples
- Bullion vs boullion
- Bullseye or bull's eye
- Bully pulpit
- Bum-rush vs bum's rush
- Bumpkin
- Bun in the Oven - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bundle of Joy - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Bunk vs debunk
- Bunk, bunkum, buncombe
- Bunny vs Bunnie
- Bunt vs. Bundt
- Bupkis
- Burger vs. Burgher
- Burgle vs. burglarize
- Burn One's Boat or Burn One's Bridges – Origin & Meaning
- Burned vs. Burnt - Difference, Definition & Examples
- Burning the Candle at Both Ends - Origin & Meaning
- Burning the Midnight Oil - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Burnish vs tarnish
- Burnout vs. burn out
- Burrow vs borrow
- Burst Your Bubble or Pop Your Bubble - Origin & Meaning
- Bursted
- Burthen
- Bury The Hatchet - Origin & Meaning
- Bury Your Head in the Sand - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bus stop vs. busstop
- Bused, bussed, or bust
- Buses vs. busses
- Busman's Holiday – Origin and Meaning
- Busting Your Chops – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Busybody
- But vs. Butt - Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- But vs. yet
- Butt (Bump) Heads—The Challenge of Conflict
- Butt of a joke
- Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
- Butterfingers
- Butterflies in My Stomach - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Butterfly effect
- Buy a lemon
- Buy, by or bye
- Buzzword
- By and by vs. by the by
- By dint of
- By hook or by crook
- By the Same Token – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- By the Skin of My Teeth - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- By The Way (BTW) - Usage & Meaning
- C'est Comme Ca vs. Comme Ci, Comme Ca - Meaning in English
- C'est la vie
- Cabin Fever – Origin & Meaning
- Cacao vs. cocoa
- Cache vs cash
- Cache vs. cachet
- Cacti vs. Cactuses – Which Is the Correct Plural Usage?
- Caddie vs. caddy
- Caddy-Corner, Kitty-Corner or Catty-Corner
- Caduceus vs staff of Asclepius
- Caesarean section, Caesarian, cesarean, etc.
- Cahoots
- Calendar vs colander
- Calfs or Calves - Usage, Difference & Examples
- Caliber or Calibre - Difference & Meaning
- Calibration vs collaboration
- Call a Spade a Spade - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Call My Bluff - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Call on the carpet
- Call the Shots (or Calling the Shots) - Idiom & Meaning
- Call vs caul
- Callous vs. callus
- Calm Before the Storm - Origin & Meaning
- Calumny
- Calvary vs. cavalry
- Camaraderie vs comradery
- Can goods or canned goods
- Can of worms vs pandora's box
- Can vs may
- Can You Put Parentheses Inside Parentheses?
- Can't Hold a Candle to - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Can't Make Heads or Tails – Meaning and Origin
- Can't vs cant
- Canard
- Canary in the coalmine
- Canceled vs. Cancelled - Which Is Correct?
- Candor or candour
- Candy corn
- Candy Floss vs. Fairy Floss vs. Cotton Candy
- Cannon fodder
- Cannot or Can Not - Usage, Difference & Examples
- Canny vs uncanny
- Canon vs. cannon
- Cantankerous
- Cantor vs canter
- Canvas vs. canvass
- Capiche, Capeesh, Capische - Meaning & Usage
- Capital vs. Capitol - Usage, Difference & Examples
- Capitalization in Quotes
- Capitulate vs recapitulate
- Capstone, keystone or cornerstone
- Captivate vs capture
- Car hood and car bonnet
- Car park vs parking lot
- Caramel vs carmel
- Carbon copy
- Carbon footprint
- Carburetor vs carburettor
- Card Shark or Card Sharp - Origin & Meaning
- Careen vs. career
- Caregiver or caretaker
- Caretaker vs caregiver
- Carnation vs incarnation
- Carnivore, herbivore or omnivore
- Carpe Diem - Origin & Meaning
- Carpetbagger - Origin & Meaning
- Carrot-and-stick
- Carrot, carat, karat, caret
- Carry a Torch for Someone—Journey Through Unrequited Love
- Carry on, carry-on, and carrion
- Carte blanche
- Case in Point or Case and Point - Meaning & Difference
- Cash in one’s chips
- Cash on the Barrelhead—A Simplified Expression for Immediate Payment
- Cashmere vs Kashmir
- Casket vs coffin
- Cassandra
- Cast a wide net
- Cast Aspersions or Dispersions - Difference & Meaning
- Cast Aspersions—Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Cast pearls before swine
- Cast the First Stone—An Important Lesson in Judgement
- Cast-Iron Stomach—How to Eat Anything and Not Feel Sick
- Caste vs cast
- Casted – Usage and Meaning
- Cat Got Your Tongue - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Catachresis
- Catalog vs. Catalogue - Difference & Definition
- Catalyse or catalyze
- Catbird Seat: Idiom Of Power And Advantage
- Catcall - Definition & Examples
- Catch vs. Ketch
- Catch-22
- Catching Some Rays - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Categorize vs categorise
- Catsup vs. Ketchup vs. Catchup - What's the Difference?
- Cattle vs chattel
- Caucus
- Caught in the Crosshairs – Targeted Scrutiny or Unwanted Blame?
- Caught Red-Handed - Origin & Meaning
- Causative Verbs - Rules, Structure & List of Examples
- Causative Verbs Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Cause Célèbre - Meaning & Examples
- Cauterize vs cauterise
- Cavalcade
- Caveat
- Caveat emptor
- Cay vs. Key vs. Quay - Homophones, Pronunciation & Definition
- Cease and desist
- Cede and seed
- Cede vs. concede
- Ceiling vs sealing
- Cel, cell or sell
- Celebrant or celebrator
- Celiac or coeliac
- Cellar vs. Seller
- Cent, scent and sent
- Center around or center on
- Century or Centuries – Usage and Meaning
- Cereal vs. Serial
- Ceremonial vs ceremonious
- Certainty vs. certitude
- Cession vs. session
- Chafe vs. chaff
- Chai vs chia
- Chain letter
- Chaise lounge and chaise longue
- Chalk up vs. chock
- Champing at the Bit vs. Chomping at the Bit – Meaning and Origin
- Change tack
- Chapstick
- Character or caricature
- Charade and charades
- Charism vs charisma
- Charlatan
- Chary vs. Cherry
- Chase one's own tail
- Chaste vs chased
- Chasten vs. chastise
- Chatbot
- Chateaus vs chateaux
- Chatty Cathy - Origin & Meaning
- Cheap vs. Cheep
- Cheapskate - Origin & Meaning
- Check in vs. Check-in (vs. Checkin)
- Check Kiting – Meaning and Examples
- Check Up, Checkup or Check-Up – Which One to Use?
- Check vs. Cheque - Difference & Definition
- Checkered Past or Chequered Past - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Checkout vs. check out
- Cheek by jowl
- Cheek to cheek vs cheek-to-cheek
- Cheshire Cat Smile – An Innocent Grin or a Smug?
- Chew the Fat - Origin & Meaning
- Chewed Out – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Chews vs choose
- Chicanery
- Chick flick and chick lit
- Chicken and Egg Situation – Idiom, Meaning & Examples
- Chickens Come Home to Roost – Origin and Meaning
- Childcare, child care, child-care
- Childlike vs. Childish - What's the Difference?
- Chili vs Chilly - What's the Difference?
- Chills down the spine
- Chink vs. kink
- Chinwag
- Chip off the Old Block—A Simple Resemblance Idiom
- Chip on Your Shoulder – Origin and Meaning
- Chips vs. fries
- Choate or inchoate
- Chock-a-block vs chockablock
- Choosing a Name For Your Proofreading Business
- Chorale, Choral or Corral
- Chortle
- Chose vs. Choose – Usage With Examples
- Chow vs. Ciao
- Chunder or chunter
- Chute vs. shoot
- Cinch the deal or clinch the deal
- Cisgender vs transgender
- Cistern vs sister
- Citizen journalism
- Civic vs. civil
- Civil rights and human rights
- Civilise vs. civilize
- Clam Up – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Clamor vs clamber
- Claptrap
- Classic vs. classical
- Clause vs claws
- Clean Slate – An English Idiom for New Beginnings
- Clean vs. cleanse
- Clean Your Clock – Origin & Meaning
- Cleanliness is next to godliness
- Cleanup vs. clean up
- Cleave
- Clef vs cliff
- Clench vs. clinch
- Clew vs clue
- Click vs clique
- Clickbait - Origin & Meaning
- Client vs. Customer - Difference in Meaning & Usage
- Cliffhanger
- Cliffs Notes
- Climactic vs. climatic
- Clime vs climb
- Cloak-and-Dagger – Origin and Meaning
- Close Proximity or In Close Proximity - Meaning & Definition
- Close Ranks - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Close rhyme
- Close vs clothes
- Close vs. Close - Difference & Meaning
- Close-Knit vs. Tight-Knit - Usage & Meaning
- Close-Minded or Closed-Minded – Definition and Examples
- Closer vs closure
- Cloth vs clothes
- Cloture vs closure
- Cloying and mawkish
- Co-op vs. co-opt
- Co-ordinate vs coordinate
- Coal, cole or kohl
- Coarse vs. course
- Coast Is Clear - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Cock and bull story
- Cockamamie
- Coddle and mollycoddle
- Coddle vs. Caudle
- Coffice
- Cog In The Wheel Or Cog In The Machine – Origin and Meaning
- Cognate and false cognate
- Coiffure vs coiffeur
- Coin a phrase
- Cold Feet - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Cold Shoulder - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Cold Turkey – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Cold-call
- Coliseum vs. colosseum
- Collaborate vs corroborate
- Collectible vs collectable
- Collective nouns
- College vs. University - Usage, Difference, & Meaning
- Collegial vs. collegiate
- Collision vs collusion
- Collocate vs colocate
- Colon vs. Semicolon. vs. Dash - Usage and Examples
- Colonize vs colonise
- Colons With Lists - How To Use Them Correctly
- Color outside the lines
- Color vs. Colour - Difference & Examples
- Coma vs comma
- Comb-over
- Combine vs combine
- Come Hell Or High Water – An Expression Of Perseverance
- Come over vs overcome
- Come What May - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Come-hither look
- Come-to-Jesus moment and come-to-Jesus meeting
- Comedienne
- Comeuppance
- Comic vs. comical
- Coming Down the Pike vs. Coming Down the Pipe
- Coming of age
- Comity vs comedy
- Comma Before or After Parenthesis? Examples and Worksheet
- Comma Before or After Thus
- Comma Before Too - Guide & Examples
- Comma Rules and Usage With Examples
- Comma Usage Before and After "and" - Examples Included
- Commas and Conjunctions - Ultimate Guide
- Commas in a List - How To Use Them Correctly
- Commas in Dates - Rules and Examples
- Commencement
- Commend vs command
- Commentator vs. commenter
- Commiserate vs commensurate
- Common French expressions
- Common Red Flags in Paper Writing Services
- Compact vs compact
- Comparative Adjectives Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Comparative Essay Writing: Methods and Examples
- Comparatives and Superlatives - Examples
- Compared To or With – Which One To Use?
- Comparing Apples to Oranges - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Compel vs. impel
- Competence and competency
- Complacent vs complicit
- Complacent vs. complaisant
- Complement vs. compliment
- Compose vs. comprise
- Compound vs compound
- Compress vs compress
- Comprise vs compromise
- Compunction vs compulsion
- Computerize or computerise
- Concave vs. convex
- Conceded or conceited
- Conceive vs. perceive
- Concerning - Usage, Meaning & Synonyms
- Concerted
- Conches vs. conchs
- Concurrent vs consecutive
- Condemn vs. condone
- Conditionals - Uses, Examples
- Conditionals Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Conduct vs conduct
- Confidant vs. confidante
- Confident vs confidant/confidante
- Confirmation bias
- Conflate vs conflagrate
- Conflict of interest
- Confusables
- Congruent vs. congruous
- Conjunctions to start sentences
- Conker vs. Conquer
- Connect the Dots—A Simple Idiom for Analysis
- Connexion
- Connive vs contrive
- Connote vs. denote
- Conscience, conscious and self-conscious
- Conservatory, solarium or sunroom
- Consolation vs constellation
- Console vs console
- Consonance vs assonance
- Conspiracy or collusion
- Constant vs consistent
- Construct vs construct
- Consultative
- Contaminate vs contaminant
- Contemporaneous vs. contemporary
- Contemptible vs. contemptuous
- Content Editing vs. Copy Editing - What's the Difference?
- Content or Contented vs. Contently or Contentedly
- Content vs content
- Content Writing—From Bland to Brilliant
- Contest vs contest
- Contiguous vs continuous
- Continental breakfast
- Contingency vs contingent
- Continual vs. Continuous - Usage, Difference & Examples
- Contract a disease or contact a disease
- Contractions
- Contraption
- Contravene vs contradict
- Contronym and auto-antonym
- Contumely
- Conversate
- Convict vs convict
- Convivial vs congenial
- Convocation, commencement or invocation
- Cook the Books – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Cool as a Cucumber - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Cooler Heads Prevail – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Coon’s Age—The Troubled History of an Idiom
- Coop, coup or coupe
- Cooperate or Co-Operate – What's the Difference?
- Coordinate adjectives
- Coordinate and Cumulative Adjectives - Examples & Worksheet
- Cooties
- Copacetic or copasetic
- Copse vs. Cops
- Copy Edit or Copyedit - Which is Correct?
- Copy Editing Test - Can you Pass This Quiz?
- Copy Editing vs Proofreading
- Copyright vs. copywrite
- Copyscape Review - Any Good Alternatives?
- Copywriter vs. Copy Editor - What's the Difference?
- Coral vs. corral
- Cord vs. Chord - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Core, corps and corpse
- Cornball and corny
- Cornet vs. coronet
- Corollary vs. correlation
- Correspondence vs correspondents
- Corroborate vs cooperate
- Cosmetology vs. cosmology
- Cosset vs corset
- Cosy vs. cozy
- Cottage industry
- Could have, could've or could of
- Could Have, Should Have & Would Have Exercises
- Could Have, Should Have, and Would Have - Examples
- Council vs. Counsel - Difference & Examples
- Counsel vs consul
- Counselor vs. Counsellor – What's the Difference?
- Countable Nouns - List of Examples
- Coup d'état
- Coup de grace
- Coups vs. Coos
- Court disaster
- Cover all the bases
- Covert vs overt
- Covet vs covert
- Coward vs. Cowered
- Crack down vs. crackdown
- Crack the Whip - Origin & Meaning
- Crackerjack
- Crap
- Crapshoot
- Crave vs craven
- Crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, etc.
- Crayon vs Crayola
- Cream of the crop
- Creative Writing—Exploring Characters and Plots
- Creature comfort
- Crèche and manger
- Credible vs. credulous
- Credible, creditable or credulous
- Creek vs. Creak
- Creeped or Crept - What's the Difference?
- Crème De La Crème—Origin & Meaning
- Crevasse vs. crevice
- Crewel vs cruel
- Crews vs. Cruise
- Crick (variant of creek)
- Crier vs. cryer
- Crime doesn't pay
- Crisis of conscience vs crisis of confidence
- Criteria, criterion
- Criticise or Criticize (+ Criticised & Criticising)
- Crooked vs crooked
- Cross the Line – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Cross to Bear - Origin & Meaning
- Cross vs crucifix
- Crossing the Rubicon – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Crowdsourcing vs crowdfunding
- Croze vs. Crows
- Cruciferous
- Crueler or crueller, cruelest or cruellest
- Crumby vs. crummy
- Cry All the Way to the Bank – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Cry Wolf – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Crying Over Spilled Milk Idiom—Meaning, Uses, Examples & Origin
- Cryptid
- Cul-de-Sac - Usage, Meaning & Spelling
- Culpable vs liable
- Cultural appropriation
- Cum
- Curate's Egg – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Curb vs. kerb
- Curiosity killed the cat
- Curl One's Hair—From Fear to Fascination
- Curly Braces Punctuation - Is It Brackets or Braces?
- Curmudgeon
- Currant vs current
- Currently – Correct Usage, Grammar and Examples
- Curricula vs curriculums
- Curry Favor—An Idiom Behind the Mix-Up
- Cursor vs curser
- Cursory vs curse
- Curtsy vs. Courtesy - Difference & Meaning
- Custom vs costume
- Customise vs. Customize – What's the Difference?
- Cut and dried
- Cut off your nose to spite your face
- Cut the Mustard - Meaning and Origin
- Cut to the Chase - Meaning & Origin
- Cut to the quick
- Cut Your Losses – Origin & Meaning
- Cut-throat
- Cute as a Button – Origin and Meaning
- Cyber-
- Cybersquatting
- Cyclist vs. biker
- Cynical
- D'oh
- Dactyl
- Daily grind
- Dam vs. Damn - What's the Difference?
- Damn the Torpedoes – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Damning With Faint Praise – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Dampen, damper, dampener
- Dance on someone's grave
- Danglers
- Dangling modifier
- Daresay
- Dark horse
- Dashes - Usage & Examples
- Data Is or Data Are? – The Singular vs. Plural Debate
- Davy Jones's locker
- Dawned on Me – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Daylight Saving Time or British Summer Time
- Days vs. Daze
- De facto
- De rigueur
- Dead as a Doornail - Origin and Meaning
- Dead End – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Dead Man Walking - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Dead Meat – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Dead set, dead-set, deadset
- Dead to Rights – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Deadbeat - Definition & Meaning
- Deaf vs deft
- Dealed or Dealt - What's the Past Tense of Deal?
- Dearth
- Debark or disembark
- Debauchery
- Decathlon, heptathlon, pentathlon, triathlon and biathlon
- Decent vs. descent
- Deceptively
- Decidedly
- Decimate
- Deciphering The 'Movers And Shakers' Idiom: A Full Guide
- Decisive vs divisive
- Deck the halls
- Declarative, imperative, exclamatory and interrogative sentences
- Decoding 61 Romantic Idioms: The Language of Love
- Decoding Under the Radar—From Unnoticed to Understood
- Deconstruction
- Decrepit vs deprecate
- Decry vs. descry
- Deduce vs. induce
- Deduct vs deduce
- Deep-seeded vs. deep-seated
- Deepfake
- Deepnet, darknet and deep web
- Deer in the Headlights - Origin & Meaning
- Deer vs deers
- Defence vs. Defense – Which One to Use?
- Defenestration
- Definite Articles in English With Examples and Quiz
- Definite vs definitive
- Definition and Examples of Interjections
- Defuse vs. diffuse
- Degenerate vs denigrate
- Deign
- Deign vs. Dane
- Déjà vu
- Delegate vs delegate
- Delegate vs relegate
- Deleterious vs detrimental
- Deliberate vs deliberate
- Delude vs dilute
- Delusions of grandeur
- Demagogue vs demigod
- Demeanor or demeanour
- Demon vs daemon
- Demonstrative Pronouns Definition and Examples - This, That, These, Those
- Demur vs. demure
- Denounce vs. renounce
- Dent vs dint
- Dents vs. Dense
- Dependant vs. dependent
- Deplane or disembark
- Depose vs dispose
- Deposition vs disposition
- Depository vs. repository
- Depravation vs deprivation
- Deprecate vs. depreciate
- Depute vs dispute
- Derision vs decision
- Derring-do
- Descendant vs. descendent
- Desert vs. Desert - Usage & Meaning
- Desert vs. Dessert - When to Use Each One
- Desolate vs destitute
- Desperate vs disparate
- Despite vs. In Spite Of - Difference & Meaning
- Destroy vs. destruct
- Deteriorate vs decline
- Detract vs. distract
- Deus ex machina
- Developmental Editing vs Copy Editing: What's the Difference?
- Device vs. devise
- Devil Take the Hindmost—A Reflection of Human Nature
- Devil's Advocate—How to Argue Effectively
- Deviled vs devilled
- Deviser vs. Divisor
- Dew, do and due
- Dewclaw
- Dharma and karma
- Diagram
- Dialectal vs. dialectical
- Dialogue vs dialog
- Diametrically opposed
- Diamond in the rough
- Diaspora
- Dibs and calling dibs
- Dice vs. Die – Which Is Singular and Which Is Plural?
- Dichotomy vs discrepancy
- Dichotomy vs paradox
- Dickensian
- Didactic vs pedantic
- Die on the Vine – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Dieresis and diaeresis
- Dietician vs. Dietitian - Meaning & Correct Spelling
- Difference Between Tell and Say - Examples
- Difference vs deference
- Different from, different than, different to
- Differential vs deferential
- Digest vs digest
- Dike or Dyke - What's the Difference?
- Diktat
- Dilapidated
- Dingo's breakfast
- Dire straits
- Dire vs. Dyer
- Directional words
- Dirigible or blimp
- Dirty Pool – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Dis vs. diss
- Disabuse, misuse and abuse
- Disassemble vs. dissemble
- Disburse vs. disperse
- Disc vs. disk
- Discombobulate
- Discomfit vs. discomfort
- Disconnect
- Discord vs accord
- Discrete vs. discreet
- Disdain or distain
- Disenfranchise vs. disfranchise
- Disillusion vs. dissolution
- Disinterested vs. uninterested
- Disparity vs disparateness
- Dispatch vs. Despatch – Meaning, Uses and Examples
- Dispense with vs. dispose of
- Disposed vs. predisposed
- Dissatisfied or unsatisfied
- Dissent vs descent
- Dissociate vs. disassociate
- Distaff
- Distinct vs. distinctive
- Distrust vs. mistrust
- Ditto and ditto mark
- Divers vs. diverse
- Divorcée, divorcé, divorcee
- Do a 180 or do a 360
- Do a Houdini and pull a Houdini
- Do and Make Exercises (with Printable PDF)
- Do apologize
- Do as I say, not as I do
- Do right by
- Do the Math – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Do You Capitalize The Word "Internet"?
- Do You Capitalize Words in Parentheses?
- Do You Need a Comma After Thank You? Rules and Examples
- Do You Put A Comma Before Since?
- Do You Put A Period After An Abbreviation?
- Do, Does, Am, Is & Are Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Docent
- Dock vs doc
- Dodged a Bullet - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Does Punctuation Go Inside or Outside of Quotation Marks?
- Does Stick to Your Guns Imply Refusal to Compromise in English?
- Does the Comma Go Before or After "So"?
- Does the Comma Go Before or After Quotation Marks?
- Does the Comma Go Before or After Such As?
- Does the Period Go Before or After Parentheses?
- Does vs does
- Doesn't Hold Water (or Do Not Hold Water) - Origin & Meaning
- Dog and Pony Show – Origin & Meaning
- Dog days
- Dog Whistle – Idiom, Origin & Meaning in English
- Dog-ear
- Dog-Eat-Dog and Doggy Dog - Meaning & Examples
- Dogged vs dogged
- Doggerel
- Doggy Bag Idiom—More Than Just a Takeout Term
- Dogs of War – Origin and Meaning
- Doh, doe or dough
- Dollars to doughnuts
- Dominant vs predominant
- Dominate vs dominant
- Don vs. Dawn - Difference in Meaning & Spelling
- Don't (or Never) Judge a Book By Its Cover - Origin & Meaning
- Don't borrow trouble
- Don't change horses in midstream
- Don't count your chickens
- Don't Give Up the Ship – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Don't Hold Your Breath – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out – Origin & Meaning
- Don't let the grass grow under your feet
- Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
- Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket - Expansion of Idea
- Don't Rain on My Parade – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Don't Shoot the Messenger—The Ultimate Blame Game
- Don't's or don'ts
- Done vs. Dun
- Donner or Donder
- Doodle
- Doomsday vs Domesday
- Doppelgänger
- Dos or do's
- Dossier
- Dotage vs senility
- Dotard
- Double dog dare
- Double entendre
- Double jeopardy
- Double negatives
- Double vs. redouble
- Double-Check - Usage & Meaning
- Double-edged sword
- Doublethink, doublespeak or double-talk
- Doubting Thomas
- Doubtlessly
- Doughnut vs. Donut - What's the Difference?
- Douse vs. dowse
- Dove vs dove
- Dove vs. dived
- Down at the Heels – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Down in the Dumps – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Down in the Mouth – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Down the Hatch – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Down the Rabbit Hole—Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Down the Road - Meaning & Synonyms
- Down to the Wire – Meaning & Origin
- Downfall vs. downside
- Downplay or play down
- Downright vs outright
- Doxing and doxxing
- Doyen or doyenne vs docent
- Draconian
- Draft vs. draught
- Dragged vs. drug
- Dragging Feet & Heels—Navigating the Nuances
- Draughts and checkers
- Draw a Bead on – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Draw a Blank - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Draw a line in the sand
- Drawer vs drawer
- Dreamed or Dreamt – What's the Past Tense of Dream?
- Dredge up and dig up
- Dredge vs drudge
- Dregs vs dredge
- Dreidel or dreidl
- Dribble vs. drivel
- Dribs and drabs
- Drier vs. dryer
- Drink the Kool-Aid
- Drink, Drank or Drunk – What is the Past Tense Of Drink?
- Drive-by
- Droid vs. Android vs. Robot - What's the Difference?
- Droll
- Drop a Dime (or Dropping Dimes) - Origin & Meaning
- Drop a Line – Meaning & Origin
- Drop in the Bucket - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Drop off vs. drop-off (vs. dropoff)
- Drop the Ball – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Drop-dead vs drop dead!
- Dropping Like Flies – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Drown Your Sorrows – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Drum someone out
- Druthers
- Dry goods
- Dry Run - Meaning & Origin
- Du jour
- Dual vs. duel
- Duck tape or duct tape
- Ducks in a Row – Meaning and Origin
- Dudgeon vs dungeon
- Due process
- Due to vs because of
- Duly Noted - Meaning, Usage & Examples
- Duly vs dully
- Dumb down
- Dumb waiter and dumbwaiter
- Dumpster fire
- Dumpster vs dumpster
- Duplicate vs duplicity
- Duplicate vs replicate
- During the course of
- Dwarfs vs. dwarves
- Dwelled vs. dwelt
- Dyed in the wool
- Dyeing vs. dying
- Dystopia or utopia
- E pluribus unum
- E-book, ebook, eBook
- E-mail vs. email
- E. coli
- Each other vs. one another
- Eager Beaver – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Ear candy and eye candy
- Earn vs urn
- Earnest vs Ernest
- Earthy vs. earthly
- Earworm
- Easier Said Than Done – Meaning & Origin
- Easter egg
- Easy On the Eyes – Origin and Meaning
- Easy pickings
- Eat Crow – Meaning & Origin
- Eat humble pie
- Eat One's Words – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Eat, drink and be merry
- Eating Out of Your Hand – Meaning & Origin
- Eaves vs. Eves - Difference & Meaning
- Eavesdrop
- Ecclesiastical and ecclesiastic
- Eclipses vs ellipsis
- Economic vs Economical - Definition & Examples
- Economics vs. finance
- Ecumenical
- Editing & Proofreading Worksheets
- Editing and Proofreading Rates—Investing in Accuracy
- Editing vs Proofreading
- Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA)—Breaking Down the Benefits
- Eek vs. eke
- Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
- Effable vs affable
- Effete
- Egging Someone On—Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Eggnog
- Egregious vs gregarious
- Eighty-six
- Either vs ether
- Elaborate vs elaborate
- Elbow grease
- Elbow Room – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Elder, Eldest or Oldest - What's the Difference?
- Electric vs eclectic
- Electric, electrical, electronic
- Elegy vs. eulogy
- Elephant in the Room - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Elfs vs. elves
- Elicit vs. Illicit - Difference & Examples in a Sentence
- Elocution vs. locution
- Elvis Has Left the Building – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Em Dash Usage and Examples
- Embed vs imbed
- Embedded Questions - Definition, Examples
- Embolization and embolisation
- Emeritus - Meaning & Definition
- Emigrate vs Immigrate - What's the Difference?
- Eminent vs. immanent vs. imminent
- Emission vs omission
- Emoji vs emoticon
- Emolument vs emollient
- Empathetic vs. empathic
- Empathy vs. sympathy
- Emphasise vs emphasize
- Empire vs umpire
- En Dash (En Rule) – When To Use It (With Examples)
- En Dash vs. Em Dash vs. Hyphen - How to Properly Use Them
- En Masse - Meaning & Examples
- En route
- En vogue, in vogue
- Enamor vs. enamour
- Enclose vs. inclose
- End All Be All—The Pursuit of Ultimate Goals
- End of the Line – Meaning & Origin
- End on a high note and go out on a high note
- End Run – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Endear or Endeared – Usage and Definition
- Endeavor vs. endeavour
- Ending a Sentence With a Preposition (Worksheet Included)
- Endorphin
- Energize vs energise
- Enervate
- Enervate vs energize
- Enervate vs. innervate
- Enfant Terrible – Meaning & Origin
- Enfold vs. Infold
- England, Great Britain, United Kingdom
- English moods (imperative, indicative, and subjunctive)
- Engrained vs. Ingrained - Difference in Meaning & Usage
- Enjoin vs join
- Enmity vs animosity
- Enormity vs. enormousness
- Enquire vs. inquire
- Enrol vs. Enroll – Meaning, Usage and Examples
- Ensconce vs sconce
- Enthuse
- Entitled vs. titled
- Entomology vs. etymology
- Entrance vs entrance
- Entree vs entrée
- Enunciation vs. Annunciation - Difference & Meaning
- Envelop vs. envelope
- Envision vs. envisage
- Envoi vs. envoy
- Épée, foil or sabre
- Epic vs epoch
- Epicenter
- Epidemic vs. Pandemic
- Epigram vs. epigraph
- Epiphany or Twelfth Night
- Epitaph vs epithet
- Epithet vs sobriquet
- Epitome vs epiphany
- Eponymous
- Equable, equatable, equitable
- Equator vs prime meridian
- Equivalence vs. equivalency
- Equivocate vs prevaricate
- Ere vs. err
- Ergo
- Ergonomics
- Erin Go Bragh - Meaning & Origin
- Erratum, addendum and corrigendum
- Ersatz
- Erupt vs irrupt
- Esoteric vs archaic
- Especial vs. Special - Difference & Meaning
- Especially vs specially
- Espouse vs expound
- Espresso vs. expresso
- Esprit de corps
- Essential Freelance Writer Skills—From Pitches to Paychecks
- Estimate vs estimate
- Estimate vs. estimation
- Estimation or approximation
- Et Al. – Meaning, Punctuation and Usage With Examples
- Et cetera (etc.)
- Ethereal vs ephemeral
- Ethics vs. Morals - Definition, Difference & Examples
- Ethnic vs ethic
- Ethnicity vs. race
- Euphemism
- Evacuate
- Evade vs invade
- Evaluating Paper Writing Services: What to Look For
- Even Keeled or Even Keel - Usage & Meaning
- Even Steven or Even Stevens – Meaning & Origin
- Ever and Never - Usage, List of Examples
- Every Nook and Cranny – Meaning & Origin
- Everybody Who's Anybody – Meaning & Origin
- Everyday vs. Every Day - What's the Difference?
- Everyone vs every one
- Everything happens for a reason
- Evidence vs evince
- Ewe, yew or you
- Ex post facto
- Exacerbate vs exasperate
- Exact revenge vs extract revenge
- Exalt vs. exult
- Exceed vs accede
- Excelsior and wood wool
- Excited vs exited
- Exclamation Point (!) - Learn How to Use it Properly
- Excoriate vs execrate
- Excrete vs secrete
- Exculpate vs exonerate
- Excuse vs excuse
- Exemplary – Meaning and Examples in a Sentence
- Exercise vs. exorcise
- Exhibit vs. exhibition
- Exhort vs extort
- Existent vs. extant
- Existential - Meaning & Definition
- Expatriate vs ex-patriot
- Expatriate vs immigrant
- Expectant vs. expecting
- Expedient vs expeditious
- Expedite vs expedient
- Expend vs. Expand - Difference & Definition
- Expiration date and expiry date
- Explicate vs expletive
- Explicit vs implicit
- Exploitive vs. Exploitative - Definition & Etymology
- Expose vs exposé
- Expound vs expand
- Extant vs extent
- Extemporaneous
- Extol vs extoll
- Extract vs extract
- Extradite vs expedite
- Extraordinaire
- Extricate vs extirpate
- Exuberant vs exorbitant
- Eyelet vs islet
- Eyeteeth – Meaning, Idiom & Origin
- Fabulist
- Face the Music - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Facepalm
- Factious vs facetious
- Factious vs fractious
- Factoid
- Factotum - Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Faeces vs feces
- Fail vs flunk
- Fain vs. feign
- Faint of heart
- Faint vs. Feint
- Fair and Square - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Fair Dinkum – Meaning & Origin
- Fair to Middling vs. Fair to Midland
- Fair vs. fare
- Fairweather Friend or Fair-Weather Friend – Meaning & Origin
- Fairy vs ferry
- Fairy-tale ending
- Fait accompli
- Faker vs fakir
- Fall From Grace - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Fall guy
- Fall on one's sword
- Fall Through the Cracks or Slip Through the Cracks
- Fallow vs follow
- Falseness vs. Falsity vs. Falsehood - Meaning & Definition
- Fame vs defame
- Familiarity breeds contempt
- Famous Last Words – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Famous, infamous and notorious
- Fantods
- Far East, Middle East, Near East
- Far-fetched - Meaning & Definition
- Faraway vs far away
- Faro, Farrow or Pharaoh
- Farther vs. Further - Difference, Definition & Examples
- Fastly
- Fatal vs fateful
- Fate vs. Fete - Homphones, Meaning & Examples
- Fatuous vs facetious
- Faun vs. fawn
- Faux
- Faux pas
- Faux-naïf
- Favorite or Favourite - Meaning & Difference in Spelling
- Favour or Favor – Which Spelling to Use?
- Fay, fey
- Faze vs. phase
- Fearful vs. fearsome
- Feckless
- Feckless vs reckless
- Feeding Frenzy – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Feeling My Oats – Meaning & Origin
- Feet of Clay - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Feet vs feat
- Fell Into My Lap—When Life Surprises You
- Fell Off the Back of a Truck – Origin & Meaning
- Feminity vs. femininity
- Femme fatale
- Ferment or foment
- Ferret out
- Fervent vs. fervid
- Festivus
- Fete
- Few vs. Phew
- Fewer vs. Less
- Fiancé vs. fiancée
- Fiat
- Fiber vs. fibre
- Fiction vs. nonfiction
- Fictional vs. fictitious
- Fiddle While Rome Burns – Meaning & Origin
- Fie
- Fiefdom
- Fifteen minutes of fame
- Fifth column
- Fight Fire With Fire – Origin and Meaning
- Figment of one’s imagination
- Figurehead
- Figures of speech
- File, Phial or Faille
- Filet vs. fillet
- Filibuster
- Final vs finale
- Finale vs finally
- Financer vs. financier
- Find vs fined
- Finders keepers
- Fine Tooth Comb – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Finely or finally
- Finger Pointing or Pointing Finger – Meaning and Examples
- Finger-licking good
- Fingers Crossed - Origin & Meaning
- Finite Verbs - Definition and Examples
- Fire and Brimstone - Origin & Meaning
- Fire in the hole vs fire in the hold
- Firebrand
- Firefight
- Fireplace vs hearth
- Firing line vs. line of fire
- Firing on All Cylinders – Meaning and Origin
- First aid
- First Come, First Served
- First Conditional - Uses, Examples & Worksheet
- First Conditional Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- First Floor - Meaning & Spelling
- First things first
- First World problem
- First-world, third-world
- Firsthand and secondhand vs first-hand and second-hand
- Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Etc.
- Fiscal vs physical
- Fish or Cut Bait – Meaning, Synonym and Origin
- Fish or Fishes - What is the Plural of Fish?
- Fissure vs. Fisher
- Fit the Bill or Fill the Bill – Meaning and Origin
- Fit To Be Tied – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Fit vs. fitted
- Five o’clock shadow
- Flack vs. flak
- Flagellants vs flatulence
- Flagship - Meaning & Definition
- Flair vs. flare
- Flammable vs. inflammable
- Flap one’s gums
- Flash in the pan
- Flash mob
- Flat out
- Flatten the curve
- Flaunt vs. flout
- Flautist vs. flutist
- Flavor of the Month – Meaning and Origin
- Flavor vs. flavour
- Flea vs flee
- Flesh and Blood – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Flesh out vs. flush out
- Fleshly vs. fleshy
- Fleur-de-lis
- Flied - Meaning & Definition
- Flip one's lid vs. flip one's wig
- Flocks vs phlox
- Floe vs flow
- Flora and fauna
- Flotsam and jetsam
- Flounder vs. founder
- Flour and Flower - What's the Difference?
- Flu vs. flue
- Flue vs flew
- Flummox
- Fluorescent vs incandescent
- Fly in the face of
- Fly in the Ointment – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Fly off the handle
- Fly the Coop – Meaning & Origin
- Fly-by-night
- Foaled vs fold
- Foaming at the Mouth – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Fob off
- Foe vs. Faux
- Fold one's tent
- Folderol
- Foley
- Follow Suit – Meaning & Origin
- Follow up vs. Follow-up vs. Followup - Which is Correct?
- Font vs fount
- Food Coma - Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Food for Thought – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Fool Me Once, Shame on You; Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me
- Fool's errand
- Fool's paradise
- Foolproof vs. full-proof
- Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
- Foot in the Door — Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Foot long
- Foot the Bill – Meaning, Idiom & Origin
- Footloose and Fancy-Free — Meaning and Origin
- For all intensive purposes (for all intents and purposes)
- For all the marbles
- For Crying Out Loud – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- For God's sake
- For heaven's sake
- For the birds
- For the purpose of
- For, four and fore
- Fora vs. forums
- Forbear vs. forebear
- Forbidden Fruit - Idiom, Meaning & Examples
- Forbidding vs. foreboding
- Force majeure
- Forceful vs forcible
- Forego vs. forgo
- Foregone Conclusion – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Forewarned is forearmed
- Foreword vs. forward
- Formally vs formerly
- Format Editor vs. Copy Editor - What's the Difference?
- Former vs. Latter - Usage With Examples
- Formulas vs formulae
- Forth vs fourth
- Fortnight
- Fortuitous vs. fortunate
- Fortune Favors the Bold and Fortune Favors the Brave
- Forty Winks – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Fosbury flop
- Foul vs. Fowl - Difference & Meaning
- Fount Of Knowledge Or Wisdom VS Font Of Knowledge Or Wisdom
- Four-Flusher – Meaning & Origin
- Fourty or Forty – What's the Correct Spelling of 40?
- Fox guarding the hen house
- Fracking
- Fractious vs fracas
- Frankenstein's monster
- Frankincense and myrrh
- Fraud or defraud
- Fraught
- Free for All – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Free Rein or Free Reign - Which One Should You Use?
- Freegan and freeganism
- Freelance Writing 101—Your Essential Guide to Getting Started
- Freelance Writing Contracts—Navigating Negotiations
- Freelance Writing Rates—Industry Benchmarks
- Freelance Writing vs. Traditional Employment—Which Path Is Right for You?
- Freelancer Financials—Tame Your Cash Flow
- Freelancing vs. In-House—Pros, Cons, and the Great Debate
- Freeze vs. Frieze
- French Accent Marks – Aigu, Grave and More
- French alphabet pronunciation
- French Days, Months and Seasons
- French definite articles
- French indefinite articles
- French noun gender
- French numbers
- French partitive article
- Frenemy
- Freshwater vs. fresh water
- Freudian slip
- Friable vs. Fryable
- Friar vs. Fryer
- Friends With Benefits – Origin & Meaning in English
- Fringe benefit
- Fritter away
- Frivolity vs. frivolousness
- Frog in the Throat – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Frogmarch or frog-march
- From Pillar to Post - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- From Soup to Nuts – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- From the Bottom of My Heart – Meaning & Origin
- From the Get-Go - Origin & Meaning
- From Words to Rights—Copyright Law for Writers
- Fueled/fueling vs. fuelled/fuelling
- Fulfil vs. fulfill
- Full of Beans – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Full of Yourself – Meaning & Origin
- Full stop vs. period
- Full-Court Press – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Full-Fledged or Fully Fledged - Meaning & Difference
- Fulsome
- Funereal
- Fungi vs. funguses
- Funk
- Funner, funnest
- Fur vs fir
- Furlough
- Furor vs. furore
- Fusillade vs fuselage
- Fusion vs confusion
- Futile vs feudal
- Future Continuous Tense - Uses, Examples
- Future Perfect Continuous Tense - Uses, Examples
- Future Perfect Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Futz vs. Putz or Futzing Around vs. Putzing Around
- Gaelic vs Gallic
- Gaff vs. gaffe
- Gage, gauge, and gouge
- Gaiety or mirth
- Gainsay
- Gait vs gate
- Gaiter vs. Gator
- Gall or Gaul - Definition & Difference
- Gallimaufry
- Gallop vs Gallup
- Gallop vs. Galop
- Galore - Meaning & Definition
- Galumph
- Gambit
- Gambol vs. gamble
- Game Changer – Origin and Meaning
- Game the system
- Gamut vs gambit
- Gantlet vs. gauntlet
- Gaol vs. jail
- Garbage In, Garbage Out—Impact on Productivity
- Gargle vs. gurgle
- Gargoyle or grotesque
- Garner vs garnish
- Garnish vs garnishee
- Garrote, garrotte, or garotte
- Garter snake
- Gaslighting - Usage, Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Gasses vs. Gases – Which Is the Correct Plural?
- Gatecrasher
- Gaudy vs. gawdy
- Gavel-to-Gavel - Meaning & Examples
- Gel or Jell vs. Jelled or Gelled - Difference & Meaning
- Gemology vs gemmology
- Gender vs engender
- Gender vs. sex
- Generalize vs generalise
- Genericide
- Genes vs. Jeans
- Gentle vs genteel
- Gentrification
- Geographic vs geographical
- German vs germane
- Gerrymander
- Gerund - Definition and Sentence Examples
- Gerunds and Infinitives - Rules, Examples
- Gerunds and Infinitives Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Gestalt
- Gesture vs jester
- Gesundheit
- Get a Handle On – Meaning & Origin
- Get a Word in Edgewise or Edgeways – Meaning & Origin
- Get back on the horse
- Get in on the Ground Floor – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Get one's act together
- Get one's dander up or get one's dandruff up
- Get one’s back up
- Get out of Dodge
- Get religion
- Get Someone's Goat - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Get the Ball Rolling – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Get the Lead Out – Meaning & Origin
- Get the Scoop or Inside Scoop – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Get the skinny
- Get together vs get-together
- Get up in one's grill
- Get Your Hands Dirty – Meaning & Origin
- Get, Got or Gotten - When & How to Use Correctly
- Getaway vs get away
- Getting Hitched – Origin and Meaning
- Ghost in the Machine – Meaning & Origin
- Ghost vs ghoul
- Ghosting
- Gibberish
- Gibe, jibe, jive
- Gift (as a verb)
- Gild vs. guild
- Gilding the Lily—An Idiom from Florals to Fables
- Gilt vs guilt
- Gimlet eye and gimlet cocktail
- Gimme
- Gin Up or Ginned Up – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Ginger Software—Your Personal Editor & Proofreader
- Ginger vs. Grammarly
- Ginger vs. ProWritingAid
- Ginormous
- Gird Your Loins - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Gist or Jist - Difference & Meaning
- Gist vs jest
- Git-go
- Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile
- Give it the old college try
- Give up the ghost
- Give Yourself Away – Meaning & Origin
- Glad-hand
- Glamour vs. glamor
- Glamping
- Glare vs glair
- Glass ceiling
- Gleam vs glean
- Glib
- Glom onto
- Gloves Are Off and Take the Gloves Off — Meaning & Origin
- Go Big or Go Home - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Go down a treat
- Go for a song
- Go for Broke – Meaning & Origin
- Go for the Jugular—Zero In on One's Weakness
- Go great guns
- Go Haywire - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Go into a tailspin and send someone into a tailspin
- Go off half-cocked and go off at half-cock
- Go Off the Rails – Origin and Meaning
- Go pear-shaped
- Go the Distance — Meaning & Origin
- Go The Extra Mile - Idiom, Meaning & Examples
- Go to ground
- Go to Seed – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Go to the Dogs - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Go to the Mat—A Metaphor for Resilience
- Go with the Flow - Origin & Meaning
- Go-between
- Gobbledygook
- Gobsmacked
- God helps those who help themselves
- Goes without saying
- Gofer vs. gopher
- Going Against the Grain - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Going Bananas - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Going Dutch or Dutch Treat — Meaning & Origin
- Going to Hell in a Handbasket - Origin & Meaning
- Going to rack and ruin
- Gold Digger – Origin and Meaning
- Goldbrick
- Golden ticket
- Gone to Pot – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Gonna
- Good enough for government work and close enough for government work
- Good Riddance – Meaning & Origin
- Good vs well
- Goodly
- Goody Two Shoes - Origin & Meaning
- Goose Is Cooked — Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Goose-step
- Gorilla vs. guerrilla
- Gourmet vs gourmand
- Governance vs. government
- Graduate vs graduate
- Graffiti
- Grammar vs. Punctuation - What's the Difference?
- Grammar vs. Syntax - What's the Difference?
- Grammar vs. usage
- Grammarist
- Grammarist EPE Vault - TW
- Grammarist GGG Survey
- Grammarist Verb Tense Course - TW - Landing
- Grammarly Chrome Extension How To Use
- Grammarly Free vs. Premium vs. Business
- Grammarly Plagiarism Checker vs. Turnitin
- Grammarly Review - Is Premium Worth It?
- Grammarly vs Sapling Review - Which is Best?
- Grammarly vs. Chegg Review - 2022 Comparison
- Grammarly vs. Easybib - Which is Best?
- Grammarly vs. Hemingway vs. ProWritingAid vs. Ginger—Grammar Apps Face-Off
- Grammarly vs. Linguix - Which is Best?
- Grammarly vs. Perfectit Review - Which is Best?
- Grammarly vs. PERRLA - Which is Best?
- Grammarly vs. Prowritingaid - Which is Better?
- Grammarly vs. Slick Write Review
- Grammarly vs. Wordrake Review - Which is Better?
- Grandfather (as a verb)
- Grasping at straws or clutching at straws
- Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
- Grassroots vs grass roots
- Grate on one’s nerves
- Grate or Great - Homophones, Meaning & Usage
- Grateful vs. gratified
- Gratis, gratuitous and gratuity
- Gravity vs levity
- Gravy Train - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Gray or Grey - Are Both Correct?
- Graze vs grays or greys
- Grease the Palm – Idiom, Meaning & Sentence Examples
- Great Scott!
- Green Around the Gills – A Simple Illness Expression
- Green light
- Green Thumb or Green Fingers — Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Green-Eyed Monster - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Gregarious vs garrulous
- Grenadine vs grenade
- Grieve vs aggrieve
- Grieve vs greave
- Grill vs. grille
- Grinch - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Grinded
- Grip vs. Grippe
- Grisly vs. grizzly
- Groan vs grown
- Grok
- Gross vs net
- Ground zero
- Groupthink
- Gruel vs grueling
- Guarantee vs guaranty
- Guessed vs guest
- Guesstimate
- Guest Blogging—Build Your Personal Brand
- Guide to Choosing Good Argumentative Essay Topics
- Guinea Pig — Meaning, Idiom & Expression Origin
- Guise vs. Guys
- Gumption
- Gun-shy
- Gung-ho
- Gunwale and gunnel
- Gussied Up—Meaning & Origin
- Guyline vs guideline
- Gymnasia vs. gymnasiums
- Habeas corpus
- Habit vs habitat
- Hail vs. hale
- Hair of the Dog – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Hair vs hare
- Hair's Breadth or Hair's Breath - Definition & Examples
- Hairbrained vs. harebrained
- Hairy vs. harry
- Half a loaf is better than none and half a loaf is better than no bread
- Half-mast vs. half-staff
- Halfhearted and half-hearted
- Halitosis
- Hall vs haul
- Hallow vs. hollow
- Halloween or Hallowe'en
- Halve or Half – Difference, Usage and Meaning
- Halve vs have
- Ham-Fisted and Ham-Handed – Meaning and Origin
- Hamming It Up – Meaning & Origin
- Hand Over Fist—Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Hand to Mouth – Idiom, Meaning & Sentence Examples
- Hand-me-down
- Hand-wash
- Handful, handfuls
- Handicap vs. handicapped
- Hands down
- Hands on or hands-on
- Hang on like grim death and hang on for grim death
- Hang Out To Dry - Definition & Examples
- Hangar vs. hanger
- Hangdog
- Hanged vs. Hung - Usage, Difference & Examples
- Hangry - Origin, Meaning & Definition
- Hanker vs hunker
- Hanky-panky
- Happenstance - Usage & Meaning
- Happy median or happy medium
- Harbinger
- Harbor vs. harbour
- Hard (Bitter) Pill to Swallow—The Unpleasant Truth
- Hardy vs. hearty
- Hark, harken, and hearken
- Harridan and harpy
- Hart vs. Heart – Difference in Meaning and Spelling
- Hash out, thrash out
- Hashtag
- Haste Makes Waste - Origin & Meaning
- Hatemonger and hate-mongering
- Hats Off (to You) - Idiom & Meaning In English
- Haughty vs hottie
- Have a beef
- Have a Cow – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Have a target on one's back
- Have one's ears pinned back vs pin one's ears back
- Have your cake and eat it too
- Having a Field Day - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Hawk vs. hock
- Hay vs hey
- Haymaker
- He who hesitates is lost
- He'd vs heed
- Head on the chopping block and on the chopping block
- Head Over Heels - Origin & Meaning
- Head someone off at the pass and cut someone off at the pass
- Heads Will Roll – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Heads-Up - Usage, Meaning & Definition
- Headwind
- Heal vs. heel (and bring to heel)
- Healthcare vs. Health Care – Which One Is It?
- Healthful vs. healthy
- Hear through the grapevine, bush telegraph or jungle telegraph
- Hear vs listen
- Hear vs. Here – Difference, Examples
- Heard vs herd
- Heartthrob
- Heavens to Murgatroyd – Idiom, Definition and Origin
- Heavy-Handed – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Hector
- Hedge Your Bets – Meaning & Origin
- Heebie-jeebies
- Heel, heal and he'll
- Heighth
- Heir vs err
- Helicopter parent and lawnmower parent
- Hell for Leather and Hell-Bent for Leather – Meaning & Origin
- Helpless vs hapless
- Helter skelter or helter-skelter
- Hem and haw or hum and haw
- Hemingway App vs Grammarly: Which is the Best Editing App?
- Hemingway Editor Review - Is it Any Good?
- Hence - Usage, Definition & Examples
- Henpeck
- Herbivorous vs herbaceous
- Heretofore or hitherto
- Heroin vs. heroine
- Heterogeneous vs. heterogenous
- Heterometric
- Hew vs. hue
- Heyday
- Hi vs. High - Homophones, Meaning & Spelling
- Hieroglyph vs hierograph
- High five
- High Horse – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- High on the hog
- High-Handed – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Highbrow vs. Lowbrow – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Higher vs hire
- Highfalutin
- Hijinks or high jinks
- Himself vs hisself
- Hindsight is 20/20 and 20/20 hindsight
- Hinky
- Hippocratic vs hypocritical
- Hippogriff or griffin
- Hippopotami, hippopotamuses, hippos
- Historic vs. Historical - Usage and Examples
- Hit a Brick or Hit a Wall – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Hit It Off – Meaning and Origin
- Hit Pay Dirt – Origin and Meaning
- Hit the bricks
- Hit the Deck – Meaning and Origin
- Hit the Ground Running—Origin & Meaning
- Hive mind
- Hoar vs. Whore
- Hoard vs. horde
- Hoarse vs horse
- Hoax
- Hobo, tramp, bum, or gutter punk
- Hobson's Choice – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Hocus-pocus
- Hodgepodge vs hotchpotch
- Hogwash - Origin & Definition
- Hokey-pokey, hokey-cokey and hokey-tokey
- Hold (Down) the Fort – Responsibility or Just a Simple Task?
- Hold My Beer – Origin, Meaning and Usage
- Hold someone's feet to the fire
- Hold sway
- Hold Your Horses - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Hole vs whole
- Holey vs. holy
- Holier-than-thou
- Holly vs holy
- Holy vs. Wholly vs. Wholey - Difference & Meaning
- Home In and Hone In—Navigating Nuances
- Home In vs. Hone In – Meaning and When to Use Them
- Home school vs. homeschool (vs. home-school)
- Homely vs. homey
- Homily vs. Sermon - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Homo sapiens
- Homogenous vs. homogeneous
- Homonyms - Definition, Examples and Worksheet
- Homophones, Homonyms, Homographs - Differences and Examples
- Honcho
- Honesty is the best policy
- Honor among thieves and no honor among thieves
- Honor vs. Honour - Difference & Meaning
- Hoodwink
- Hoopla
- Hoosegow - Origin & Meaning
- Hoover vs. vacuum
- Hooves or hoofs
- Hop, Skip, and Jump – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Hope or hopes
- Hoping vs hopping
- Horn of plenty and cornucopia
- Horse of a Different Color—Symbolizing a New Topic
- Horsey, horsy, horsie
- Horticulturist vs arborist
- Hosanna
- Hot button
- Hot Mess - Meaning & Definition
- Hot Potato – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Hot spot or hotspot
- Hot to Trot – Origin and Meaning
- Houndstooth
- Hour vs our
- House of Cards – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- House vs house
- How and When to Properly Use a Semicolon [;] - With Examples
- How and When to Use a Colon (With Examples)
- How and Where to Hire the Best Proofreaders For Any Project
- How Long Does It Take To Proofread 1000+ Words
- How Many Commas Can Be Used in a Sentence?
- How Much Does a Proofreader Make?
- How Much Does an Editor Cost & Important Items to Consider
- How the Tables Have Turned – A Complete Reversal
- How to Add and Use Grammarly in Google Docs
- How to Add Grammarly to Email - Outlook, Gmail, Mac...
- How to Add Grammarly to Microsoft Word
- How to Add Grammarly To PowerPoint (With Images)
- How to Become a Book Editor - Ultimate Guide
- How to Become a Freelance Writer—Your Essential Roadmap
- How to Become a Proofreader—Path to Precision
- How to Become a Successful Writer - Where to Start?
- How to Become an Editor - Ultimate Guide
- How to Check Grammar and Spelling in Google Docs
- How to Choose a Reliable Assignment Writing Service
- How to Correctly Use "Beck and Call" in Your Conversations
- How to Edit a Book - 9 Pro Tips (Checklist Included)
- How to Edit Quotes
- How to Hyphenate an Age
- How to Make a Last Name Plural or Possessive - Rules & Examples
- How to Make Edits and Track Changes in Word
- How to Make Grammarly Work With Overleaf in 4 Simple Steps
- How to Monetize Your Writing Skills: Blogging, Freelancing, and Beyond
- How to Prepare for a Proofreading Test—Useful Study Hacks
- How to Proofread Legal Documents Like a Pro
- How to Proofread Like A Professional - Tips to Get Better
- How to Properly List Things in a Sentence
- How to Punctuate Dialogue - Rules & Examples
- How to Spot a Legit Paper Writing Service
- How To Start a Proofreading and Editing Business
- How to Undo In Grammarly
- How to Use 'Would' - Guide & Examples
- How to Use "Etc." in Parentheses
- How to Use a Comma With Including
- How to Use Apostrophes in Contractions
- How to Use Attend to vs. Tend to Correctly
- How to Use Cannot See the Forest for the Trees Correctly
- How to Use Commas With "As Well As"
- How to Use Commas with Names and Titles Correctly
- How To Use Cue vs. Queue Correctly
- How to Use Forecast vs. Forecasted Correctly
- How to Use Get Down to Brass Tacks (Tax?) Correctly
- How to Use Google Docs: A Guide for Efficient Editing
- How to Use Hit the Hay and Hit the Sack – Comparing Sleep Idioms
- How to Use Hope Correctly - Examples
- How to Use Learn the Ropes Effectively – Decoding the English Idiom
- How to Use Learnings Correctly
- How to Use Pay Your Dues to Express Hard Work and Experience
- How to Use Perchance Correctly
- How to Use Semicolons in a List - Examples
- How to Use So and Such - Examples
- How to Use Stank vs. Stunk Correctly
- How To Use Transgender vs. Transsexual vs. Transvestite Correctly
- How to Use Wish - Examples
- How to Write Compelling Headlines—Craft Irresistible Titles
- How to Write with Transparency—Strategies for Authenticity
- How's it going
- Hubris
- Hullabaloo
- Human vs humane
- Humblebrag
- Humdinger
- Humongous
- Humor or Humour – What's the Difference?
- Hump Day - Origin & Meaning
- Humus vs. hummus
- Hunker Down – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Hunky-dory
- Hunt-and-peck
- Hunter-gatherer
- Hurrah, hooray, hurray
- Hurtle vs. Hurdle – Difference and Definition
- Hush money
- Hush puppy, hushpuppy or hush-puppy
- Hustle and side hustle
- Hybrid vs highbred
- Hygge
- Hymn vs him
- Hyper- vs hypo-
- Hyperbole
- Hyphen Rules And Usage With Examples
- I can live with that
- I Could Care Less - Usage & Meaning
- I or me
- I Rest My Case—From Courtrooms to Conversations
- I Smell Something Fishy – An Idiom For Indicating Suspicion
- I Wasn't Born Yesterday – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- I.e vs. E.g - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- I've Got Your Number – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- I’ll eat my hat
- Ibid vs idem
- Ice tea vs. iced tea
- Icing on the Cake – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Iconoclast vs heretic
- Idea vs. Ideal - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Ideation vs idea
- Identifying Subjects and Predicates
- Ideogram
- Ides of March
- Idiom vs colloquialism
- Idiot savant or savant syndrome
- Idle Hands Are the Devil's Workshop or Playground Saying
- Idle, idol, idyll
- If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It – Meaning and Origin
- If need be or if needs be
- If the Shoe Fits, Wear It – Meaning and Origin
- If vs whether
- If you can't beat them, join them
- If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen
- If you will
- Ignoramus
- Ignorance is bliss
- Ilk
- Illegible vs. unreadable
- Imaginary or imaginative
- Imagism
- Imbibe vs imbue
- Imbroglio
- Imitate vs emulate
- Imitate vs intimate
- Imitate vs intimidate
- Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
- Immaculate Conception vs. virgin birth
- Immolate vs emulate
- Immunity vs. impunity
- Impactful
- Impair vs impede
- Impassable vs. impassible
- Impassive vs. passive
- Impecunious and pecunious
- Impending vs. pending
- Imperial vs empirical
- Imperial vs. Empyreal
- Impetus vs emphasis
- Impinge vs. infringe
- Implosion vs explosion
- Imply vs. infer
- Imposter vs. impostor
- Impractical vs impracticable
- Imprecation vs implication
- Impromptu or improvised
- Improvise vs. Improvize - Which Is Correct?
- Impudent vs imprudent
- Impugn vs. impute
- In a Bind – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- In a Heartbeat – Meaning, Synonyms and Origin
- In a Jiffy – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- In a manner of speaking
- In a Nutshell – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- In a Pickle – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- In a Vacuum – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- In Any Way, Shape or Form – Meaning and Origin
- In Clover – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- In due course or in due time
- In Excess Of - Usage & Meaning
- In Fine Fettle—Origin & Meaning
- In High Cotton—Exploring an Idiom of Wealth and Success
- In Hot Water – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- In kind
- In Like Flynn – Meaning and Origin
- In loco parentis
- In medias res
- In My Element Idiom Explained—Defining Comfort
- In One Ear and Out the Other – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- In Over My Head – An Overwhelming Challenge
- In point of fact or in fact or as a matter of fact
- In situ
- In Spades—Origin & Meaning
- In Terms Of - Usage & Meaning
- In the affirmative
- In the Ballpark—Accuracy in Approximation
- In the Cards or On the Cards – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- In the course of
- In the doldrums
- In the hopper
- In the Midst of - Usage & Meaning
- In the midst vs in the mist
- In the Nick of Time - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- In the Offing – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- In the Pink – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- In the Process of - Meaning & Definition
- In the Red – Meaning, Origin, and Examples
- In the throes of
- In the Weeds – Meaning, Origin and Synonyms
- In This Day in Age or Day and Age - Usage & Meaning
- In vitro
- Inalienable vs. unalienable
- Inane vs insane
- Incarnation vs incarceration
- Incase or encase
- Incense vs incense
- Incent vs. Incentivize vs. Incentivise - Meaning & Difference
- Incidence vs. incidents
- Incipient or inchoate
- Incipient vs. insipient (vs. insipid)
- Incite vs insight
- Inclement vs. Inclimate – What's the Difference?
- Include, exclude or occlude
- Incommunicado
- Incomparable vs. uncomparable
- Incomplete comparison
- Incomprehensive or incomprehensible
- Incredible vs. incredulous
- Incubus, succubus
- Indefatigable and defatigable
- Indefinite Pronouns Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Indeterminate vs indeterminable
- Indexes or Indices – The Plural Debate
- Indian corn
- Indian Giver – A Simple Phrase or a Cultural Dilemma?
- Indian Summer - Origin & Definition
- Indict vs indite
- Indirect Questions - Examples
- Indirect Questions Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Indiscriminate vs undiscriminating
- Indolence vs insolence
- Indubitably vs undoubtedly
- Inequality vs. inequity
- Inequity vs. iniquity
- Inexplicable vs. unexplainable
- Infect vs. infest
- Infectious vs contagious
- Inference vs interference
- Infinitive of Purpose — Examples
- Infinitives - Uses, Definition & Examples
- Inflict vs inflect
- Infomercial
- Infraction vs infarction
- Infuse vs suffuse
- Ingenious vs. ingenuous
- Ingrate vs ingratiate
- Inhabit vs habituate
- Inherent vs inherit
- Inn vs. In
- Innate vs. Enate
- Innocuous vs inoculate
- Inpatient or outpatient
- Inroad vs inroads
- Inside baseball
- Inside track
- Insidious vs invidious
- Insofar (in so far)
- Insolent vs insolvent
- Installation vs. installment
- Instalment or Installment – What's the Difference?
- Instantly vs. instantaneously
- Instigate vs incite
- Instigate vs investigate
- Instill vs install
- Instinctive vs. instinctual
- Intact
- Intellectual property
- Inter-, intra-
- Intercourse - Meaning & Definition
- Interment vs. internment
- Intermural, intramural and extramural
- Intern vs inter
- Internal vs eternal
- Internet of things
- Interpretative vs. interpretive
- Interview with Arthur Plotnik
- Interview with Bethany Keeley
- Interview with Betty Birner
- Interview with Blair Bolles
- Interview with James Harbeck
- Interview with Jonathon Owen
- Interview with Lisa McLendon
- Interview with Pat O'Conner
- Interview with Peter Harvey
- Intimate vs intimate
- Inure vs enure
- Invalid vs invalid
- Invaluable vs. Valuable - What's the Difference?
- Invention vs intervention
- Inventive vs innovative
- Inversion Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Inversion in English Grammar - Examples
- Inviolable vs inviolate
- Invision or Envision – Difference and Definition
- Invite (as a noun)
- Invoke vs. Evoke - What's the Difference?
- Ipso Facto – Meaning and Examples
- Irk
- Ironic
- Ironical - Usage, Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Irregular plural nouns
- Irregular Verbs - Uses, Definition & Examples
- Irregular Verbs Exercises (With Printable Worksheet)
- Irregular Verbs in Simple Past Tense: Worksheets, Examples, Tips
- Irregular Verbs List (with Printable PDF)
- Is 'God' Capitalized? - Explanation & Examples
- Is "President" Capitalized?
- Is "Vice President" Capitalized And Hyphenated?
- Is Costed a Word? What is the Past Tense of Cost?
- Is Earth Capitalized? – Rules and List of Examples
- Is Freelance Writing Worth It? A Pros and Cons Breakdown
- Is GIF a Word? - Meaning & Spelling
- Is Grammarly Cheating? Should Students Use It?
- Is Grammarly Premium Worth It—Pros and Cons Explored
- Is Grammarly Safe and Secure? Can it be Trusted?
- Is Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker Any Good? Is it Accurate?
- Is Irregardless a Word? What Does it Mean?
- Is it Ascent or Assent - What's the Difference?
- Is It At the End of My Rope or At the End of My Tether?
- Is It Backhanded Compliment or Left-Handed Compliment?
- Is It Center or Centre? - Meaning and Difference in Spelling
- Is it Flier or Flyer? – What's the Difference?
- Is It God Speed or Godspeed? - Meaning & Usage
- Is It Hail Mary Pass or Hail Mary Play? – Meaning Explained
- Is It Junky or Junkie? – Meaning and Definition
- Is It Savy or Savvy? - Definition & Correct Spelling
- Is Run of the Mill Really About Being Just Plain Average?
- Is There a Comma Before or After "Please"?
- Isle or Aisle - Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Isometric
- It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady Sings - Origin & Meaning
- It And There - Usage, Difference
- It Is What It Is - Origin & Meaning
- It Takes a Village - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- It Takes One to Know One – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- It Takes Two to Tango - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- It's a Wash – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- It's All Greek To Me – Understanding Difficult Idioms
- It's curtains for you
- It's not rocket science
- It's Raining Cats and Dogs – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- It's the thought that counts
- Italics (when to italicize)
- Itchy feet
- Iteration
- Its vs. It's – What's the Difference?
- Ivory Tower - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Ivy League
- Jack-in-the-box
- Jack-o’-lantern and Halloween lantern
- Jackalope
- Jackanapes
- Jaded
- Jalousie window vs louvre window
- Jam vs. jamb
- Janus-faced
- Jaundiced eye
- Jaywalking
- Je Ne Sais Quoi (or Jenesequa) - Meaning In English
- Jealousy vs envy
- Jeremiad
- Jersey vs guernsey
- Jet Lag - Meaning & Definition
- Jewel vs joule
- Jewelry vs. jewellery
- Jig vs gig
- Jiggery-pokery
- Jingle vs jangle
- Jingoism
- Jinx - Origin, Meaning & Examples
- Jitney
- John Doe, Joe Bloggs and Fred Nerk
- John Hancock and John Henry
- Johnny on the Spot - Origin & Meaning
- Johnny-Come-Lately – Meaning, Origin, and Examples
- Joie de Vivre - Origin & Meaning in English
- Joined At The Hip – How To Use This Phrase Accurately
- Jolly Roger
- Joshing – Origin and Meaning
- Jot or tittle
- Joyful and joyous
- Judgement vs. Judgment - What's the Difference?
- Judicial vs. judicious
- Juggernaut
- Jump on the Bandwagon—The Art of Conformity
- Jump Ship – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Jump the Gun - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Jump the Shark – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Jump Through Hoops - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Jump-start
- Junction vs. juncture
- Junkyard Dog – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Jury-rig, jerry-rig, jerry-built
- Just deserts vs. just desserts
- Juvenile vs juvenal
- Juxtapose
- K-pop
- Kafkaesque
- Kakistocracy
- Kaleidoscope - Meaning, Spelling & Symbolism
- Kangaroo Court – Origin and Meaning
- Kaput
- Katy bar the door
- Keep an Ear to the Ground – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- Keep at Bay – Meaning and Origin
- Keep it under your hat
- Keep Me Posted – Origin and Meaning
- Keep Your Chin Up – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Keep Your Eyes Peeled (Skinned) – Expressing Alertness and Focus
- Keep your shirt on and keep your hair on
- Keeping My Head Above Water—The Essence of Surviving Challenges
- Keeping Up with the Joneses—Peer Pressure in Disguise
- Kerfuffle vs brouhaha
- Kernel vs. Colonel
- Keyed Up – Meaning and Origin
- Kibosh
- Kick over the traces
- Kick the can down the road
- Kick-Start, Kickstart or Kick Start - Meaning & Definition
- Kickoff vs. Kick-off vs. Kick Off
- Kid Gloves – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Kill Them With Kindness – Meaning and Origin
- Kin vs ken
- King of the Hill—Defining Dominance
- King's Ransom – Meaning and Origin
- King's X
- Kiss of Death – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Kiss Off – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Kiss the Ring – Meaning and Origin
- Kleenex vs tissue
- Klutz
- Knap vs. Nap
- Knave vs nave
- Knee-high to a grasshopper
- Knee-jerk, kneejerk
- Knee-Slapper – Origin and Meaning
- Kneeled vs knelt
- Knew or New - Homophones & Definition
- Knickers vs nickers
- Knight in Shining Armor - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Knight vs. Night - Homophones, Spelling & Meaning
- Knighted vs benighted
- Knit vs nit
- Knit vs. knitted
- Knob vs nob
- Knock 'Em Dead - How to Wish Someone Good Luck
- Knock Me Down with a Feather—The Art of Amazement
- Knock on wood and touch wood
- Knock one for six
- Knock up
- Knock Your Socks Off – Meaning and Origin
- Knock Yourself Out – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Knocked for a loop and thrown for a loop
- Knot, nought, naught or not
- Know vs. No - Homophones, Meaning & Spelling
- Know where the bodies are buried
- Know which side your bread is buttered on
- Knowadays Proofreading Course Review: Is It Worth It?
- Knowadays Proofreading Course vs. Proofread Anywhere
- Knuckle down and buckle down
- Knuckle sandwich
- Knuckle under vs knuckle down
- Kodak Moments – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Kowtow
- Kryptonite
- Kudos - Origin, Usage & Meaning
- L’état, C’est Moi - Origin & Meaning in English
- La Dolce Vita – Origin and Meaning in English
- Labeled vs. labelled
- Labor vs. labour
- Lackadaisical
- Ladybug and ladybird
- Lagniappe
- Laid vs lade
- Lain vs. Lane
- Lair vs layer
- Laird vs lord
- Laissez-faire
- Lamb vs lam
- Lambast vs. lambaste
- Lambaste
- Lame duck
- Land of Milk and Honey – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Land on one's feet
- Landlubber
- Landslide
- Languagetool vs. Grammarly
- Lap of Luxury—Origin & Meaning
- Laps vs. Lapse
- Lasagna vs. lasagne
- Lassitude, lethargy and languor
- Last Laugh – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Last Resort - Origin & Meaning
- Latchkey kid and latchkey child
- Later vs latter
- Lather vs lather
- Latitude vs longitude
- Latter vs ladder
- Laugh up one’s sleeve
- Laughing Stock – Usage, Meaning and Origin
- Laundry list
- Lava vs magma
- Lay an egg
- Lay Out vs. Layout - Usage & Difference
- Lay vs. Lie - Usage, Difference & List of Examples
- Laying It on Thick – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- Laze vs. Lase
- Lazy Susan
- Leach or Leech - What's the Difference?
- Lead vs. Lead - What's the Difference?
- Lead-pipe cinch
- Leak vs. Leek
- Lean vs. Lien
- Leaned or leant
- Leap of Faith - Origin & Meaning
- Leap year
- Leaped vs. leapt
- Learned vs. learnt
- Leased vs least
- Leave No Stone Unturned – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Leave someone holding the bag
- Led vs Lead - What's the Difference?
- Lede vs. Lead - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Leery vs leary
- Leet, leetspeak and 1337
- Left in the Lurch - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Leftover vs. left over
- Legal Considerations of Plagiarism—From Faux Pas to Lawsuit
- Legal vs legit
- Legal Writing—Techniques for Effective Advocacy
- Legislator vs legislature
- Legitimate vs legitimitize
- Lend vs. loan
- Lended vs. lent
- Lentil vs. Lintel
- Leotard vs tights
- Lesser or lessor
- Lest
- Let Bygones Be Bygones - Meaning and Examples
- Let one's guard down and drop one's guard
- Let sleeping dogs lie
- Let the chips fall where they may
- Let Your Hair Down – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Lets vs. Let's - What's The Difference?
- Letter Names in the English Alphabet and How to Spell Them
- Levee vs. levy
- Level playing field and level the playing field
- Liable vs libel
- Liar vs. Lyre
- Licence or License - Meaning & Spelling
- Lick one's wounds
- Licker vs liquor
- Lickety-split
- Licorice vs. liquorice
- Lie or lye
- Lier or Liar - Meaning & Spelling
- Lieu vs. Loo
- Lieutenant
- Lifetime or life time
- Light vs. lite
- Lighted vs. lit
- Lightening vs. lightning
- Lightning in a Bottle - Origin & Meaning
- Lightning Rod – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Likable vs. likeable
- Like a bump on a log
- Like Clockwork – Describing a Perfect Plan
- Like gangbusters
- Like Oil and Water – Meaning, Origin and Synonyms
- Like taking candy from a baby
- Lilliputian
- Limbo
- Limelight vs spotlight
- Linchpin vs. lynchpin
- Line Editing vs. Copy Editing - What's the Difference?
- Linking Verbs - List, Examples
- Linking Verbs vs. Helping Verbs - Difference & Examples
- Linking Words of Contrast - List of Examples
- Links vs lynx
- Lion's Share – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Lionize and lionise
- Lip-sync and lip-synch
- Liquor vs liqueur
- List of 50+ English Suffixes With Examples & Worksheet
- Listserv
- Liter or litre vs litter
- Literally vs. Figuratively - What's the Difference?
- Litmus test
- Litre or Liter - Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Little to No or Little to None – Meaning, Uses and Examples
- Live and let live
- Live off the fat of the land
- Live vs live
- Liveable or livable
- Living the Dream - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Living The Life Of Riley (Reilly)
- Llama vs. Lama
- Lo and Behold or Low and Behold
- Load vs lode
- Loaded for Bear – Meaning, Idiom and Origin
- Loafs or loaves
- Loan vs lone
- Loath vs. loathe (vs. loth)
- Locavore
- Loch vs lock
- Lock out vs lockout
- Lock, Stock, and Barrel – Idiom, Meaning, and Origin
- Lockdown
- Locks vs. Lox
- Lodestar - Meaning & Definition
- Log In vs. Login
- Log On or Log In – What's the Difference?
- Logo
- Lone Wolf - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Lonely vs. lonesome
- Long in the tooth
- Long johns vs union suit and combination suit
- Long pig
- Long Story Short – The Removal of Unnecessary Details
- Longetivity vs. longevity
- Look before you leap
- Look out vs. lookout (vs. look-out)
- Looking Over Your Shoulder – Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Looks Good on Paper – Meaning and Origin
- Loonie, Loony, or Looney - What's the Difference?
- Loop de loop or loop the loop
- Loop vs loupe
- Loose vs. Lose - Difference & Meaning
- Loot vs. Lute
- Lorem Ipsum
- Lorry
- Lose face and save face
- Lose one's marbles
- Lose one's shirt
- Lose the plot
- Lost in the Shuffle – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Lothario
- Lots of vs a lot of
- Lovable vs. loveable
- Love is blind
- Love Me, Love My Dog – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Lovers' Lane – Meaning and Origin
- Low man on the totem pole
- Low-Hanging Fruit - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Low, lo or lowe
- Lower the boom
- Lowkey or Low-Key – Subtlety in Spotlight
- Lucid vs lucent
- Luck of the Draw – Meaning and Origin
- Luddite
- Lukewarm
- Lumber vs lumbar
- Luminary vs luminaria
- Lustful vs. lusty
- Luxuriant vs. luxurious
- Lyme Disease vs. Lime Disease
- Macabre
- Macaron vs. macaroon
- MacGyver
- Mach vs. Mock
- Machiavellian
- Machine gun vs. machine-gun
- Macintosh, mackintosh, McIntosh
- Mad as a hatter
- Maddening vs. madding
- Madder Than a Wet Hen – Used To Express Extreme Anger
- Made vs maid
- Magic bullet and silver bullet
- Magical realism
- Magnate vs. magnet
- Magnum opus
- Mail vs male
- Main, mane and Maine
- Maize vs. Maze
- Make a clean breast of it and come clean
- Make do vs. Make Due – What's the Difference?
- Make Ends Meet or Make Both Ends Meet - Idiom & Meaning
- Make hay
- Make or break and make or mar
- Make or Do - Difference, Examples
- Makeup, make-up or make up
- Malarkey
- Maleficent vs. malevolent
- Mall vs. Maul
- Malware vs ransomware
- Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone – Origin and Meaning
- Man of the Cloth
- Man's best friend
- Maneuver vs. manoeuvre
- Manga vs anime
- Manic vs maniac
- Mannequin, Manikin, or Manakin
- Manner vs. manor
- Manspreading
- Mantel vs. mantle
- Many happy returns
- Mare vs mayor
- Marginalize or marginalise vs minimize or minimise
- Marinade vs. marinate
- Mark My Words – Meaning and Origin
- Mark vs marque
- Marquee vs. Marquis
- Marry vs. merry
- Marsala vs masala
- Marshal vs. martial
- Martin vs marten
- Mask vs. Masque
- Massage vs message
- Masterful vs. masterly
- Materiel vs. material
- Math or Maths - Which One to Use?
- Matriculate vs graduate
- Matrix
- Matter of fact or matter-of-fact
- Matter of Fact vs. Fact of the Matter
- Maul vs. mull
- Maundy Thursday
- Maverick
- Maxima vs. maximums
- Maximise or Maximize – What's the Difference?
- May be or maybe
- Mayhap or mishap or snafu
- Mayonnaise vs. mayonaise
- Me vs. Mi
- Meager vs Meagre - Definition & Examples
- Mealy-mouthed
- Mean vs mien
- Meaning of Binomials in English - With Examples
- Means
- Meat, meet or mete
- Medal, meddle, metal, mettle
- Media vs. Mediums – What's the Difference?
- Mediator vs. moderator
- Medical Writers—Not Just for Doctors
- Meeple
- Melted vs. molten
- Melting Pot – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Meme
- Memento Mori or Momento Mori - Origin & Meaning in English
- Men in White Coats – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Mendacity vs mendicity
- Mensch
- Meretricious vs meritorious
- Meritorious vs maritorious
- Merry Christmas vs Happy Christmas
- Metaphor
- Metaphoric vs. Metaphorical - What's the Difference?
- Meter vs. metre
- Methinks
- Mexican standoff
- Mic Drop - Origin, Meaning & Sentence Examples
- Mic vs. mike
- Mice vs. mouses
- Mickey Finn – A Simple English Phrase or a Hidden Danger?
- Micro- vs macro-
- Microaggression
- Microfinance, microcredit and microloan
- Microsoft Editor vs. Grammarly - Which is Better?
- Might as Well - Usage & Meaning
- Might vs mite
- Milieu
- Militate or mitigate
- Millennia vs millenniums
- Milquetoast vs milktoast
- Mince vs mints
- Mince words
- Mind over matter
- Mind vs mined
- Miner vs minor
- Minima vs. minimums
- Minimize vs minimise
- Minimum vs minimal
- Mint condition
- Minuet vs minute
- Minuscule vs. miniscule
- Minute vs. Minute – What's the Difference?
- Minutia, minutiae
- Minx vs. Mink - What's the Difference?
- Mirandize
- Mischievous vs. mischievious
- Misery Loves Company - Meaning & Origin
- Misfeasance vs. Malfeasance vs. Nonfeasance
- Misinformed vs. uninformed
- Misnomer
- Misogyny and misandry
- Missed vs. Mist
- Misspell vs. Mispell - Meaning & Correct Spelling
- Mixed bag
- Mixtape
- MLA Format Decoded—From Title Page to Bibliography
- Moat vs. Mote
- Mob justice and mob rule
- Mob or demob
- Mobile, mobile, or Mobile
- Mobilize vs mobilise
- Modal Verbs - Uses, Examples
- Modal Verbs Exercises (With Printable Worksheet)
- Modal Verbs of Ability — Examples
- Modal Verbs of Obligation — Examples
- Modals of Possibility - List of Examples
- Mode vs mowed
- Modeling vs. modelling
- Modern
- Modus operandi (m.o, MO)
- Mogul
- Mojo
- Mold vs. Mould – Meaning, Usage and Examples
- Mollusc vs. mollusk
- Mollycoddle
- Molotov cocktail
- Mom vs mom
- Momager
- Momentarily - Usage & Meaning
- Monday Morning Quarterback – A Remarkable Display of Guesswork
- Monetize vs demonetize
- Money Is No Object – Meaning and Origin
- Money-grabbing vs. money-grubbing
- Monied vs. Moneyed
- Monkey On Your Back – Meaning and Origin
- Montage
- Moonlight
- Moonshine
- Moose vs. mooses
- Moose vs. Mousse
- Moot vs. mute
- Mop the Floor (With Someone) — Meaning, Uses, and Examples
- Moral vs morale
- Morality vs mortality
- Moratorium
- Morays vs. mores
- Morbid vs moribund
- More bang for one's buck and bigger bang for one's buck
- More Than One Way to Skin a Cat
- More vs moor
- Moreso
- Morning vs. Mourning - Meaning, Spelling & Difference
- Mortar board
- Mothball
- Mother lode
- Mother of all and granddaddy of all
- Motherhood and apple pie and mom and apple pie
- Motive vs motif
- Mouse and CAT
- Moustache vs. mustache (vs. mustachio)
- Mouthfuls
- Movable feast
- Movable vs. moveable
- Move Heaven and Earth – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Move the goalposts and shift the goalposts
- Move the needle
- Mowed vs. mown
- Mr., Mrs., Ms. and Miss – Full Form and Meaning
- Much or Many - Usage, Difference & Examples
- Much vaunted
- Muchly
- Muckamuck, mucky-muck and muckety-muck
- Muckraking
- Mucous vs. mucus
- Muddy the Waters – Idiom, Meaning, and Origin
- Muggle - Origin & Meaning
- Multitask - Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Mum's the Word - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Mumbo Jumbo – Origin and Meaning
- Murderers' row
- Murphy's Law, Sod's Law and Finagle's Law
- Muscle vs mussel
- Must of (must've)
- Mustard vs mustered
- Mutually assured destruction or mutual assured destruction
- Mutually Exclusive – Meaning and Examples in a Sentence
- My Cup Runneth Over – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- My dogs are barking
- My Name Is Mud – Meaning and Origin
- My Way or the Highway – Meaning and Origin
- Myriad
- Nail-biter
- Naked as a jaybird
- Namby-pamby
- Name-Calling – Definition and Examples
- Nano-
- Nary a
- Nascent
- Nativity
- Naught vs. nought
- Nauseating vs. nauseous
- Naval vs. navel
- Nay, Ney, or Neigh - Difference & Meaning
- Ne'er-do-well
- Neandertal vs. neanderthal
- Neat as a pin
- Nebbish
- Nebula vs nebulous
- Necessity is the mother of invention
- Neck and Neck Meaning and Examples
- Neck of the Woods – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Necktie party
- Necropsy and autopsy
- Necrosis
- Need vs knead
- Need vs. Kneed
- Needle vs nettle
- Nefarious
- Negative prefixes
- Neighbor or Neighbour – Which Spelling Is Correct?
- Neither or Either - What's the Difference?
- Nemesis
- Neologism
- Nepotism
- Nerd, Geek, or Dork - What's the Difference?
- Nest egg
- Net neutrality
- Neutralise vs neutralize
- Never mind vs nevermind
- Nevertheless vs. Nonetheless - Difference & Definition
- New vs. Gnu
- New York Minute – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Newbie vs noob or n00b
- Newfangled
- News
- NGO vs GMO
- Nib vs nub
- Nice vs. Gneiss
- Nickel-and-Dime - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Nickname
- Nicks vs. Nix
- Niggle
- Night owl or early bird
- Nimby, nimbyism
- Nimrod
- Nip in the Bud - Origin & Meaning
- Nitty-gritty
- No Bones About It – A Direct Statement or a Gentle Confirmation?
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished – Meaning and Origin
- No Guts, No Glory – Meaning and Origin
- No Harm, No Foul - Meaning & Origin
- No Holds Barred – Meaning and Origin
- No horse in the race and no dog in the fight
- No ifs, ands, or buts
- No Love Lost – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- No man is an island
- No Man's Land - Definition & Meaning
- No News Is Good News – Origin and Meaning
- No One, Noone or No-one - Difference & Examples
- No pain, no gain vs no pain, no game
- No Two Ways About It – Meaning and Origin
- No vs. Not - Usage, List of Examples
- No-brainer
- Noble vs ignoble
- Noblesse oblige
- Nock vs. Knock
- Nocturnal vs diurnal
- Noel or nowel
- Noisome vs noisy
- Nomenclature
- Nominative or Subjective Case With Examples
- Non compos mentis
- Non sequitur
- Non-finite Verbs - Uses, Examples
- None are or none is
- None of Your Beeswax or Mind Your Beeswax - Origin & Meaning
- Nonplussed
- Nonprofit vs. not-for-profit (vs. non-profit)
- Nonstarter
- Normalcy vs. normality
- Nose vs. Knows
- Nosy Parker
- Not All It's Cracked Up to Be – Meaning and Origin
- Not By A Long Chalk (Shot) – Far From Its Literal Mark
- Not hardly
- Not My Cup of Tea – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Not playing with a full deck
- Not un-
- Not worth a plugged nickel and not worth a plug nickel
- Nothing is certain but death and taxes
- Nothing to sneeze at and not to be sneezed at
- Nothing ventured, nothing gained
- Notwithstanding
- Noun Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Nouns as adjectives
- Nowadays, anymore, or any more
- Noxious vs obnoxious
- Nuclear family and extended family
- Number Sign - Rules and Examples
- Number vs number
- Number vs numeral
- Numinous vs luminous
- Nun vs. None
- Nunchucks
- Nutriment or nutrition
- O vs. Oh - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Oar, ore and or
- Oases
- Object lesson
- Object vs object
- Objects in Grammar – How to Identify (With Examples)
- Obliged vs. obligated
- Oblique
- Obsequious
- Observance vs. observation
- Obsolescent vs. obsolete
- Obstreperous
- Ocher or ochre vs okra
- Ocher vs. ochre
- Octopuses vs. Octopi - What Is the Plural of Octopus?
- Odious vs odorous
- Odor or Odour - Meaning, Difference & Spelling
- Oeuvre – Usage and Meaning in English
- Off Of - Usage & Meaning
- Off the cuff
- Off the grid or off-grid
- Off the Hook—More Than Just an Escape
- Off the Rack (Peg)—A Simple Phrase for 'Ready-to-Wear'
- Off the record vs not for attribution
- Off The Wagon and On The Wagon - Meaning & Examples
- Off the Wall – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Off Your Rocker—Idioms of Eccentricity
- Off-kilter and out of kilter
- Offal vs. Awful
- Offence vs. offense
- Offhand
- Oftentimes
- Oh vs. Owe
- Oh Well - Usage & Meaning
- Ok vs. Okay - Usage & Difference
- Old as Methuselah
- Old chestnut
- Old Glory
- Old Habits Die Hard - Origin & Meaning
- Old Hat - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Old wives' tale vs old wise tale
- Old-fashioned or old fashion
- Oldie But Goodie - Origin & Meaning
- Olfactory vs old factory
- Oligarchy vs monarchy
- Olive branch
- Ombré, Ombre or Hombre
- Omelet vs. omelette
- Omnibus vs ombudsman
- On a lark
- On a Tear – Meaning and Origin
- On a Wing and Prayer - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- On Accident or By Accident - Usage & Examples
- On Cloud Nine - Origin & Meaning
- On fleek
- On one’s last legs
- On pins and needles
- On steroids
- On tenterhooks
- On the back burner
- On the Back Foot – Meaning, Origin and Synonyms
- On the Ball—A Deep Dive into Competence
- On the Bubble – Meaning and Origin
- On the Clock – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- On the contrary
- On the Fence - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- On the Fly – Meaning and Origin
- On the fritz
- On the House – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- On the lam
- On the q.t.
- On the Rocks – Meaning and Origin
- On the Ropes – Expressing Helplessness or Instigating Fight Back
- On the Same Page - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- On the stump and stump speech
- On the up and up
- On the wrong foot and on the right foot
- On your mark, get set, go! and ready, set, go!
- Onboard vs. On board
- Once Bitten, Twice Shy - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Once in a Blue Moon - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Once in a lifetime vs once-in-a-lifetime
- One and the same, one in the same
- One Fell Swoop – Origin and Meaning
- One For the Books – Origin and Meaning
- One for the money, two for the show
- One good turn deserves another
- One hand washes the other
- One Size Fits All – An Idiom For Every Situation
- One-hit wonder
- One-Horse Town - Meaning & Origin
- One-time vs. onetime
- One-Trick Pony – Meaning and Origin
- One-upmanship
- One's eyes are bigger than one's stomach
- Oneself vs. One's Self – Definition and Usage
- Online Portfolio Platforms—Creative Ways to Showcase Your Work
- Online vs. on-line
- Onomatopoeia
- Onus
- Oompa Loompa
- Op-ed
- Open and shut case
- Open Class vs Closed Class Words - Meaning & Examples
- Open Secret – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Operationalise or operationalize
- Opossum vs. possum
- Oppress, repress, suppress
- Oracle vs auricle
- Oral vs. verbal
- Order of Adjectives — Rules, Chart
- Order of Adjectives Exercises (with Printable PDF)
- Ordinance vs. ordnance
- Organise vs. organize
- Orientate
- Origin or origins
- Ornery - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Orthopedic vs. orthopaedic
- Other fish to fry and bigger fish to fry
- Ought vs. Aught
- Ours is not to reason why; ours is but to do and die
- Ouster
- Out and out
- Out of Left Field – Meaning and Origin
- Out of My League – Acknowledging Superiority or Just Self-Doubt
- Out of Pocket - Meaning, Origin, & Definition
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Usage & Meaning
- Out of Sorts - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Out of the blocks and off the blocks
- Out of the Blue - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Out of the blue vs out of the woodwork
- Out of the frying pan and into the fire
- Out of the Loop (In the Loop) – Indicating Ignorance or Knowledge?
- Out of the Woods – Idioms for Overcoming Difficulties
- Out of whole cloth
- Outset vs onset
- Outside of
- Outwrite vs Grammarly
- Over a Barrel - Origin & Meaning
- Over the Hump – Meaning and Origin
- Over the Top - Meaning & Origin
- Over- and under- (prefixes)
- Overbilled vs. Overbuild
- Overdo vs. overdue
- Overlook vs look over
- Overly
- Overnight vs. over night
- Overrate vs overate
- Oversee vs overlook
- Oversees vs. Overseas
- Overtake, take over and takeover
- Overthink vs think over
- Overtime vs over time
- Overtones vs. undertones
- Own Up – Meaning, Usage and Examples
- Oxymorons: A Collection of Contradictory Words and Phrases
- p.d.q.
- Packed vs. Pact
- Packs vs pax
- Paddy wagon
- Paean, paeon, peon
- Pail vs. Pale
- Pain vs. Pane
- Paint The Town Red – How To Let Loose And Have Some Fun
- Pair vs. pare vs. pear
- Pajamas vs. pyjamas
- Palate, palette, pallet
- Pale in comparison
- Palindrome (poetry)
- Pall vs. pallor
- Palpable vs palatable
- Pan Out – Origin & Meaning
- Pander vs ponder
- Panhandle
- Paper Tiger - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Paper-thin
- Par Excellence - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Par for the Course – Meaning and Origin
- Parade float
- Paralympics
- Paralyse vs. paralyze
- Parameter vs perimeter
- Paramount vs. tantamount
- Paraphernalia
- Pardon My French – A Polite Excuse or a Veil for Obscenity?
- Parentheses (Round Bracket) Use With Examples
- Parentheses or Parenthesis - What's the Difference?
- Parenthetical Phrases - Definition & Examples
- Pariah vs piranha
- Parish vs perish
- Parlay vs. parley
- Parlor or parlour
- Parody vs parity
- Parol vs. Parole
- Parricide vs. patricide
- Parsimony
- Part and parcel
- Participial prepositions
- Participle Clauses - Usage, List of Examples
- Parting Shot – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Pass muster
- Pass muster vs pass mustard
- Pass with flying colors
- Passable or passible
- Passed vs. past
- Passerbys or passersby
- Passing strange
- Passing the Torch - How To Properly Transfer Responsibilities
- Passive Voice - Usage, Misuses
- Passive Voice Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Passive vs. Active Voice - Difference, Examples
- Past Continuous Tense - Uses, Examples
- Past master
- Past Participle Adjectives - Uses & Examples
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Uses & Examples
- Past Perfect Tense - Uses, Examples
- Past Simple and Past Continuous Tense Exercises
- Paste vs. Paced
- Pasteurize vs pasteurise
- Pastime vs past time
- Pasty vs pasty
- Path of least resistance and line of least resistance.
- Pathetic vs apathetic
- Patience vs. Patients - Usage, Meaning & Spelling
- Patient Zero – Meaning and Origin
- Patois
- Patriotism vs nationalism
- Patron vs. Benefactor - Difference & Definition
- Patsy
- Patty vs paddy
- Paucity - Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Pause vs paws
- Pay It Forward - Meaning, Synonyms & Examples
- Pay Lip Service - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Pay one's respects
- Pay the Piper - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Pay Through the Nose – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Payback vs. pay back
- Payed vs. Paid - Definition, Difference & Examples
- Pea vs pee
- Peace of mind, piece of (one's) mind
- Peaceable vs. peaceful
- Peak vs. peek vs. pique
- Peal vs. peel
- Pearls of wisdom
- Peccadillo
- Pecking Order – Origin and Meaning
- Pedal vs. peddle vs. petal
- Pediatric or paediatric
- Pediment vs impediment
- Peeping Tom
- Peer vs pier
- Pejorative
- Pell-mell
- Penal vs. penile
- Penance vs pittance
- Penchant vs pension
- Pendant vs. Pendent - Meaning & Difference
- Penny for Your Thoughts – Origin and Meaning
- Pentagon
- Pentimento vs pimento or pimiento
- Penultimate
- People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
- Peplum vs pablum
- Per diem
- Per Se or Per Say - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Per vs. Purr
- Percent vs. per cent
- Peremptory vs pre-emptory
- Perfect Storm - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Perfunctory vs peremptory
- Period Punctuation Rules and Examples
- Periodic vs. Periodical - Origin, Usage and Examples
- Peripatetic
- Perjury
- Perk vs perq
- Permit vs permit
- Pernickety vs. persnickety
- Perpetrate vs perpetuate
- Perquisite vs. prerequisite (vs. requisite)
- Persecute vs. prosecute
- Persona non grata
- Personal Branding for Writers—Stand Out from the Crowd
- Personal vs personable
- Personal vs personnel
- Personality vs personage vs persona
- Personification vs anthropomorphism
- Persons vs. People - Proper Usage & Examples
- Perspective vs. prospective
- Persuade vs dissuade
- Peruse
- Pervert vs subvert
- Pet vs. petted
- Petroglyph vs pictograph
- Pettifogger
- Petulant vs impetuous
- Pharaoh or Pharoah
- Phial vs. vial (vs. vile)
- Philly vs. Filly
- Phishing
- Phoning It In or Phone It In - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Phony vs. phoney
- Phosphate vs. Phosphorus vs. Phosphorous
- Phosphene
- Photo Bomb or Photobomber - Usage, Meaning & Origin
- Photo shoot vs. photoshoot
- Photogenic vs photographic
- Phrasal adjectives
- Phrasal prepositions
- Phrasal Verbs - List, Uses & Examples
- Phrasal Verbs Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Phrases
- Phubbing
- Pi and Pie - Spelling, Difference & Meaning
- Pica vs. Pika
- Picaresque vs. picturesque
- Picayune
- Picks, Pix or Pyx
- Pickup vs. Pick Up (vs. Pick-up)
- Pidgin vs. Pigeon
- Pie hole
- Pie in the Sky - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Piebald, skewbald, pinto or paint
- Pièce de résistance
- Piece of Cake – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Piece vs. Peace - Homophones, Meaning & Spelling
- Piecemeal
- Pied Piper
- Pig in a Poke – Meaning and Origin
- Pigeon Hole - Origin & Meaning
- Piggy bank
- Piggyback
- Pin money
- Pincer vs. pincher
- Pink slip
- Pipe Down – A Polite Request for Silence
- Pipe dream
- Piping Hot - Origin & Meaning
- Pipsqueak
- Pissant
- Pistol vs. Pistil
- Pit stop
- Pitch-perfect and picture-perfect
- Pitchblende
- Pitcher vs picture
- Pith vs pit
- Pithy
- Pixelated vs. pixilated
- Placate vs placket
- Place card vs placard
- Placebo vs nocebo
- Plain sailing, smooth sailing, and clear sailing
- Plain vs. plane
- Plainclothes
- Plaintiff vs defendant
- Plaintive vs plaintiff
- Plait vs. Plate
- Plan B - Idiom & Meaning
- Plantar vs. Planter
- Plaque vs plack
- Plateaus vs. plateaux
- Play By Ear - Meaning and Usage
- Play cat and mouse and play a game of cat and mouse
- Play Fast and Loose – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Play for Keeps – Meaning and Origin
- Play hardball
- Play one's cards right
- Play possum
- Play Second Fiddle – Playing A Less Important Role
- Playing Russian roulette
- Playing With Fire – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Playwright vs. playwrite
- Pleaded or Pled - Definition & Examples
- Please vs. Pleas
- Pleather and Naugahyde
- Plenary vs preliminary
- Plenitude vs. plentitude
- Plethora
- Pleural vs. Plural
- Plough vs. plow
- Plug-ugly vs pug-ugly
- Plum vs. plumb
- Plural Form - Is It Potatoes or Potatos or Tomatoes or Tomatos?
- Plural Nouns - Rules, List of Examples
- Plural of Platypus - Platypuses or Platypi?
- Plural Possessive Nouns - Rules and Examples
- Plurals of nouns ending in 'Y'
- Plutocrat vs autocrat
- Podcast
- Podium vs lectern
- Poetic justice
- Poetry vs prose
- Pogrom vs genocide
- Point in time
- Point of no return
- Point of view, standpoint, viewpoint
- Point-blank
- Poisoning the well
- Poisonous vs venomous
- Poker Face - Meaning and Definition
- Pole vs. Poll
- Polemic vs Polemical - What's the Difference?
- Polish vs. Polish - Meaning & Difference
- Polite company and polite society
- Politics
- Polka dot
- Pollyanna
- Poly- vs mono-
- Polygamy vs. polygyny vs. polyandry
- Pomp and circumstance
- Pompom vs. pompon (vs. pom-pom etc.)
- Ponderous
- Pony up
- Ponzi scheme and Ponzi game
- Poo vs. pooh
- Poof, Pouf or Pouffe
- Pooh-bah or poobah
- Pooh-poohed
- Pooped
- Poor sport, sore loser and sore winner
- Poor-mouth vs bad-mouth
- Pop culture
- Pop one's clogs
- Pop the question
- Popinjay
- Poppycock
- Populace vs. populous
- Porch vs. Veranda vs. Verandah - Difference & Definition
- Pore over vs. pour over
- Pore, pour or poor
- Pork barrel
- Port vs. starboard
- Portend vs pretend
- Portend vs. portent
- Poseur vs poser
- Possessive Adjectives - Definition, Examples
- Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns
- Possessive Pronouns - List, Examples
- Possessive Pronouns Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Possibility vs probability
- Post-truth
- Poster child
- Postpositive adjectives
- Potentiality
- Potluck
- Pour cold water on and throw cold water on
- Powwow
- Pox
- Practicable vs. practical
- Practical joke
- Practice What You Preach - Origin & Meaning
- Practise or Practice - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Pragmatism
- Praise vs preys
- Praise vs. Prays
- Pram, baby carriage and baby buggy
- Prank call or crank call
- Pray vs. prey
- Preaching to the Choir – Meaning and Origin
- Prebiotic vs probiotic
- Precedence vs precedents
- Precipitate vs precipitous
- Precocious vs precious
- Predicate Nominative - Definition and Examples
- Predict vs predicate
- Predominantly vs. Predominately - Usage & Meaning
- Premier vs. premiere
- Preposition Collocations Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Preposition Exercises (With Printable Worksheet)
- Preposition vs. proposition
- Prepositions of Place - Definition, Examples
- Prepositions of Place Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Prepositions of Time - Usage, Examples
- Prepositions of Time Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Prescient vs present
- Prescribe vs. proscribe
- Present company excepted vs present company accepted
- Present Continuous Tense - Uses & Examples
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Uses, Examples
- Present Perfect Tense - Uses, Examples
- Present Perfect vs Past Simple Tense Worksheets & Explanation
- Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Present Simple and Future Simple Exercises (+ Printable PDF)
- Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Tense
- Present vs present
- Preserve vs persevere
- Press the flesh
- Presume vs. Assume - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Presumptive vs. presumptuous
- Pretence vs. pretense
- Pretentious vs portentous
- Preternatural vs supernatural
- Preventative vs. preventive
- Previous vs. prior
- Price gouging
- Pride comes before a fall and pride goeth before a fall
- Pride vs. Pried
- Prima Donna - Definition & Meaning
- Primal scream
- Prime the Pump – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Primrose Path—A Metaphor for Easy But Risky Choices
- Principal vs. Principle - Definition & Difference
- Printable Simple Past Tense Worksheets for Grade 3
- Prioritize vs prioritise
- Prise or Prize or Pries – What's the Difference?
- Privatization vs nationalization
- Privy
- Proactive
- Problematic vs. problematical
- Procede vs. Precede vs. Proceed - What's the Difference?
- Procrastinate
- Prodigal and prodigy
- Prodigious vs prolific
- Produce vs produce
- Profit vs. Prophet
- Progeny vs prodigy
- Program vs. Programme - Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Project vs project
- Proliferate vs profligate
- Prom and The Proms
- Promise vs premise
- Promulgate vs propagate
- Pronoun Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Proof by example
- Proof is in the pudding
- Proofread Anywhere Review - Is it Worth It?
- Proofreader Cover Letter Examples and Tips
- Proofreader Resume Examples and Tips
- Proofreading and Editing Examples
- Proofreading Certification - How To Get Certified
- Proofreading Checklist - 12 Essential Things To Look For
- Proofreading Errors—Catching Pitfalls Before Publication
- Proofreading Errors—From Typos to Tangles
- Proofreading Rates - Per Word and Hourly With Charts
- Proofreading vs. Revising - What is the Difference?
- Prophecy vs. prophesy
- Propitiate vs expiate
- Proportional vs. proportionate
- Proprietary vs propitiatory
- Props
- Pros vs prose
- Prostate vs. prostrate
- Protagonist vs. Antagonist - Definitions and Examples
- Protean vs protein
- Protégé
- Proved vs. proven
- Proverb vs adage
- Proverbial vs figurative
- Providence vs province
- Province vs provenance
- ProWritingAid Review—A Tool for Every Writer
- Proximal vs proximate
- Psalter vs salter
- Pseudo
- Psych vs. psyche
- Psychopath vs. sociopath
- Pull one's punches
- Pull one's weight
- Pull rank
- Pull strings
- Pull the Plug – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Pull the rug out from under
- Pull The Wool Over Your Eyes – A Simple Phrase Or A Way To Fool Someone?
- Pull Up Stakes or Up Sticks - Origin & Meaning
- Pulling one's leg
- Pulling Out All the Stops – Meaning and Origin
- Pulling Teeth – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Pullout, pull-out, pull out
- Punch list
- Punctilious vs punctual
- Pupal vs. Pupil
- Puppy love or poppy love
- Pure as the Driven Snow – Origin and Meaning
- Purple prose
- Purpose vs porpoise
- Purposely vs. purposefully
- Push My Buttons—Invoking Strong Emotional Reactions
- Push the Envelope—A Simple Phrase for Going Beyond
- Pushing Up Daisies - Meaning & Origin
- Pusillanimous
- Pussy vs pussy
- Put a damper on
- Put a flea in someone's ear vs put a bug in someone's ear
- Put on heirs or airs
- Put on Hold – Idiom, Meaning and Examples
- Put On Ice – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Put one's best foot forward
- Put one's cards on the table and lay one's cards on the table
- Put One’s Finger on Something—An Idiom of Precise Understanding
- Put something on the map
- Put though the wringer vs put through the ringer
- Put Two and Two Together – Drawing an Obvious Conclusion
- Put Up or Shut Up – Meaning and Origin
- Put up with
- Put up your dukes
- Put words in someone's mouth
- Putative vs punitive
- Putting the Cart Before the Horse – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Putting vs putting
- Putty in one's hands
- Quaff vs coif
- Qualitative vs. qualitive
- Qualitative, quantitative
- Quality time
- Qualm vs calm
- Quantitative vs. quantitive
- Quantum
- Quarts vs. Quartz
- Quash vs. squash
- Quasi
- Quay
- Que Sera Sera – A Universal Expression of Fate
- Quelch vs. squelch
- Query vs inquiry
- Question Mark – Grammar and Punctuation Rules
- Question Mark After "I Was Wondering" - Guide & Examples
- Question Mark and Quotation Marks - Usage & Examples
- Questions in English Grammar - Structure & Examples
- Quicksilver
- Quid pro quo
- Quillbot Review
- Quillbot vs Grammarly
- Quire vs. Choir - Meaning, Difference & Spelling
- Quisling
- Quiver vs quaver
- Quixotic
- Quotation Marks (") - Rules and Examples
- Quotation Marks or Italics In Titles?
- Quote Unquote - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Quote vs quotation
- Quote Within a Quote - Guide and Examples
- Rabble-rouser
- Rack one's brain
- Rack vs. wrack
- Racket vs. racquet
- Radar, sonar, and lidar
- Radical
- Radical vs. Radicle
- Rah vs. Raw
- Rail vs. Rale
- Rain Check - Idiom, Slang & Meaning
- Rain vs. Rein vs. Reign - Difference in Definition & Spelling
- Raise Cain
- Raise One’s Hackles or Get One’s Hackles Up
- Raise the Bar – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Raise vs rays
- Raise vs rise
- Raise vs. Raze
- Raison d'etre
- Rake over the coals and haul over the coals
- Rambunctious
- Ramrod straight and ramrod through
- Ramshackle
- Rancor vs. rancour
- Random act of kindness
- Randomize vs randomise
- Rank and file
- Rap on the Knuckles – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Rappel vs. repel
- Rapt vs. wrapt
- Raring to Go - Meaning and Origin
- Rat Race - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Rational or rationale
- Ravaging vs. ravishing
- Raven vs raven
- Raven vs ravenous
- Razzle-dazzle and razzmatazz
- Razzmatazz or razzamatazz
- Re-create vs. recreate
- Reactionary vs. reactive
- Read Between the Lines – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Read the fine print and read the small print
- Read the Riot Act – Meaning and Origin
- Read the Room - Origin & Meaning
- Read vs read
- Real-time vs. Real Time
- Realise vs. realize
- Realty vs reality
- Reappropriate
- Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic
- Rebel vs rebel
- Rebuke vs refute
- Rebus
- Rebut vs refute
- Recant vs recount
- Recede vs. Reseed
- Receipt vs. Recipe - Difference in Meaning & Spelling
- Recent vs. resent
- Recognize vs recognise
- Reconnoiter
- Record vs record
- Recur vs. reoccur
- Recuse vs excuse
- Red carpet
- Red Flag – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Red herring
- Red tape
- Red vs. Read - Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Red-Letter Day - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Redact vs retract
- Redneck vs. Hillbilly vs. Hick - What's the Difference?
- Redoubt
- Redress vs readdress
- Reed vs read
- Reef vs wreath
- Reek vs. Wreak
- Referendum
- Reflexive Pronouns - Definition & Examples
- Reforested wood
- Refugee vs immigrant
- Refuse vs refuse
- Regard vs. regards
- Regift
- Regime vs. regimen
- Regimen vs regiment
- Regrettable vs. regretful
- Regulate vs relegate
- Reindeer or caribou
- Reinvent the Wheel - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Relative Clauses - Definition, Examples
- Relative Clauses Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Relative Pronouns - Usage & Examples
- Relevancy vs. Relevance - Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Reluctant vs reticent
- Remunerate vs. renumerate
- Renascence and renaissance
- Rend or rent
- Renege vs rescind
- Repair vs reparation
- Repeal vs. rRepeel
- Repel vs. repulse
- Repertoire or repertory
- Repetition vs repetitiveness
- Repetitive vs redundant
- Reported Speech - Rules, Examples
- Reported Speech Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Reporting Verbs - Usage, List of Examples
- Reporting Verbs Exercises (with Printable PDF)
- Represent vs represent
- Repudiate and refudiate
- Repudiate vs refute
- Repugnant vs pungent
- Repute vs refute
- Reputedly vs reportedly
- Research Methods for Writers—From Idea to Authority
- Resemble vs reassemble
- Resent vs resent
- Resign vs re-sign
- Resilience vs. resiliency
- Resister vs. Resistor
- Resolve vs solve
- Respective, respectively
- Rest on one's laurels
- Rest or Wrest - Meaning & Difference
- Restaurateur vs. restauranteur
- Restitution vs retribution
- Restive
- Restrict vs constrict
- Restrictive and nonrestrictive
- Résumé
- Retard
- Retch vs. wretch
- Retcon
- Retrograde vs anterograde or antegrade
- Retronym
- Retrospect vs introspect
- Reverent vs reverend
- Reverso Grammar Review
- Review vs. revue
- Revising vs. Editing - What's the Difference?
- Rhetorical question
- Rhyme or reason
- Ridded
- Ride roughshod and run roughshod
- Riding Coattails—Success by Association
- Riding Shotgun — Meaning, Uses, Examples & Origin
- Rife vs. ripe
- Riff vs. rift
- Riffle vs rifle
- Riffraff
- Riffraff vs riprap
- Right as Rain - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Right Off the Bat – Meaning and Origin
- Right-of-way
- Right-side up
- Right, Rite or Write
- Righten
- Rigmarole
- Rigor mortis
- Rime vs. Rhyme – What's the Difference?
- Ring a Bell- Meaning, Uses, Examples & Origin
- Ring vs. wring
- Ringside Seat – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Rip-off or rip off
- Riposte vs. Repost
- Riptide, rip current or undertow
- Rise Like a Phoenix From the Ashes
- Risky vs risqué
- Rite of passage
- Rivaled/rivaling vs. rivalled/rivalling
- Road hog
- Road kill or roadkill
- Road rage
- Road rash and gravel rash
- Road vs. Rode
- Roam vs. Rome
- Robbing Peter to Pay Paul – Meaning and Origin
- Rock 'n' roll, rock and roll, rock'n'roll, etc.
- Rock the Boat – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Roil vs. Royal
- Role vs. Roll - Difference & Meaning
- Roll Up Your Sleeves - Meaning, Uses, Examples & Origin
- Rollout vs. roll out
- Rollover vs. roll over
- Roman-à-clef
- Rood vs rude
- Roofs vs. rooves
- Rookie
- Roommate, room mate or room-mate
- Root vs. route vs. rout
- Rose Colored Glasses – An Idiom Of Optimism Or Ignorance
- Rot vs. Wrought
- Rotate or revolve
- Rotund vs rotunda
- Rouge vs. Rogue – What's the Difference?
- Rouse vs rows
- Roux, rue or roué
- Row vs row
- Rows vs rose
- Royal "we"
- Rub someone the wrong way and rub someone up the wrong way
- Rub someone's nose in it
- Rubberneck
- Rubenesque
- Rude vs. Rued
- Ruff vs. Rough - Spelling, Usage & Meaning
- Ruffle someone's feathers
- Rule of thumb
- Rummy
- Rumor vs. Roomer
- Rumour or Rumor - Difference & Meaning
- Run It Up the Flagpole — Meaning, Uses, Examples and Origin
- Run Out the Clock - Origin & Meaning
- Run rings around someone and run circles around someone
- Run the Gauntlet – A Risky Situation or Corporal Punishment?
- Run-on sentences
- Runaway vs. run away
- Rung vs. Wrung
- Running on empty and running on fumes
- Rye vs wry
- Sabbatical vs sabbath
- Sac vs. Sack
- Saccharin vs. saccharine
- Sachet vs. Sashay
- Sackcloth and ashes
- Sacred cow
- Sacrilege, sacrilegious
- Sadist vs. Masochist vs. Sadomasochism - Difference & Definition
- Said
- Said the Actress to the Bishop - Meaning & Origin
- Sail vs. Sale - Homophones, Difference & Meaning
- Salacious
- Salient vs salience
- Salt of the Earth – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Saltwater vs. salt water
- Salubrious vs lugubrious
- Salvage vs selvage or selvedge
- Same Difference - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Same old same old
- Samovar vs scimitar
- Sanatorium vs sanatarium
- Sanctimonious vs sanctify
- Sang vs sung
- Sangfroid - Meaning & Examples
- Sanguine vs exsanguinate
- Sanitise vs. Sanitize
- Sank vs. sunk
- Sans - Usage, Meaning & Definition
- Sarcasm
- Sarcophagus
- Sarcophagus vs mausoleum
- Sari vs sorry
- Sartorial vs satirical
- Satire vs satyr
- Satisficing vs satisfying
- Savanna vs. savannah
- Savant vs servant
- Save For A Rainy Day – An Idiom For Financial Advice
- Save one's bacon
- Saved By the Bell – Meaning, Uses, Examples and Origin
- Saviour or Savior – Which One to Use?
- Savoir faire
- Savor vs. Saver
- Sawed vs. Sod
- Sawing Logs – An Innocent Phrase for Snoring
- Say cheese
- Say one's peace vs piece
- Say When – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Scam or sham
- Scapegoat or Escape Goat - Origin & Meaning
- Scared vs scarred
- Scarfs vs. scarves
- Scatological
- Scavenger hunt
- Scavenger, scavenge
- Sceptic vs septic
- Sceptic vs. skeptic
- Schadenfreude - Usage & Meaning in English
- Schema or schematic
- Schizophrenia as an adjective
- Schmooze and shmooze
- Schmuck versus putz
- Scintilla
- Scion
- Scissors
- Scofflaw
- Scorched earth policy
- Scot-free
- Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel—How to Express Poor Quality
- Scrapped vs scraped
- Scratch the surface
- Screwball
- Scribens Review
- Scrimp vs skimp
- Scrip vs script
- Scrivener Review
- Scrumdiddlyumptious
- Scrummy
- Scuba
- Scull vs. Skull
- Sculpture vs sculptor
- Sea Change – A Slight Alteration or a Complete Transformation
- Seam vs seem
- Sear vs. seer vs. sere
- Seas, sees or seize
- Seasonable vs seasonal
- Secede vs. succeed
- Second Conditional - Examples
- Second Conditional Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Second string
- Second that emotion or notion or motion
- Second wind
- Second-Guess - Usage & Meaning
- Secret Santa
- Secret vs. secretive
- Secular vs sacred
- Security blanket
- Sediment vs sentiment
- Sedimentary vs sedentary
- Sedition vs sedation
- See a Man About a Horse—A Classic Excuse
- See Eye to Eye - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
- See vs. Sea - Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Seen Better Days – Meaning & Origin
- Seen vs. Scene - Homophones & Meaning
- Segue vs Segway
- Seldomly - Meaning & Definition
- Self vs self
- Self-quarantine vs self-isolation
- Selfie
- Selling like hotcakes
- Semi-, hemi-, and demi-
- Semicolon vs. Period - Which One To Use?
- Seminal
- Semper fidelis
- Sensational vs sensationalistic
- Sense vs. Since vs. Cense – What's the Difference?
- Senses vs census
- Sensual vs. sensuous
- Sentence Structure Types and Examples
- Sentience vs sapience
- Sentient vs sentiment
- SEO Copywriting—Balancing Keywords and User Experience
- SEO Editing Essentials for Web Success
- Separate vs separate
- Separate vs. Seperate - What's the Difference?
- Sepulcher, crypt, catacomb or mausoleum
- Sequacious
- Sequins vs sequence
- Seraphic
- Serf vs. Surf
- Series
- Serif vs seraph
- Serigraph vs lithograph
- Serious vs. Sirius
- Service (as a verb)
- Serviette or napkin
- Set in Stone, Carved in Stone or Written in Stone
- Set Up vs. Setup vs. Set-up
- Sever vs severe
- Sew vs. Sow - What's the difference?
- Sewer vs sewer
- Shaggy-dog story
- Shake a Leg - Meaning, Uses, Examples and Origin
- Shake one's head vs nod one's head
- Shake vs. Sheikh
- Shall vs. will
- Shame vs ashamed
- Shanghai (as a verb)
- Shape up or ship out
- Sharable vs. shareable
- Shard or sherd
- Share and share alike vs per stirpes
- Sharp as a Tack—An Idiom for Being Mentally Alert
- Shat vs. shitted
- Shaved vs. shaven
- Shear vs. sheer
- Sheath vs. sheathe
- Shed vs. shedded
- Sheik, Chic or Sheek - What's the Difference?
- Shelf vs. shelve
- Shell out
- Shell-shocked
- Shellac, shellack
- Shenanigans
- Sherbert vs. sherbet
- Shill vs chill
- Shill vs shell
- Shined or Shone – Difference, Definition and Examples
- Ships passing in the night
- Shiv
- Shoe vs. Shoo
- Shoestring Budget - A Creative Expression for Limited Money
- Shone vs shown
- Shoo-in
- Shoot the Breeze - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Shoot Yourself in the Foot—An Expression of Self-Destruction
- Shooting Fish in a Barrel – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Shop till you drop
- Shopping cart or buggy
- Shore up
- Shore vs sure
- Short End of the Stick or Wrong End of the Stick
- Short Fuse – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Short Leash – Meaning and Origin
- Short shrift
- Shot Across the Bow – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Shotgun approach and scattershot approach
- Shotgun Wedding - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Should have, should've or should of
- Shoveled/shoveling vs. shovelled/shovelling
- Show of hands
- Show one's cards and tip one's hand
- Show one's true colors
- Showboat
- Showrunner
- Shrinking Violet – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Shriveled/Shriveling vs. Shrivelled/Shrivelling
- Shtick
- Shuffle off This Mortal Coil—Exploring the Afterlife
- Shut or close the barn door after the horse has bolted
- Shut-in
- Shutter vs. shudder
- Sic semper tyrannis
- Sic vs. sick
- Side hustle
- Side vs sighed
- Sight for Sore Eyes - Origin & Meaning
- Sight vs. site
- Sign Up vs. Signup
- Sign vs sine
- Signet vs. Cygnet
- Significant Other - Meaning & Origin
- Silicon vs. silicone
- Silva vs silver
- Silver lining
- Silver-tongued
- Simile
- Since vs because
- Sine die
- Sine qua non
- Sing for one's supper
- Singly vs singularly
- Sink vs. Sync
- Sisyphean, Promethean or Herculean
- Sit at the feet of someone
- Sit vs set
- Site vs. Cite - What's the Difference?
- Sitting Duck – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Sitting on a powder keg
- Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other – Breaking Down Similarity
- Six ways from Sunday
- Sizable or sizeable
- Skating on thin ice and on thin ice
- Skeleton in the closet and skeleton in the cupboard
- Skid row vs skid road
- Skilful vs. skillful
- Skunkworks
- Slack vs slake
- Slam dunk
- Slap-happy
- Slash (Virgule) Punctuation Rules With Examples
- Slave driver
- Slay vs. Sleigh
- Slayed or slew
- Sled, sledge, sleigh and toboggan
- Sledge vs sludge
- Sleep like a top
- Sleep with the Fishes—A Helpful Idiom or a Trouble Spot
- Sleight of hand
- Sleight vs. Slight
- Slip of the Tongue—Origin & Meaning
- Slipshod
- Slough vs slough
- Slough vs. Slew
- Slow and steady wins the race
- Slow vs. Sloe
- Slumgullion and goulash
- Smack of
- Small Potatoes – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Smarmy
- Smart alec and smart aleck
- Smartphone vs smart phone
- Smarty-pants and smarty-boots
- Smell a rat
- Smelled vs. Smelt - Difference & Meaning
- Smite, smote, smitten
- Smoke and Mirrors – Meaning and Origin
- Smokey vs. smoky
- Smooth vs. Smoothe vs. Smoothen
- Smorgasbord
- Snake in the Grass - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Snake oil, snake-oil salesman
- Sneaked vs. snuck
- Snipe hunt
- Snitch
- Snobbery or snobbishness
- So to speak
- Soapbox
- Soar vs sore
- Soared vs. Sword
- Sob sister and sob story
- Soccer mom and hockey mom
- Social Media for Freelance Writers—Likes, Branding, Engagement
- Social vs sociable
- Sojourn vs adjourn
- Solder vs soldier
- Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, & Sailors - What's the Difference?
- Sole vs. Soul
- Soliloquy vs monologue
- Solitaire and patience games
- Somber vs. sombre
- Some and Any Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Some odd
- Some Time vs Sometime vs Sometimes - What's the Difference?
- Some vs sum
- Some vs. Any - Usage, List of Examples & Exercises
- Some way vs. someway
- Somebody vs. someone
- Someday vs. some day
- Someplace vs. some place
- Somersault
- Something has legs
- Something, Anything, Nothing & Everything
- Sooner rather than later
- Sorbet
- Sort Of - Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Sorted vs. Sordid
- SOS and Mayday
- Sot vs. Sought
- Sound bite
- Sound like a broken record
- Sounding Board – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Soup up
- Sour Grapes - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Sow vs sow
- Sow wild oats
- Spaces between sentences
- Spade vs. Spayed
- Spake
- Spanish fly
- Spare the rod; spoil the child
- Spartan
- Spat or spitted
- Spatter vs. splatter
- Speak for yourself
- Speak now or forever hold your peace
- Speak of the Devil—From Phrase to Folklore
- Speak to
- Speak truth to power
- Speak with a forked tongue
- Speaks volumes
- Spearhead - Usage & Definition
- Speciality vs. specialty
- Species
- Specious vs spurious
- Speck vs. Spec
- Specter vs. spectre
- Spectra vs. spectrums
- Sped vs. speeded
- Spelling bee
- Spelling Strategies and Techniques For Students and Adults
- Spelt or Spelled - Difference & Examples
- Spend a penny
- Spic and span vs spick and span
- Spiel or Schpiel - Meaning, Spelling & Examples
- Spiffy
- Spill the beans
- Spilled vs. spilt
- Spin a Yarn - Origin & Meaning
- Spin one's wheels
- Spinster
- Spit and Image, Spitting Image, or Splitting Image
- Spitballing – Meaning and Origin
- Spite vs respite
- Spitz vs. Spits
- Split Infinitive – Usage, Rules and Examples
- Split the difference
- Spoiled vs. spoilt
- Spoof
- Spoonerism vs malapropism
- Spoopy and creppy
- Spork
- Spouse vs espouse
- Spreaded
- Spruce Up – Origin and Meaning
- Spry
- Spur of the Moment – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Spur vs spurn
- Spur vs. spurn
- Square meal
- Squinch
- Stabbed in the Back – Uncovering Betrayal
- Stadia vs. stadiums
- Staff vs. Staph
- Staid vs stayed
- Stained glass
- Stair vs stare
- Stake vs. Steak
- Stalking Horse – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Stanch vs. staunch
- Stand alone vs standalone
- Stand one's ground and hold one's ground
- Stand the test of time
- Stand up vs prop up
- Standby vs. stand by
- Star-crossed
- Starry-eyed and stars in one's eyes
- Start from scratch
- Stat vs now
- State of the art
- Stationary vs. stationery
- Stative Verbs - Uses, Examples
- Stative Verbs Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Statue vs statute
- Status quo
- Statute of limitations
- Stave off
- Stay on top of
- Staycation - Meaning & Etymology
- Steal someone's thunder
- Steal vs steel
- Stem-winder or stemwinder
- Step into the breach
- Step up to the Plate – Assuming the Challenge
- Step vs. Steppe
- Stick a fork in it
- Stick one's neck out
- Stick out like a sore thumb
- Stick to, stick by, or stick with
- Stick-in-the-Mud - Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Sticker shock
- Sticks and stones
- Sticktoitiveness
- Sticky fingers
- Stiff Upper Lip – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Stigma, stigmas or stigmata
- Still Waters Run Deep – Origin and Meaning
- Stint or Stent - Difference in Meaning & Usage
- Stir the Pot or Stirring the Pot – Meaning and Origin
- Stir up a hornets' nest and stir up a hornet's nest
- Stir-Crazy – Origin, Usage and Meaning
- Stock vs stalk
- Stock-still
- Stock, shares
- Stockholm syndrome
- Stocking stuffer and stocking filler
- Stolen vs. Stollen
- Stomping ground and stamping ground
- Stone cold and stone-cold
- Stonewall - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Stool pigeon
- Stop and Smell the Roses — Meaning, Uses, Examples and Origin
- Storey vs. Story – What's the Difference?
- Storm in a Teacup – Excessive Enthusiasm or Unnecessary Fuss?
- Storytelling Development—Mastering Narrative Nuances
- Straight A's – Scoring the Highest Grades
- Straight and Narrow – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Straight from the horse's mouth
- Straight from the shoulder
- Straight Shooter – An Idiom For Being Straightforward
- Straight vs. strait
- Strait-laced
- Straitjacket
- Stratagem vs. strategy
- Straw man and man of straw
- Strike While the Iron Is Hot – Meaning and Origin
- Striped/striping vs stripped/stripping
- Strived, striven, strove
- Strop vs strap
- Sty vs. Stye
- Style vs stile
- Sub rosa vs sub-rosa
- Sub vs infra
- Subconscious vs. unconscious
- Subject and Object Pronouns Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Subject and Object Questions — Difference and Examples
- Subject and Object Questions Exercises (with Printable PDF)
- Subject to vs subjected to
- Subject vs. Object Pronouns - Usage, Difference & Examples
- Subject-verb agreement
- Subjugated vs subjected to
- Subjunctive Mood - Definition, Examples
- Subordinating conjunctions
- Suborn
- Subpoena
- Substantial vs. substantive
- Substantive (Structural) Editing—Enhancing Clarity and Flow
- Subtext
- Subtle vs. subtil
- Succor or Succour vs. Sucker
- Suede vs. Swayed
- Suffice to Say or Suffice It to Say - Meaning & Examples
- Sugar Daddy – A Symbol of Wealth or an Expression of Companionship
- Sugarcoat
- Sui generis
- Suit vs suite
- Suite vs. Sweet
- Sulfur vs. sulphur
- Sulk vs skulk
- Summa cum laude or magna cum laude
- Summary vs. summery
- Summons and summonses
- Sun vs. Son - Homophones, Meaning & Spelling
- Sunday driver
- Sunday vs. Sundae - Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Super vs supra
- Super vs ultra
- Superlative Exercises (With Printable PDF)
- Superlatives - Definition, Examples
- Supersede or supercede
- Supply and demand
- Supposably
- Suppose To or Supposed To – Usage and Examples
- Surely vs surly
- Surge vs. Serge
- Surgeon vs sturgeon
- Surrogacy
- Surveil
- Suspect vs suspect
- Suspect, person of interest or perpetrator
- Svengali
- Swan song
- Swanning around and swanning about
- Swashbuckle
- Swatch vs swath
- Swath vs. swathe
- Sweat vs. sweated
- Sweep something under the rug and sweep something under the carpet
- Sweeped or swept
- Sweet Tooth - Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Sweeten the pot
- Swing for the Fences—Idiomatic Power Play
- Sword of Damocles
- Sycophant
- Symbol vs. Cymbal – Meaning, Homophones and Spelling
- Symbolic vs symbiotic
- Synchronise or synchronize
- Synonym vs cinnamon
- Synonyms
- Systematic vs systematical