The seven deadly sins

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The seven deadly sins is a list of vices compiled by early Christians. We will look at what vices comprise the seven deadly sins, where this list came from and some examples of the use of the term the seven deadly sins in sentences.

The seven deadly sins were derived from a list of vices that a good man should work to overcome, originally compiled by Evagrius Ponticus, a desert father who lived during the latter half of the 300s. The desert fathers and desert mothers were hermits who lived in the desert in Egypt beginning in the mid-200s. Pope Gregory the Great condensed Evagrius Ponticus’ list into the seven deadly sins, also known as cardinal sins. The seven deadly sins are habits or abuses that stem from the corruption of natural urges or tendencies and correlate with the seven virtues. The seven deadly sins are  pride, covetousness, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth. The seven virtues, also known as the seven heavenly virtues are humility, charity, chastity, patience, temperance, kindness and diligence. Dante’s The Divine Comedy is structured upon the seven deadly sins. Chaucer’s The Parson’s Tale is a sermon against the seven deadly sins. 


Meanwhile, his saucy antics and aggressive behaviour have seen him commit virtually all of the Seven Deadly Sins – Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. (The Sun)

He murders according to his grisly interpretations of the seven deadly sins. (The New York Times)

October’s theme, the Seven Deadly Sins, serves teas themed around each dark trait, each accompanied by a boozy sidecar. (The Chicago Tribune)

Setting out on a journey across America to aid her poverty-stricken family, Anna—manifested as two facets of one personality, one who sings and one who dances—finds herself on a seven-year, seven-city quest where she ultimately encounters each of the seven deadly sins and falls prey to their influence. (The Fairfax Times)