
Non compos mentis

Non compos mentis is a borrowed phrase or loan phrase. We will look at the definition of the term bon vivant, where it came from, and some examples of its use in sentences. Non compos mentis means mentally incompetent, insane, not in one’s right mind. The term is often used when …

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Nuclear family and extended family

Nuclear family and extended family are terms that came into use in the mid-twentieth century and have different definitions. We will examine the meanings of the phrases nuclear family and extended family, where these expressions came from, and some examples of their use in sentences. A nuclear family is a …

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Court disaster

To court disaster is an interesting expression that many find confusing, and it may not be as old as you think. Many English expressions have a different definition than one might assume at first glance. We will examine the meaning of the verbal phrase court disaster, where it came from, …

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The Customer Is Always Right Origin Meaning Explanation 2

The Customer Is Always Right – Origin, Meaning & Explanation

If you have worked in retail, you’ve probably heard the age-old phrase, “The customer is always right.” Now, this adage has been repeated countless times by business owners, managers, and employees. However, you must understand its deeper meaning and implications. So, let’s take a look. What Is the Meaning of …

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The lesser of two evils

The term the lesser of two evils has been in use since the 1400s and may be traced to a specific writer, though the concept is probably much older. We will examine the meaning of the phrase the lesser of two evils, where it came from and some examples of …

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Shake one’s head vs nod one’s head

The terms shake one’s head and nod one’s head have been in use for hundreds of years, and the exact etymology is unknown. These expressions mean two different things, though their definitions are becoming blurred. We will examine the definitions of the phrases shake one’s head and nod one’s head, …

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Bucket list

Bucket list is a one of those rare terms in English with a definite etymology. We will examine the definition of the expression bucket list, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences. A bucket list is a list of things a person wants to do, …

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Deck the halls

Deck the halls is a phrase that one may hear during the holiday season. We will examine the definition of the term deck the halls, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences. To deck the halls means to decorate for Christmas, especially if one will …

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Rise Like a Phoenix From the Ashes 1

Rise Like a Phoenix From the Ashes

Phoenix rising from the ashes refers to the idea of something being reborn after total destruction, like a comeback so grand it’s simply legendary. Picture a blockbuster movie where the hero loses everything, only to rally back in an even more epic fashion. That’s your phoenix, baby, rising from the …

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Split the difference

Split the difference is a phrase that may have been around for longer than you think. We will examine the meaning of the phrase split the difference, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences. To split the difference, in its literal sense, means to agree …

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