Words are the basic building blocks of grammar. Words are combinations of letters and sounds, individual words are separated by spaces. Some words contain more than one part, such as hyphenated words and other compound words. Some words are pronounced in the same way but carry different meanings. As time passes, the definition of a word or is pronunciation may change radically from its inception to its current usage.
Words may be combined into phrases. Some phrases become popular over the years and are applied to situations other than originally intended. These phrases take on a figurative meaning rather than a literal meaning, and become idioms. If a certain phrase or idiom becomes popular only in a certain region or among a certain group of people, it becomes a colloquialism. And finally, a phrase that is misheard and misquoted may become a mondegreen or an eggcorn, sometimes supplanting the original phrase in popularity.
English incorporates words and phrases from many other languages and other sources. The internet has given rise to a growing list of new words and phrases, and new ways to use existing words and phrases. Grammarist is here to help you understand English words and phrases, whether their roots can be traced back one year or a thousand.
- A la (à la)
- A priori
- A Whole Nother – Usage and Meaning
- Abandon vs. abandonment
- Abdicate, abnegate, abrogate
- Abetter vs. abettor
- Abided vs. abode
- Abject vs object
- Abjure vs. adjure
- Abolishment vs. abolition
- Aborted vs. abortive
- About-face
- Abracadabra – Usage, Origin & Meaning
- Abstruse vs. obtuse
- Acapella or A Cappella – Definition and Correct Spelling
- Accent vs accentuate
- Accept vs Except
- Acceptance vs. acceptation
- Access
- Accessory vs accessary
- Acclimate, acclimatise, acclimatize
- Accord vs. accordance
- Accost
- Accoutrement
- Ad hoc
- Ad Hominem Fallacy Examples and Definition
- Ad Nauseam – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Ad vs. add
- Ad-lib and ad lib
- Adamance
- Adaptable or adaptive
- Adapter vs. adaptor
- Adaption vs. Adaptation – What’s the Difference?
- Addenda vs. Addendums – What’s the Difference?
- Addicting vs. addictive
- Addition vs. edition
- Addlepated, addlebrained and addleheaded
- Adduce vs educe
- Admittance vs. Admission – Difference & Definition
- Adopted vs. adoptive
- Ads, adds or adze
- Advance vs. advanced
- Advent
- Adventurous vs adventuresome
- Adverse vs. Averse – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Advert vs. avert
- Advice vs. Advise – Meaning, Spelling & Examples
- Adviser vs. Advisor – Which Is Correct?
- Aegis
- Aesthetic vs. ascetic
- Affect vs. Effect – What’s the Difference?
- Affective vs. effective
- Afflict vs. inflict
- Affluent vs. effluent
- Affluenza
- Afterward vs. afterwards
- Afterward vs. afterword
- Aggrandize
- Aggravate – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Aggression vs. aggressiveness
- Agitprop
- Agnostic vs. Atheist – What’s the Difference?
- Agog or agape
- Agree
- Agreement vs. Agreeance – Which Is Correct?
- Ahold
- Aid vs. Aide – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Ail vs ale
- Ain’t
- Air vs err
- Air vs heir
- Akimbo
- Alas or But Alas – Usage, Punctuation & Meaning
- Albeit
- Alight
- All but
- All but vs anything but vs everything but
- All get-out
- All of the Sudden vs All of a Sudden – Which is Correct?
- All that
- Alligator vs. crocodile
- Alliteration vs assonance
- Allude vs. elude
- Allusion vs. elusion vs. illusion
- Alma Mater – Meaning, Spelling & Capitalization
- Aloud vs allowed
- Alphabetic vs. alphabetical
- Also-ran
- Altar vs. alter
- Alternate vs. alternative
- Although vs. though
- Aluminium vs. aluminum
- Amalgam vs. amalgamation
- Amative or amatory
- Amazeballs
- Ambiance vs. ambience
- Amend vs. emend
- Amends vs amends
- America
- American Indian vs Native American
- Amiable vs. amicable
- Amok vs. amuck
- Among vs. Amongst – Difference, Usage & Examples
- Amoral vs. Immoral – What’s the Difference?
- Amount vs. number
- Amuse vs. bemuse
- Anachronism
- Analog vs. analogue
- Analogue vs. analogy
- Analyses vs analyzes
- Anamorphic
- Anathema
- Angel vs. Angle – How to Remember the Difference
- Annal vs annual
- Anodyne vs analgesic
- Another string in your bow
- Ante- vs anti-
- Antediluvian
- Antichrist
- Antifa
- Antimacassar
- Anyday vs any day
- Anymore or any more
- Anyone vs. Any One – Usage & Difference
- Anyplace or Any Place – Which is Correct?
- Anytime vs. Any Time – Difference, Usage & Examples
- Anyway vs. anyways
- Apologetics
- Apostle
- Apotheosis
- Appellation vs appellative
- Append vs. Upend
- Apple-Polish – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Appraise vs. apprise
- Approbation vs approval
- Appropriate vs. expropriate
- April Fool’s or April Fools’
- Apropos
- Arcane and obsolete
- Archaeology vs. archeology
- Argumentative vs. Argumentive – What’s the Difference?
- Arise or rise
- Around the clock, round the clock
- Around vs. round
- Arouse vs. rouse
- Arrant vs. errant
- Artefact vs. artifact
- Artesian vs artisan
- Ascared – Meaning and Usage
- Ascent, ascendance, ascendancy, etc.
- Ascribe vs subscribe
- Assail vs. assault
- Assignation or assignment
- Assure, ensure, insure
- Astrology vs astronomy
- Asylum
- At a loose end
- At Wits End – Meaning, Origin and Correct Spelling
- Ate vs. Eight – Homophones, Spelling & Meaning
- Atlas
- Attache
- Attain vs. obtain
- Attribute vs attribute
- Au contraire
- Au fait
- Au pair
- Auger vs. augur
- Aught or Aughts – Usage & Meaning
- August
- August vs august
- Aunt vs. Ant – What’s the Difference?
- Aural vs. oral
- Aureole vs oriole
- Authorise vs. Authorize – What’s the Difference?
- Authoritative vs. authoritive
- Autobiography vs biography
- Avail
- Avant-Garde – Meaning and Examples in a Sentence
- Avocation vs. vocation
- Aw or awe
- Awed vs odd
- Axel vs. axle
- Axis vs axes
- Aye vs eye
- B Line or Beeline – Origin & Meaning
- Backstab – Definition & Examples
- Backwater or backwaters
- Bad rap vs. bad wrap
- Bad vs badly
- Bae vs bay
- Bail vs. Bale – Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Bailiwick
- Bain-marie vs double boiler
- Bait vs. bate
- Bald, balled or bawled
- Balderdash – Origin, Meaning & Definition
- Ball vs. Bawl and Balling vs. Bawling – Difference & Meaning
- Balmy vs. barmy
- Baloney vs. bologna
- Bamboozle
- Ban vs. bar
- Band (together) vs. bandy (about)
- Band vs banned
- Bane
- Bankster
- Bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah
- Barbed wire
- Bard vs. Barred
- Bare vs. Bear – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Bark vs barque
- Barnstorm
- Baron vs barren
- Basal, basil, or Basel
- Base or Bass – Pronunciation & Definition
- Based vs baste
- Basis vs bases
- Bastion
- Bath or Bathe – Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Battle royal
- Bawl out
- Bazaar vs. bizarre
- Beach vs beech
- Beachcomber
- Beat or beaten
- Beat vs beet
- Beau and Belle – Difference & Meaning
- Beau vs bow
- Beer vs bier
- Beggar Belief – Meaning and Origin
- Begrudge
- Behalf
- Behold and beholden
- Behoove
- Belie
- Bell vs belle
- Bellwether
- Bellyache
- Benchmark
- Bent or bended
- Bereaved vs. bereft
- Berry vs bury
- Berserk
- Beside or besides
- Besotted
- Bespeak vs bespoke
- Bespeckled or bespectacled
- Bête noire
- Better vs bettor
- Betwixt – Usage & Meaning
- Beyond the pale
- Biannual vs. biennial
- Big Kahuna – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Big-ups
- Bigwig – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Bill of goods
- Billed vs build
- Bingeing or binging
- Bingo
- Bite or Bight – What’s the Difference?
- Bite-size or bite-sized
- Bivouac
- Black market
- Black out vs blackout
- Blatant vs. flagrant
- Blather vs blabber
- Blather vs. blither
- Blessed vs. Blest – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Blew, blown, or blowed
- Bling
- Blitzkrieg
- Bloc vs. block
- Blockbuster – Meaning & Examples
- Blond or Blonde – Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Bloviate
- Blowhard and windbag
- Blue blood
- Bluetooth
- Bobble vs bauble
- Bode vs. Bowed
- Bodega
- Body politic
- Bogeyman
- Boggle the mind and mind-boggling
- Bohemian
- Bokeh
- Bold-Faced Lie or Bald-Faced Lie – Meaning & Origin
- Bolder vs boulder
- Bollocks vs bollocking
- Bombogenesis
- Bon vivant
- Bona fide, bona fides
- Boondocks vs boonies
- Boot camp
- Booze vs boos
- Border vs boarder
- Bore, boor, boar
- Borne vs. born
- Borough, burro, burrow
- Bot vs bought
- Botanic vs. botanical
- Bough or bow
- Boughten
- Bourgeois, bourgeoisie
- Bowdlerize
- Bowled vs bold
- Boy vs buoy
- Braggadocio
- Braggart vs bragger
- Braid vs brayed
- Brainchild
- Brainwash
- Braise, brays, or braze
- Brand spanking new
- Breach, breech, broach
- Bread vs. Bred – Homophones, Difference & Definition
- Break up vs. breakup
- Breastfeeding, breastfed, breastfeed, etc.
- Breath vs. breadth (vs. width)
- Breath vs. Breathe – Usage, Difference & Definition
- Breeches vs. Britches
- Brewed vs brood
- Brexit and Grexit
- Bric-a-brac and knick-knack
- Bridezilla – Origin & Meaning
- Bridle vs. bridal
- Brief vs debrief
- Bring vs take
- Briton
- Broach vs. brooch
- Brouhaha
- Browse vs. Brows
- Buck Naked vs. Butt Naked – Which Is Correct?
- Buffer vs. buffet
- Bugbear or bugaboo
- Bulk, balk, baulk
- Bullseye or bull’s eye
- Bumpkin
- Bunk vs debunk
- Bunt vs. Bundt
- Bupkis
- Burger vs. Burgher
- Burthen
- Bused, bussed, or bust
- Busybody
- But vs. Butt – Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- But vs. yet
- Butterfingers
- Buy, by or bye
- Buzzword
- By and by vs. by the by
- C’est Comme Ca vs. Comme Ci, Comme Ca – Meaning in English
- C’est la vie
- Cacao vs. cocoa
- Cache vs cash
- Cache vs. cachet
- Caddie vs. caddy
- Caddy-Corner, Kitty-Corner or Catty-Corner
- Cahoots
- Call vs caul
- Callous vs. callus
- Calumny
- Calvary vs. cavalry
- Camaraderie vs comradery
- Canard
- Candor or candour
- Candy corn
- Candy Floss vs. Fairy Floss vs. Cotton Candy
- Canon vs. cannon
- Cantankerous
- Cantor vs canter
- Canvas vs. canvass
- Capiche, Capeesh, Capische – Meaning & Usage
- Capital vs. Capitol – Usage, Difference & Examples
- Capitulate vs recapitulate
- Car hood and car bonnet
- Carbon copy
- Carbon footprint
- Careen vs. career
- Caretaker vs caregiver
- Carpetbagger – Origin & Meaning
- Carrot, carat, karat, caret
- Carte blanche
- Cashmere vs Kashmir
- Cassandra
- Casted – Usage and Meaning
- Catalog vs. Catalogue – Difference & Definition
- Catcall – Definition & Examples
- Catch vs. Ketch
- Catsup vs. Ketchup vs. Catchup – What’s the Difference?
- Caucus
- Cause Célèbre – Meaning & Examples
- Cavalcade
- Caveat
- Cay vs. Key vs. Quay – Homophones, Pronunciation & Definition
- Cede and seed
- Cede vs. concede
- Ceiling vs sealing
- Cel, cell or sell
- Celebrant or celebrator
- Cellar vs. Seller
- Cent, scent and sent
- Century or Centuries – Usage and Meaning
- Cereal vs. Serial
- Certainty vs. certitude
- Cession vs. session
- Chafe vs. chaff
- Chain letter
- Chalk up vs. chock
- Chapstick
- Charade and charades
- Charlatan
- Chary vs. Cherry
- Chaste vs chased
- Chasten vs. chastise
- Chatbot
- Cheap vs. Cheep
- Cheapskate – Origin & Meaning
- Check Kiting – Meaning and Examples
- Check vs. Cheque – Difference & Definition
- Checkout vs. check out
- Chews vs choose
- Chicanery
- Chick flick and chick lit
- Childlike vs. Childish – What’s the Difference?
- Chili vs Chilly – What’s the Difference?
- Chills down the spine
- Chink vs. kink
- Chips vs. fries
- Choate or inchoate
- Chock-a-block vs chockablock
- Chorale, Choral or Corral
- Chortle
- Chow vs. Ciao
- Chunder or chunter
- Chute vs. shoot
- Cisgender vs transgender
- Citizen journalism
- Civic vs. civil
- Civil rights and human rights
- Claptrap
- Classic vs. classical
- Clause vs claws
- Clean vs. cleanse
- Cleave
- Clench vs. clinch
- Clew vs clue
- Click vs clique
- Clickbait – Origin & Meaning
- Cliffhanger
- Cliffs Notes
- Climactic vs. climatic
- Clime vs climb
- Close vs clothes
- Cloth vs clothes
- Cloture vs closure
- Cloying and mawkish
- Co-op vs. co-opt
- Co-ordinate vs coordinate
- Coal, cole or kohl
- Coarse vs. course
- Cockamamie
- Coddle and mollycoddle
- Coddle vs. Caudle
- Coffice
- Cold-call
- Coliseum vs. colosseum
- Collectible vs collectable
- Collegial vs. collegiate
- Collocate vs colocate
- Color vs. Colour – Difference & Examples
- Comeuppance
- Comic vs. comical
- Commencement
- Commentator vs. commenter
- Compared To or With – Which One To Use?
- Compel vs. impel
- Complacent vs. complaisant
- Complement vs. compliment
- Compose vs. comprise
- Concave vs. convex
- Conceded or conceited
- Conceive vs. perceive
- Concerted
- Condemn vs. condone
- Confidant vs. confidante
- Confirmation bias
- Conflict of interest
- Confusables
- Congruent vs. congruous
- Conker vs. Conquer
- Connexion
- Connote vs. denote
- Conservatory, solarium or sunroom
- Constant vs consistent
- Contemporaneous vs. contemporary
- Contemptible vs. contemptuous
- Content or Contented vs. Contently or Contentedly
- Continual vs. Continuous – Usage, Difference & Examples
- Contumely
- Convivial vs congenial
- Coop, coup or coupe
- Cooties
- Copse vs. Cops
- Copyright vs. copywrite
- Coral vs. corral
- Cord vs. Chord – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Cornball and corny
- Cornet vs. coronet
- Corollary vs. correlation
- Correspondence vs correspondents
- Cosmetology vs. cosmology
- Cottage industry
- Council vs. Counsel – Difference & Examples
- Counselor vs. Counsellor – What’s the Difference?
- Coup de grace
- Coups vs. Coos
- Covert vs overt
- Coward vs. Cowered
- Crack down vs. crackdown
- Crackerjack
- Crap
- Crapshoot
- Crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, etc.
- Creature comfort
- Crèche and manger
- Creek vs. Creak
- Creeped or Crept – What’s the Difference?
- Crevasse vs. crevice
- Crewel vs cruel
- Crews vs. Cruise
- Crick (variant of creek)
- Crowdsourcing vs crowdfunding
- Croze vs. Crows
- Cruciferous
- Crumby vs. crummy
- Cryptid
- Cul-de-Sac – Usage, Meaning & Spelling
- Cultural appropriation
- Cum
- Curb vs. kerb
- Curmudgeon
- Currant vs current
- Cursor vs curser
- Cut off your nose to spite your face
- Cyber-
- Cybersquatting
- Cynical
- D’oh
- Dam vs. Damn – What’s the Difference?
- Daresay
- Data Is or Data Are? – The Singular vs. Plural Debate
- Days vs. Daze
- De facto
- De rigueur
- Dead set, dead-set, deadset
- Dealed or Dealt – What’s the Past Tense of Deal?
- Dearth
- Debark or disembark
- Decent vs. descent
- Deconstruction
- Decry vs. descry
- Deduce vs. induce
- Deep-seeded vs. deep-seated
- Deepfake
- Deepnet, darknet and deep web
- Defenestration
- Defuse vs. diffuse
- Deign
- Deign vs. Dane
- Delegate vs delegate
- Deleterious vs detrimental
- Demagogue vs demigod
- Demeanor or demeanour
- Demon vs daemon
- Demur vs. demure
- Denounce vs. renounce
- Dents vs. Dense
- Dependant vs. dependent
- Deplane or disembark
- Depository vs. repository
- Deprecate vs. depreciate
- Descendant vs. descendent
- Desert vs. Dessert – When to Use Each One
- Destroy vs. destruct
- Deteriorate vs decline
- Detract vs. distract
- Device vs. devise
- Deviser vs. Divisor
- Dew, do and due
- Dewclaw
- Diagram
- Dialectal vs. dialectical
- Dibs and calling dibs
- Dichotomy vs paradox
- Dickensian
- Dietician vs. Dietitian – Meaning & Correct Spelling
- Dike or Dyke – What’s the Difference?
- Diktat
- Dilapidated
- Dirigible or blimp
- Disabuse, misuse and abuse
- Disassemble vs. dissemble
- Disburse vs. disperse
- Disc vs. disk
- Discombobulate
- Discomfit vs. discomfort
- Discrete vs. discreet
- Disdain or distain
- Disenfranchise vs. disfranchise
- Disillusion vs. dissolution
- Disinterested vs. uninterested
- Dispatch vs. Despatch – Meaning, Uses and Examples
- Dispense with vs. dispose of
- Disposed vs. predisposed
- Dissent vs descent
- Dissociate vs. disassociate
- Distaff
- Distinct vs. distinctive
- Distrust vs. mistrust
- Ditto and ditto mark
- Divers vs. diverse
- Divorcée, divorcé, divorcee
- Dock vs doc
- Dog-ear
- Dogged vs dogged
- Doggerel
- Doh, doe or dough
- Don vs. Dawn – Difference in Meaning & Spelling
- Don’t’s or don’ts
- Done vs. Dun
- Donner or Donder
- Doodle
- Doomsday vs Domesday
- Doppelgänger
- Dos or do’s
- Dotage vs senility
- Dotard
- Double entendre
- Double vs. redouble
- Doublethink, doublespeak or double-talk
- Doughnut vs. Donut – What’s the Difference?
- Douse vs. dowse
- Dove vs. dived
- Downfall vs. downside
- Downplay or play down
- Downright vs outright
- Doxing and doxxing
- Draconian
- Dreidel or dreidl
- Dribble vs. drivel
- Drier vs. dryer
- Drink, Drank or Drunk – What is the Past Tense Of Drink?
- Drive-by
- Droid vs. Android vs. Robot – What’s the Difference?
- Droll
- Drop off vs. drop-off (vs. dropoff)
- Druthers
- Dry goods
- Du jour
- Dual vs. duel
- Duck tape or duct tape
- Due to vs because of
- Duly Noted – Meaning, Usage & Examples
- Dumpster fire
- Dumpster vs dumpster
- Duplicate vs duplicity
- Dwelled vs. dwelt
- Dyeing vs. dying
- E-book, ebook, eBook
- E-mail vs. email
- E. coli
- Each other vs. one another
- Ear candy and eye candy
- Earn vs urn
- Earthy vs. earthly
- Earworm
- Easter egg
- Eaves vs. Eves – Difference & Meaning
- Economic vs Economical – Definition & Examples
- Economics vs. finance
- Ecumenical
- Eek vs. eke
- Effete
- Eggnog
- Elbow grease
- Elder, Eldest or Oldest – What’s the Difference?
- Electric, electrical, electronic
- Elegy vs. eulogy
- Elicit vs. Illicit – Difference & Examples in a Sentence
- Embed vs imbed
- Embolization and embolisation
- Emeritus – Meaning & Definition
- Emigrate vs Immigrate – What’s the Difference?
- Eminent vs. immanent vs. imminent
- Emoji vs emoticon
- Empathetic vs. empathic
- Empathy vs. sympathy
- En Masse – Meaning & Examples
- En route
- En vogue, in vogue
- Enclose vs. inclose
- Endear or Endeared – Usage and Definition
- Enervate
- Enervate vs. innervate
- Enfold vs. Infold
- Engrained vs. Ingrained – Difference in Meaning & Usage
- Enmity vs animosity
- Enormity vs. enormousness
- Enquire vs. inquire
- Enrol vs. Enroll – Meaning, Usage and Examples
- Ensconce vs sconce
- Enthuse
- Entitled vs. titled
- Entomology vs. etymology
- Entree vs entrée
- Envelop vs. envelope
- Envision vs. envisage
- Envoi vs. envoy
- Épée, foil or sabre
- Epicenter
- Epidemic vs. Pandemic
- Epigram vs. epigraph
- Eponymous
- Equable, equatable, equitable
- Equivalence vs. equivalency
- Ere vs. err
- Ergo
- Ergonomics
- Ersatz
- Erupt vs irrupt
- Esoteric vs archaic
- Especial vs. Special – Difference & Meaning
- Esprit de corps
- Estimate vs. estimation
- Estimation or approximation
- Et Al. – Meaning, Punctuation and Usage With Examples
- Et cetera (etc.)
- Ethics vs. Morals – Definition, Difference & Examples
- Euphemism
- Evacuate
- Even Keeled or Even Keel – Usage & Meaning
- Evidence vs evince
- Ewe, yew or you
- Ex post facto
- Exalt vs. exult
- Excelsior and wood wool
- Exercise vs. exorcise
- Exhibit vs. exhibition
- Existent vs. extant
- Existential – Meaning & Definition
- Expectant vs. expecting
- Exploitive vs. Exploitative – Definition & Etymology
- Expose vs exposé
- Eyelet vs islet
- Fabulist
- Facepalm
- Factious vs facetious
- Factoid
- Factotum – Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Fain vs. feign
- Fair vs. fare
- Fairy vs ferry
- Fairy-tale ending
- Fait accompli
- Falseness vs. Falsity vs. Falsehood – Meaning & Definition
- Fantods
- Far East, Middle East, Near East
- Faro, Farrow or Pharaoh
- Farther vs. Further – Difference, Definition & Examples
- Fate vs. Fete – Homphones, Meaning & Examples
- Fatuous vs facetious
- Faun vs. fawn
- Faux
- Faux pas
- Faux-naïf
- Fay, fey
- Faze vs. phase
- Fearful vs. fearsome
- Feckless
- Feet vs feat
- Feminity vs. femininity
- Femme fatale
- Ferment or foment
- Fervent vs. fervid
- Festivus
- Fete
- Few vs. Phew
- Fiancé vs. fiancée
- Fictional vs. fictitious
- Fiefdom
- Fifth column
- Figurehead
- File, Phial or Faille
- Filet vs. fillet
- Filibuster
- Financer vs. financier
- Find vs fined
- Finite Verbs – Definition and Examples
- Firebrand
- Firefight
- Fireplace vs hearth
- Firing line vs. line of fire
- First aid
- Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Etc.
- Fissure vs. Fisher
- Flack vs. flak
- Flagship – Meaning & Definition
- Flair vs. flare
- Flammable vs. inflammable
- Flash mob
- Flatten the curve
- Flaunt vs. flout
- Flesh out vs. flush out
- Flied – Meaning & Definition
- Flip one’s lid vs. flip one’s wig
- Flocks vs phlox
- Floe vs flow
- Flora and fauna
- Flounder vs. founder
- Flu vs. flue
- Flue vs flew
- Flummox
- Fluorescent vs incandescent
- Foaled vs fold
- Foe vs. Faux
- Folderol
- Foley
- Font vs fount
- Fool’s errand
- Foolproof vs. full-proof
- Foot long
- For the birds
- For, four and fore
- Fora vs. forums
- Forbear vs. forebear
- Forbidding vs. foreboding
- Force majeure
- Forego vs. forgo
- Foreword vs. forward
- Formulas vs formulae
- Forth vs fourth
- Fortuitous vs. fortunate
- Foul vs. Fowl – Difference & Meaning
- Fracking
- Frankenstein’s monster
- Fraud or defraud
- Fraught
- Free Rein or Free Reign – Which One Should You Use?
- Freegan and freeganism
- Freeze vs. Frieze
- Frenemy
- Freudian slip
- Friable vs. Fryable
- Friar vs. Fryer
- Fritter away
- Frivolity vs. frivolousness
- Frogmarch or frog-march
- Full stop vs. period
- Full-Fledged or Fully Fledged – Meaning & Difference
- Fulsome
- Funereal
- Funner, funnest
- Furor vs. furore
- Fusion vs confusion
- Futile vs feudal
- Futz vs. Putz or Futzing Around vs. Putzing Around
- Gaff vs. gaffe
- Gage, gauge, and gouge
- Gaiety or mirth
- Gainsay
- Gait vs gate
- Gaiter vs. Gator
- Gall or Gaul – Definition & Difference
- Gallimaufry
- Gallop vs Gallup
- Gallop vs. Galop
- Galore – Meaning & Definition
- Galumph
- Gambit
- Gambol vs. gamble
- Game Changer – Origin and Meaning
- Gantlet vs. gauntlet
- Gaol vs. jail
- Gargle vs. gurgle
- Garrote, garrotte, or garotte
- Garter snake
- Gaudy vs. gawdy
- Gavel-to-Gavel – Meaning & Examples
- Gel or Jell vs. Jelled or Gelled – Difference & Meaning
- Gender vs. sex
- Genericide
- Genes vs. Jeans
- Gentrification
- Geographic vs geographical
- Gerrymander
- Gestalt
- Gesundheit
- Get, Got or Gotten – When & How to Use Correctly
- Ghosting
- Gibberish
- Gibe, jibe, jive
- Gild vs. guild
- Gimme
- Ginormous
- Gist or Jist – Difference & Meaning
- Git-go
- Glad-hand
- Glamping
- Glare vs glair
- Glass ceiling
- Glom onto
- Go-between
- Gobbledygook
- Gobsmacked
- Gofer vs. gopher
- Goldbrick
- Golden ticket
- Gonna
- Good vs well
- Goodly
- Goose-step
- Gorilla vs. guerrilla
- Gourmet vs gourmand
- Governance vs. government
- Graffiti
- Grammar vs. usage
- Grammarist
- Grandfather (as a verb)
- Grate or Great – Homophones, Meaning & Usage
- Grateful vs. gratified
- Graze vs grays or greys
- Grieve vs greave
- Grill vs. grille
- Grinch – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Grinded
- Grip vs. Grippe
- Grisly vs. grizzly
- Groan vs grown
- Grok
- Gross vs net
- Ground zero
- Groupthink
- Gruel vs grueling
- Guessed vs guest
- Guesstimate
- Guise vs. Guys
- Gumption
- Gun-shy
- Gung-ho
- Guyline vs guideline
- Habeas corpus
- Hail vs. hale
- Hair vs hare
- Hair’s Breadth or Hair’s Breath – Definition & Examples
- Hairy vs. harry
- Half-mast vs. half-staff
- Halfhearted and half-hearted
- Halitosis
- Hall vs haul
- Hallow vs. hollow
- Halloween or Hallowe’en
- Halve or Half – Difference, Usage and Meaning
- Halve vs have
- Ham-Fisted and Ham-Handed – Meaning and Origin
- Hand-wash
- Hangar vs. hanger
- Hangdog
- Hanged vs. Hung – Usage, Difference & Examples
- Hangry – Origin, Meaning & Definition
- Hanky-panky
- Happenstance – Usage & Meaning
- Happy median or happy medium
- Harbinger
- Hardy vs. hearty
- Hark, harken, and hearken
- Harridan and harpy
- Hart vs. Heart – Difference in Meaning and Spelling
- Hash out, thrash out
- Hashtag
- Hatemonger and hate-mongering
- Hawk vs. hock
- Hay vs hey
- Haymaker
- He’d vs heed
- Heads-Up – Usage, Meaning & Definition
- Heal vs. heel (and bring to heel)
- Healthful vs. healthy
- Hear vs. Here – Difference, Examples
- Heard vs herd
- Heavy-Handed – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Hector
- Heel, heal and he’ll
- Heighth
- Heir vs err
- Helicopter parent and lawnmower parent
- Helpless vs hapless
- Helter skelter or helter-skelter
- Hence – Usage, Definition & Examples
- Henpeck
- Heretofore or hitherto
- Heroin vs. heroine
- Heterogeneous vs. heterogenous
- Hew vs. hue
- Heyday
- Hi vs. High – Homophones, Meaning & Spelling
- Hieroglyph vs hierograph
- Highbrow vs. Lowbrow – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Higher vs hire
- Highfalutin
- Hijinks or high jinks
- Himself vs hisself
- Hinky
- Historic vs. Historical – Usage and Examples
- Hive mind
- Hoar vs. Whore
- Hoard vs. horde
- Hoarse vs horse
- Hoax
- Hobo, tramp, bum, or gutter punk
- Hobson’s Choice – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Hocus-pocus
- Hokey-pokey, hokey-cokey and hokey-tokey
- Holey vs. holy
- Holier-than-thou
- Holy vs. Wholly vs. Wholey – Difference & Meaning
- Home In vs. Hone In – Meaning and When to Use Them
- Homely vs. homey
- Homo sapiens
- Homogenous vs. homogeneous
- Homophones, Homonyms, Homographs – Differences and Examples
- Honcho
- Hoodwink
- Hoosegow – Origin & Meaning
- Hope or hopes
- Horn of plenty and cornucopia
- Horsey, horsy, horsie
- Hosanna
- Hot button
- Houndstooth
- Hour vs our
- How To Use Cue vs. Queue Correctly
- How to Use Learnings Correctly
- How to Use Perchance Correctly
- How to Use Stank vs. Stunk Correctly
- How’s it going
- Hubris
- Hullabaloo
- Humdinger
- Humongous
- Humus vs. hummus
- Hunky-dory
- Hunt-and-peck
- Hurtle vs. Hurdle – Difference and Definition
- Hush puppy, hushpuppy or hush-puppy
- Hustle and side hustle
- Hygge
- Hymn vs him
- Hyperbole
- I Could Care Less – Usage & Meaning
- I.e vs. E.g – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Ibid vs idem
- Ice tea vs. iced tea
- Idiom vs colloquialism
- Idiot savant or savant syndrome
- Idle, idol, idyll
- If need be or if needs be
- Ignoramus
- Ilk
- Illegible vs. unreadable
- Imaginary or imaginative
- Imbroglio
- Immaculate Conception vs. virgin birth
- Immunity vs. impunity
- Impactful
- Impassable vs. impassible
- Impassive vs. passive
- Impending vs. pending
- Imperial vs. Empyreal
- Impinge vs. infringe
- Imply vs. infer
- Imposter vs. impostor
- Impractical vs impracticable
- Impromptu or improvised
- Improvise vs. Improvize – Which Is Correct?
- Impugn vs. impute
- In kind
- In the throes of
- Inalienable vs. unalienable
- Incase or encase
- Incent vs. Incentivize vs. Incentivise – Meaning & Difference
- Incidence vs. incidents
- Incipient vs. insipient (vs. insipid)
- Incite vs insight
- Incommunicado
- Incomparable vs. uncomparable
- Incomprehensive or incomprehensible
- Incredible vs. incredulous
- Indian corn
- Indian Summer – Origin & Definition
- Inequality vs. inequity
- Inequity vs. iniquity
- Inexplicable vs. unexplainable
- Infect vs. infest
- Infomercial
- Ingenious vs. ingenuous
- Inn vs. In
- Innate vs. Enate
- Inroad vs inroads
- Insofar (in so far)
- Installation vs. installment
- Instantly vs. instantaneously
- Instinctive vs. instinctual
- Intellectual property
- Intercourse – Meaning & Definition
- Interment vs. internment
- Internet of things
- Interpretative vs. interpretive
- Inure vs enure
- Invaluable vs. Valuable – What’s the Difference?
- Invision or Envision – Difference and Definition
- Invite (as a noun)
- Invoke vs. Evoke – What’s the Difference?
- Ipso Facto – Meaning and Examples
- Irk
- Ironic
- Is GIF a Word? – Meaning & Spelling
- Is Irregardless a Word? What Does it Mean?
- Is it Ascent or Assent – What’s the Difference?
- Is It Junky or Junkie? – Meaning and Definition
- Is It Savy or Savvy? – Definition & Correct Spelling
- Isle or Aisle – Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Itchy feet
- Iteration
- Jack-in-the-box
- Jack-o’-lantern and Halloween lantern
- Jaded
- Jam vs. jamb
- Janus-faced
- Jaywalking
- Je Ne Sais Quoi (or Jenesequa) – Meaning In English
- Jeremiad
- Jet Lag – Meaning & Definition
- Jewel vs joule
- Jig vs gig
- Jiggery-pokery
- Jingoism
- Jinx – Origin, Meaning & Examples
- Jitney
- John Doe, Joe Bloggs and Fred Nerk
- Jolly Roger
- Joshing – Origin and Meaning
- Judgement vs. Judgment – What’s the Difference?
- Judicial vs. judicious
- Jump-start
- Junction vs. juncture
- Jury-rig, jerry-rig, jerry-built
- Just deserts vs. just desserts
- Juxtapose
- K-pop
- Kafkaesque
- Kakistocracy
- Kaleidoscope – Meaning, Spelling & Symbolism
- Kaput
- Kerfuffle vs brouhaha
- Kernel vs. Colonel
- Kibosh
- Kick-Start, Kickstart or Kick Start – Meaning & Definition
- Kickoff vs. Kick-off vs. Kick Off
- King’s X
- Kleenex vs tissue
- Klutz
- Knap vs. Nap
- Knave vs nave
- Knew or New – Homophones & Definition
- Knickers vs nickers
- Knight vs. Night – Homophones, Spelling & Meaning
- Knit vs nit
- Knob vs nob
- Knock up
- Knot, nought, naught or not
- Know vs. No – Homophones, Meaning & Spelling
- Kowtow
- Kryptonite
- Kudos – Origin, Usage & Meaning
- Lackadaisical
- Ladybug and ladybird
- Lagniappe
- Laid vs lade
- Lain vs. Lane
- Lair vs layer
- Laissez-faire
- Lamb vs lam
- Lambast vs. lambaste
- Landlubber
- Laps vs. Lapse
- Latchkey kid and latchkey child
- Later vs latter
- Laughing Stock – Usage, Meaning and Origin
- Lay Out vs. Layout – Usage & Difference
- Lay vs. Lie – Usage, Difference & List of Examples
- Laze vs. Lase
- Leach or Leech – What’s the Difference?
- Leak vs. Leek
- Lean vs. Lien
- Leaned or leant
- Leased vs least
- Led vs Lead – What’s the Difference?
- Lede vs. Lead – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Leery vs leary
- Leet, leetspeak and 1337
- Legal vs legit
- Legislator vs legislature
- Legitimate vs legitimitize
- Lend vs. loan
- Lentil vs. Lintel
- Leotard vs tights
- Lesser or lessor
- Lest
- Let’s vs lets
- Letter Names in the English Alphabet and How to Spell Them
- Levee vs. levy
- Liar vs. Lyre
- Licker vs liquor
- Lickety-split
- Lie or lye
- Lieu vs. Loo
- Lifetime or life time
- Light vs. lite
- Lighted vs. lit
- Lightening vs. lightning
- Lilliputian
- Limbo
- Limelight vs spotlight
- Linchpin vs. lynchpin
- Lip-sync and lip-synch
- Liquor vs liqueur
- Listserv
- Literally vs. Figuratively – What’s the Difference?
- Little to No or Little to None – Meaning, Uses and Examples
- Llama vs. Lama
- Lo and Behold or Low and Behold
- Load vs lode
- Loan vs lone
- Loath vs. loathe (vs. loth)
- Loch vs lock
- Locks vs. Lox
- Lodestar – Meaning & Definition
- Logo
- Lonely vs. lonesome
- Long in the tooth
- Long johns vs union suit and combination suit
- Long pig
- Look out vs. lookout (vs. look-out)
- Loonie, Loony, or Looney – What’s the Difference?
- Loop de loop or loop the loop
- Loop vs loupe
- Loot vs. Lute
- Lothario
- Lots of vs a lot of
- Low, lo or lowe
- Lowkey or Low-Key – Subtlety in Spotlight
- Luddite
- Lukewarm
- Lustful vs. lusty
- Luxuriant vs. luxurious
- Lyme Disease vs. Lime Disease
- Macabre
- MacGyver
- Mach vs. Mock
- Machiavellian
- Machine gun vs. machine-gun
- Macintosh, mackintosh, McIntosh
- Maddening vs. madding
- Made vs maid
- Magnate vs. magnet
- Magnum opus
- Mail vs male
- Main, mane and Maine
- Maize vs. Maze
- Make do vs. Make Due – What’s the Difference?
- Malarkey
- Maleficent vs. malevolent
- Mall vs. Maul
- Malware vs ransomware
- Mannequin, Manikin, or Manakin
- Manner vs. manor
- Manspreading
- Mantel vs. mantle
- Mare vs mayor
- Marinade vs. marinate
- Mark vs marque
- Marry vs. merry
- Marsala vs masala
- Marshal vs. martial
- Martin vs marten
- Mask vs. Masque
- Masterful vs. masterly
- Materiel vs. material
- Math or Maths – Which One to Use?
- Matrix
- Maul vs. mull
- Maverick
- Mayhap or mishap or snafu
- Mayonnaise vs. mayonaise
- Me vs. Mi
- Means
- Meat, meet or mete
- Medal, meddle, metal, mettle
- Mediator vs. moderator
- Meeple
- Melted vs. molten
- Meme
- Memento Mori or Momento Mori – Origin & Meaning in English
- Mensch
- Meretricious vs meritorious
- Merry Christmas vs Happy Christmas
- Metaphoric vs. Metaphorical – What’s the Difference?
- Methinks
- Mic Drop – Origin, Meaning & Sentence Examples
- Mic vs. mike
- Microfinance, microcredit and microloan
- Might vs mite
- Milieu
- Militate or mitigate
- Milquetoast vs milktoast
- Mince vs mints
- Mind vs mined
- Miner vs minor
- Minuscule vs. miniscule
- Minx vs. Mink – What’s the Difference?
- Mirandize
- Misinformed vs. uninformed
- Misnomer
- Misogyny and misandry
- Missed vs. Mist
- Mixtape
- Mob or demob
- Mode vs mowed
- Modern
- Modus operandi (m.o, MO)
- Mogul
- Mojo
- Mollycoddle
- Molotov cocktail
- Mom vs mom
- Momager
- Momentarily – Usage & Meaning
- Money-grabbing vs. money-grubbing
- Montage
- Moonlight
- Moonshine
- Moose vs. mooses
- Moose vs. Mousse
- Moot vs. mute
- Moratorium
- Morays vs. mores
- More vs moor
- Moreso
- Morning vs. Mourning – Meaning, Spelling & Difference
- Mortar board
- Mothball
- Movable vs. moveable
- Mowed vs. mown
- Much or Many – Usage, Difference & Examples
- Much vaunted
- Muchly
- Muckamuck, mucky-muck and muckety-muck
- Muckraking
- Mucous vs. mucus
- Muggle – Origin & Meaning
- Multitask – Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Mumbo Jumbo – Origin and Meaning
- Muscle vs mussel
- Mustard vs mustered
- Namby-pamby
- Nano-
- Nary a
- Nascent
- Nativity
- Naught vs. nought
- Nauseating vs. nauseous
- Naval vs. navel
- Nay, Ney, or Neigh – Difference & Meaning
- Ne’er-do-well
- Neandertal vs. neanderthal
- Nebbish
- Need vs knead
- Need vs. Kneed
- Nefarious
- Nepotism
- Nerd, Geek, or Dork – What’s the Difference?
- Nest egg
- Net neutrality
- Never mind vs nevermind
- New vs. Gnu
- Newbie vs noob or n00b
- Newfangled
- Nib vs nub
- Nice vs. Gneiss
- Nickel-and-Dime – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Nickname
- Nicks vs. Nix
- Niggle
- Nimby, nimbyism
- Nimrod
- Nitty-gritty
- No-brainer
- Noble vs ignoble
- Nock vs. Knock
- Noel or nowel
- Nomenclature
- Non sequitur
- Nonplussed
- Nonprofit vs. not-for-profit (vs. non-profit)
- Normalcy vs. normality
- Nose vs. Knows
- Not hardly
- Notwithstanding
- Nowadays, anymore, or any more
- Nun vs. None
- Nunchucks
- Nutriment or nutrition
- O vs. Oh – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Oases
- Object lesson
- Obliged vs. obligated
- Oblique
- Obsequious
- Observance vs. observation
- Obsolescent vs. obsolete
- Off-kilter and out of kilter
- Offal vs. Awful
- Oftentimes
- Oh vs. Owe
- Oh Well – Usage & Meaning
- Old chestnut
- Old Glory
- Oligarchy vs monarchy
- Ombré, Ombre or Hombre
- On fleek
- On the lam
- One-Horse Town – Meaning & Origin
- One-time vs. onetime
- One-upmanship
- Onomatopoeia
- Onus
- Oompa Loompa
- Operationalise or operationalize
- Opossum vs. possum
- Oppress, repress, suppress
- Oracle vs auricle
- Oral vs. verbal
- Ordinance vs. ordnance
- Orientate
- Origin or origins
- Ornery – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Ought vs. Aught
- Overbilled vs. Overbuild
- Overdo vs. overdue
- Oversees vs. Overseas
- Overtake, take over and takeover
- Overtones vs. undertones
- Oxymorons: A Collection of Contradictory Words and Phrases
- Packed vs. Pact
- Packs vs pax
- Paean, paeon, peon
- Pail vs. Pale
- Pain vs. Pane
- Pair vs. pare vs. pear
- Palate, palette, pallet
- Pale in comparison
- Pall vs. pallor
- Panhandle
- Par Excellence – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Parade float
- Paralympics
- Paramount vs. tantamount
- Paraphernalia
- Parish vs perish
- Parlay vs. parley
- Parlor or parlour
- Parol vs. Parole
- Parricide vs. patricide
- Parsimony
- Passable or passible
- Passed vs. past
- Passerbys or passersby
- Passing strange
- Paste vs. Paced
- Patience vs. Patients – Usage, Meaning & Spelling
- Patient Zero – Meaning and Origin
- Patois
- Patron vs. Benefactor – Difference & Definition
- Patsy
- Patty vs paddy
- Paucity – Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- Pause vs paws
- Pay the Piper – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Pea vs pee
- Peace of mind, piece of (one’s) mind
- Peak vs. peek vs. pique
- Peal vs. peel
- Peccadillo
- Pedal vs. peddle vs. petal
- Pejorative
- Pell-mell
- Penal vs. penile
- Pendant vs. Pendent – Meaning & Difference
- Pentagon
- Penultimate
- Per diem
- Per Se or Per Say – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Per vs. Purr
- Periodic vs. Periodical – Origin, Usage and Examples
- Peripatetic
- Perjury
- Pernickety vs. persnickety
- Perquisite vs. prerequisite (vs. requisite)
- Persecute vs. prosecute
- Persona non grata
- Perspective vs. prospective
- Peruse
- Pettifogger
- Petulant vs impetuous
- Phial vs. vial (vs. vile)
- Philly vs. Filly
- Phishing
- Phosphene
- Photo Bomb or Photobomber – Usage, Meaning & Origin
- Phubbing
- Pi and Pie – Spelling, Difference & Meaning
- Pica vs. Pika
- Picaresque vs. picturesque
- Picayune
- Picks, Pix or Pyx
- Pickup vs. Pick Up (vs. Pick-up)
- Pidgin vs. Pigeon
- Piece vs. Peace – Homophones, Meaning & Spelling
- Piecemeal
- Pigeon Hole – Origin & Meaning
- Piggy bank
- Piggyback
- Pin money
- Pincer vs. pincher
- Piping Hot – Origin & Meaning
- Pissant
- Pistol vs. Pistil
- Pitch-perfect and picture-perfect
- Pitchblende
- Pithy
- Pixelated vs. pixilated
- Plain vs. plane
- Plainclothes
- Plaintiff vs defendant
- Plait vs. Plate
- Plantar vs. Planter
- Playwright vs. playwrite
- Pleather and Naugahyde
- Plenitude vs. plentitude
- Plethora
- Pleural vs. Plural
- Plum vs. plumb
- Plural of Platypus – Platypuses or Platypi?
- Podcast
- Point of view, standpoint, viewpoint
- Point-blank
- Poker Face – Meaning and Definition
- Pole vs. Poll
- Polemic vs Polemical – What’s the Difference?
- Politics
- Polka dot
- Pollyanna
- Polygamy vs. polygyny vs. polyandry
- Pompom vs. pompon (vs. pom-pom etc.)
- Ponderous
- Ponzi scheme and Ponzi game
- Poo vs. pooh
- Poof, Pouf or Pouffe
- Pooh-bah or poobah
- Pooped
- Popinjay
- Poppycock
- Populace vs. populous
- Pore over vs. pour over
- Port vs. starboard
- Portend vs. portent
- Post-truth
- Potentiality
- Potluck
- Powwow
- Pox
- Practicable vs. practical
- Pragmatism
- Praise vs preys
- Praise vs. Prays
- Pram, baby carriage and baby buggy
- Prank call or crank call
- Pray vs. prey
- Prebiotic vs probiotic
- Premier vs. premiere
- Preposition vs. proposition
- Prescribe vs. proscribe
- Presume vs. Assume – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Presumptive vs. presumptuous
- Preventative vs. preventive
- Pride vs. Pried
- Primal scream
- Principal vs. Principle – Definition & Difference
- Prise or Prize or Pries – What’s the Difference?
- Privy
- Problematic vs. problematical
- Procede vs. Precede vs. Proceed – What’s the Difference?
- Procrastinate
- Prodigal and prodigy
- Prodigious vs prolific
- Profit vs. Prophet
- Progeny vs prodigy
- Promulgate vs propagate
- Prophecy vs. prophesy
- Propitiate vs expiate
- Proportional vs. proportionate
- Props
- Pros vs prose
- Prostate vs. prostrate
- Protagonist vs. Antagonist – Definitions and Examples
- Protean vs protein
- Protégé
- Proverb vs adage
- Proverbial vs figurative
- Proximal vs proximate
- Psalter vs salter
- Psych vs. psyche
- Psychopath vs. sociopath
- Punch list
- Pupal vs. Pupil
- Puppy love or poppy love
- Purposely vs. purposefully
- Pusillanimous
- Rack vs. wrack
- Racket vs. racquet
- Radical
- Radical vs. Radicle
- Rah vs. Raw
- Rail vs. Rale
- Rain vs. Rein vs. Reign – Difference in Definition & Spelling
- Raise vs rays
- Raise vs. Raze
- Raison d’etre
- Rambunctious
- Ramshackle
- Rappel vs. repel
- Rapt vs. wrapt
- Raring to Go – Meaning and Origin
- Rat Race – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Ravaging vs. ravishing
- Raven vs ravenous
- Razzle-dazzle and razzmatazz
- Razzmatazz or razzamatazz
- Re-create vs. recreate
- Reactionary vs. reactive
- Reappropriate
- Recant vs recount
- Recede vs. Reseed
- Recent vs. resent
- Reconnoiter
- Recur vs. reoccur
- Red vs. Read – Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Red-Letter Day – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Redneck vs. Hillbilly vs. Hick – What’s the Difference?
- Redoubt
- Reed vs read
- Reek vs. Wreak
- Referendum
- Reforested wood
- Regard vs. regards
- Regift
- Regime vs. regimen
- Regrettable vs. regretful
- Reindeer or caribou
- Relevancy vs. Relevance – Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Remunerate vs. renumerate
- Rend or rent
- Renege vs rescind
- Repair vs reparation
- Repeal vs. rRepeel
- Repel vs. repulse
- Repertoire or repertory
- Repetition vs repetitiveness
- Resilience vs. resiliency
- Resister vs. Resistor
- Rest or Wrest – Meaning & Difference
- Restaurateur vs. restauranteur
- Restive
- Résumé
- Retch vs. wretch
- Retcon
- Retrograde vs anterograde or antegrade
- Retronym
- Review vs. revue
- Rife vs. ripe
- Riff vs. rift
- Riffraff
- Right-side up
- Rigmarole
- Rime vs. Rhyme – What’s the Difference?
- Ring vs. wring
- Rip-off or rip off
- Riposte vs. Repost
- Risky vs risqué
- Road hog
- Road kill or roadkill
- Road vs. Rode
- Roam vs. Rome
- Roil vs. Royal
- Role vs. Roll – Difference & Meaning
- Roman-à-clef
- Rood vs rude
- Rookie
- Root vs. route vs. rout
- Rot vs. Wrought
- Rouge vs. Rogue – What’s the Difference?
- Rouse vs rows
- Rows vs rose
- Royal “we”
- Rubberneck
- Rubenesque
- Rude vs. Rued
- Ruff vs. Rough – Spelling, Usage & Meaning
- Rummy
- Rumor vs. Roomer
- Runaway vs. run away
- Rung vs. Wrung
- Rye vs wry
- Sac vs. Sack
- Saccharin vs. saccharine
- Sachet vs. Sashay
- Sacred cow
- Sacrilege, sacrilegious
- Said the Actress to the Bishop – Meaning & Origin
- Sail vs. Sale – Homophones, Difference & Meaning
- Salient vs salience
- Salubrious vs lugubrious
- Samovar vs scimitar
- Sangfroid – Meaning & Examples
- Sanitise vs. Sanitize
- Sans – Usage, Meaning & Definition
- Sarcasm
- Sarcophagus vs mausoleum
- Satisficing vs satisfying
- Savoir faire
- Savor vs. Saver
- Sawed vs. Sod
- Scam or sham
- Scarfs vs. scarves
- Scatological
- Scavenger hunt
- Schadenfreude – Usage & Meaning in English
- Schema or schematic
- Schizophrenia as an adjective
- Schmooze and shmooze
- Schmuck versus putz
- Scintilla
- Scion
- Scot-free
- Screwball
- Scrumdiddlyumptious
- Scrummy
- Scuba
- Scull vs. Skull
- Sculpture vs sculptor
- Seam vs seem
- Sear vs. seer vs. sere
- Seas, sees or seize
- Secede vs. succeed
- Second-Guess – Usage & Meaning
- Secret vs. secretive
- Security blanket
- See vs. Sea – Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Seen vs. Scene – Homophones & Meaning
- Segue vs Segway
- Self vs self
- Selfie
- Sensational vs sensationalistic
- Sense vs. Since vs. Cense – What’s the Difference?
- Sensual vs. sensuous
- Sequacious
- Seraphic
- Serf vs. Surf
- Serigraph vs lithograph
- Serious vs. Sirius
- Service (as a verb)
- Serviette or napkin
- Set Up vs. Setup vs. Set-up
- Sew vs. Sow – What’s the difference?
- Shaggy-dog story
- Shake vs. Sheikh
- Shall vs. will
- Shanghai (as a verb)
- Shaved vs. shaven
- Shear vs. sheer
- Sheath vs. sheathe
- Sheik, Chic or Sheek – What’s the Difference?
- Shelf vs. shelve
- Shell out
- Shellac, shellack
- Shenanigans
- Sherbert vs. sherbet
- Shiv
- Shoe vs. Shoo
- Shone vs shown
- Shoo-in
- Shop till you drop
- Shopping cart or buggy
- Showboat
- Showrunner
- Shrinking Violet – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Shtick
- Shut-in
- Shutter vs. shudder
- Sic vs. sick
- Side vs sighed
- Sight vs. site
- Sign vs sine
- Signet vs. Cygnet
- Silicon vs. silicone
- Silver lining
- Since vs because
- Sine die
- Sine qua non
- Sink vs. Sync
- Sisyphean, Promethean or Herculean
- Site vs. Cite – What’s the Difference?
- Sizable or sizeable
- Skunkworks
- Slay vs. Sleigh
- Slayed or slew
- Sled, sledge, sleigh and toboggan
- Slipshod
- Slough vs. Slew
- Slow vs. Sloe
- Slumgullion and goulash
- Smack of
- Smarmy
- Smartphone vs smart phone
- Smarty-pants and smarty-boots
- Smite, smote, smitten
- Smokey vs. smoky
- Smorgasbord
- Sneaked vs. snuck
- Snitch
- Snobbery or snobbishness
- Soar vs sore
- Soared vs. Sword
- Sob sister and sob story
- Soccer mom and hockey mom
- Social vs sociable
- Sole vs. Soul
- Some vs sum
- Someplace vs. some place
- Somersault
- Sorbet
- Sorted vs. Sordid
- SOS and Mayday
- Sound bite
- Soup up
- Spanish fly
- Spartan
- Spat or spitted
- Spatter vs. splatter
- Spearhead – Usage & Definition
- Speciality vs. specialty
- Specious vs spurious
- Speck vs. Spec
- Spiel or Schpiel – Meaning, Spelling & Examples
- Spiffy
- Spitballing – Meaning and Origin
- Spitz vs. Spits
- Spoof
- Spoonerism vs malapropism
- Spoopy and creppy
- Spork
- Spur vs. spurn
- Squinch
- Staff vs. Staph
- Staid vs stayed
- Stained glass
- Stair vs stare
- Stake vs. Steak
- Stanch vs. staunch
- Star-crossed
- Stat vs now
- Stationary vs. stationery
- Status quo
- Statute of limitations
- Staycation – Meaning & Etymology
- Steal vs steel
- Stem-winder or stemwinder
- Step vs. Steppe
- Stick to, stick by, or stick with
- Sticktoitiveness
- Stigma, stigmas or stigmata
- Stint or Stent – Difference in Meaning & Usage
- Stir-Crazy – Origin, Usage and Meaning
- Stock-still
- Stock, shares
- Stolen vs. Stollen
- Stool pigeon
- Storey vs. Story – What’s the Difference?
- Straight vs. strait
- Strait-laced
- Straitjacket
- Stratagem vs. strategy
- Sty vs. Stye
- Style vs stile
- Sub rosa vs sub-rosa
- Sub vs infra
- Subconscious vs. unconscious
- Substantial vs. substantive
- Subtext
- Subtle vs. subtil
- Succor or Succour vs. Sucker
- Suede vs. Swayed
- Suffice to Say or Suffice It to Say – Meaning & Examples
- Sugar Daddy – A Symbol of Wealth or an Expression of Companionship
- Sui generis
- Suite vs. Sweet
- Summa cum laude or magna cum laude
- Summary vs. summery
- Sun vs. Son – Homophones, Meaning & Spelling
- Sunday driver
- Sunday vs. Sundae – Difference, Meaning & Spelling
- Super vs supra
- Supersede or supercede
- Suppose To or Supposed To – Usage and Examples
- Surge vs. Serge
- Surgeon vs sturgeon
- Surrogacy
- Surveil
- Suspect, person of interest or perpetrator
- Svengali
- Swanning around and swanning about
- Swashbuckle
- Swath vs. swathe
- Sweat vs. sweated
- Sweeped or swept
- Sweet Tooth – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Sycophant
- Symbol vs. Cymbal – Meaning, Homophones and Spelling
- Synchronise or synchronize
- Systematic vs systematical
- Systematic vs. systemic
- T-shirt, t-shirt, tee-shirt, tee shirt
- Tabula rasa
- Tack vs. tact
- Tacks vs. Tax
- Tad bit vs tidbit
- Tail vs. tale
- Take over vs. takeover
- Take the mickey out of someone
- Tar baby
- Taro vs tarot
- Taser
- Tattletale vs telltale
- Taught vs. Taut
- Taught vs. Tot
- Taupe vs tope
- Tea vs tee
- Team vs. Teem
- Tear vs tier
- Tear vs. Tare
- Teas vs. Tease
- Teetotaler, teetotaller
- Telegram vs. telegraph
- Tenant vs. tenet
- Tent vs. Tint
- Tern vs. Turn
- Terra firma
- Terrific vs terrifying
- Terroir and terror
- Testament vs. testimony
- Tete-a-tete
- Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day
- The Bronx
- The Devil Is in the Details – Origin & Meaning
- The Interrobang Punctuation Mark(‽) – How to Use it Properly
- The Late – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Then vs. Than – When to Use Each (With Examples)
- There, Their, and They’re – Differences and Examples (With Quiz)
- Thesauri or thesaurusus
- Thong or flip-flop
- Thrall
- Threshold or threshhold
- Throes vs. Throws
- Through and through or thru and thru
- Through vs. Threw – Which One to Use and When
- Throw the baby out with the bathwater
- Throwing Shade – Origin, Meaning & Examples
- Thumbs up and thumbs down
- Thyme vs. Time
- Tic vs. tick
- Tiddlywinks and tiddleywinks
- Tide vs tied
- Till, until, ’til
- Timber or timbre
- Tinder vs tender
- Tinsel vs. Tensile
- Tinseltown
- Tiny house and tiny home
- Titan vs. Tighten
- Titular
- Tmesis
- To vs. Too – The Difference With Examples
- To wit
- Toad vs. Towed
- Toe vs. Tow
- Toilette
- Told vs. Tolled
- Tole vs. Toll
- Tolerance vs. toleration
- Ton vs. Tonne – What’s the Difference?
- Tool vs tulle
- Top banana and second banana
- Topography vs. typography
- Tor vs. Tore
- Torturous vs. tortuous
- Touch base
- Touche or touché
- Tough vs tuff
- Tour de force
- Toweled or towelled
- Towhead
- Toxicology vs. toxology
- Track and field and athletics
- Tragedy vs travesty
- Trainer or trainor
- Translucent vs. transparent
- Transpire – Definition & Examples
- Trawl vs. troll
- Treble vs. triple
- Triage
- Trick or treat vs trick-or-treat
- Troglodyte
- Troika
- Troop vs. troupe
- Trouper vs. Trooper – Meaning, Difference & Examples
- Trussed vs. Trust
- Trustee vs. trusty
- Tsunami vs tidal wave
- Turban vs. Turbine
- Turbid, turgid, torpid
- Turncoat
- Turnkey vs turn key
- Turtle, tortoise, terrapin
- Tutor vs. Tudor
- Tween
- Uber
- Ubiquitous
- Udder vs. utter
- Umbrage
- Unawares
- Underdog
- Underlie or underline
- Understanding Ode – A Rich English Lyric Poetry Tradition
- Underwater vs. Under Water
- Undo vs. Undue
- Unexceptionable vs unexceptional
- Unfamous or infamous
- Union Jack
- Unique
- Unkempt, unkept
- Unpack
- Unputdownable
- Unsung hero
- Untoward
- Up to date
- Upmost vs. utmost
- Upper crust
- Upshot
- Urban, suburban and rural
- Vacuous vs. vapid
- Vagabond and vagrant
- Vain, vein, and vane
- Vale, vail, or veil
- Vamoose
- Variance vs variants
- Variety vs varietal
- Vary vs. Very – Homophones, Usage and Difference
- Vaudeville
- Vax
- Verbiage
- Verklempt
- Verses vs. versus
- Vertex vs. vortex
- Vertigo vs vertiginous
- Vested
- Vice versa
- Vice vs. Vise – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Vicious vs. viscous
- Vicissitude
- Vis-a-vis
- Viz. – Usage, Meaning and Abbreviation
- Voicemail
- Voluptuous vs voluminous
- Vouchsafe
- Vox populi
- Wack vs. whack
- Waddle vs. wattle
- Wade vs. Weighed
- Wainscot or chair rail
- Waist vs. waste
- Waive vs. wave
- Waiver vs. waver
- Walk vs. Wok
- Wallflower – Idiom, Meaning & Definition
- Wallop and pack a wallop
- Wander vs. wonder
- Wane, wax
- Wanton vs. wonton
- Ware vs. Wear vs. Where – Difference in Meaning & Spelling
- Warrantee vs. warranty
- Wart vs wort
- Wary vs. weary
- Wassail
- We’d vs. Weed
- We’ll vs. Wheel
- Weak vs. Week
- Wean vs. Ween
- Web site vs. website
- Weekend
- Weigh In – Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Well-Heeled – Usage, Origin & Meaning
- Wend vs wind
- Wet vs. whet
- Whac-A-Mole
- Whacks vs. Wax
- Whale, Wail or Wale
- What Are Bloopers? – Meaning & Examples
- What Are Gooseflesh, Goosebumps, or Goose Pimples?
- What Does [Sic] Mean? – Definition & Examples
- What Does Ample Mean? – Usage & Definition
- What Does Grudge Mean?
- What Does Half-Baked Mean?
- What Does Leeway Mean? – Usage & Examples
- What Does Parkour Mean? – Definition & Spelling
- What Does Sanction Mean? – Definition & Examples
- What Does the Abbreviation A.K.A. or AKA Mean?
- What Does Voilà Mean? – Spelling & Examples
- What Is a Bromance? – Meaning and Examples
- What Is a Charnel House? – Origin & Meaning
- What Is a Chav? – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- What Is a Conundrum? – Meaning & Examples
- What Is a Dad Bod? – Meaning & Definition
- What Is a Dilemma? – Usage and Meaning
- What Is a Donnybrook? – Origin & Meaning
- What Is a Glitch? – Usage & Meaning
- What Is a Goober? – Origin, Meaning & Definition
- What Is a Hie? – Definition and Meaning
- What Is a Honeymoon? – Origin & Meaning
- What Is a Hootenanny? – Meaning and Definition
- What Is a Juggalo? – Origin, Meaning & Examples
- What Is a Lei? – Meaning & Examples
- What Is a Loophole? – Meaning, Origin & Examples
- What Is a Mary Sue? – Meaning & Origin
- What is a Mcjob? – Definition & Examples
- What Is a Mumu, Muumuu or Moomoo Dress? – Meaning and Origin
- What Is a Pet Peeve? – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- What Is a Potter’s Field? – Meaning and Origin
- What Is a Prodigal Son? – Meaning, Definition and Origin
- What Is a Raconteur? – Origin, Meaning & Examples
- What Is a Round Robin? – Origin & Meaning
- What Is a Skort? – Meaning & Definition
- What Is a Snark? – Usage & Definition
- What Is a Tongue-Lashing? – Meaning and Origin
- What Is a Trope or Tropes? – Definition and Examples
- What Is Ad Infinitum? – Usage & Meaning
- What Is Adulting? – As a Verb & Meaning
- What Is an Ideologue?—Usage & Meaning
- What Is Belated? – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- What Is Certifiable? – Meaning and Examples
- What Is Christmas Adam? – Meaning & Origin
- What Is Cosplay? – Origin, Meaning & Definition
- What Is Dole Out? – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- What Is Forte? – Meaning & Definition
- What is Kith and Kin – Origin & Meaning
- What Is Mea Culpa? – Usage, Meaning & Definition
- What Is Mudslinging? – Meaning and Origin
- What Is Outsource? – Meaning & Examples in a Sentence
- What Is Requiem? – Definition & Meaning
- What Is Simpatico? – Usage & Meaning in English
- What Is Toss Up or Toss-Up? – Meaning & Definition
- Wheal or Weal vs. Wheel
- Wheelhouse
- Whence vs. from whence
- Whereas – Usage and Examples in a Sentence
- Wherewithal
- Which vs. Witch – What’s the difference?
- Whig vs wig
- While away vs. wile away
- While vs. Wile
- Whilst – When & How to Use Correctly
- Whine vs. Wine – Meaning & Spelling
- Whiny, whiney, whinny, Whinney
- Whippersnapper
- Whipsaw
- Whir or Whirr vs. Were
- Whirl v. Whorl
- Whirling dervish
- Whiskey vs. whisky
- Whiz, whizz, wiz
- Who vs. Whom – Usage, Rules and Examples (+ Printable Exercise)
- Whoa vs. Woe – Spelling, Meaning & Examples
- Whoever vs. whomever
- Wholistic and holistic
- Whoop vs. whup
- Whose vs. Who’s – Usage, Difference and Examples
- Why Do People Yell “Geronimo!” – Meaning & Origin
- Widow, widower
- Wiki
- Willy-Nilly – Meaning, Origin and Examples
- Winningest
- Wintery vs wintry
- Wiseacre
- Wit vs. whit
- Wither vs. whither
- Womp womp
- Won vs. One – Homophones & Meaning
- Wonder vs. wonderment
- Wonkish, wonky
- Wont
- Wont vs. Want – What’s the Difference?
- Wood vs would
- Woolgathering
- Word and Whirred
- Word to the wise
- Workout vs. work out
- World vs whirled
- Worn or Warn – Homophones, Meaning and Examples
- Worrywart and worryguts
- Worst vs. Wurst
- Wrath vs. Rath
- Wreath vs. wreathe
- Wreck vs. reck
- Wright vs write
- Writ large
- Writer’s block
- Wrong vs. wrongly
- Wrote vs rote
- Wunderkind
Thank you