Braid vs brayed

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The words braid and brayed look similar and are pronounced in the same fashion, but mean very different things. Braid and brayed are homophones, which are words that are pronounced the same way but are spelled differently and have different meanings. We’ll look at the meanings of these words, their origins, and some examples used in sentences.

A braid may be threads composed of various materials woven into a band used to trim garments or upholstery. A length of hair that has been interwoven is also called a braid, as is any flexible material that has been interwoven. Braid may also be used as a transitive verb to describe weaving various materials into a band or interweaving a length of hair or any flexible material. Related words are braids, braided, braiding. The word braid comes from the Old English word bregdan which means to make a sudden movement, to shake, and also interweave or knit.

Brayed is the past tense of the word bray, which means to make a loud, abrasive sound that a donkey or mule makes. Bray is also used figuratively to mean a loud, abrasive sound that a human makes. Bray may be used as a noun or an intransitive verb, which is a verb that does not take an object. Related words are brays, braying. Brayed comes from the Old French word braire, which means to cry out.


Perfect for long, thick hair, this braid transforms loose curls into a thick braid. (The Daily Herald)

“Braids are less stressing on the hair, rather than pilling all your hair on top of the head, it gives more interest to your hairstyle,” Carandang said. (The Toronto Sun)

Bob Dylan’s become a craggy remnant from a bygone era of protest, in his case musical protest, when anger at American hypocrisy was brayed about everywhere. (The Niagara Gazette)