Debark or disembark

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To debark is to disembark, which is to get off of an airplane or ship or other mode of transportation. Both can also be the act of removing someone or something from the same vessels. Both have noun forms of debarkation and disembarkation, which refer to the location the person debarked at.

Additionally, one can debark a tree, or remove the bark from a tree. One would then be a debarker.


Four Smith County Jail trusties, equipped with chainsaws and straight-draw shave tools, which are used to debark felled tree trunks, prepared pine logs for reconstructing a “hut” built to specifications described in historic construction documents for Camp Ford. [Tyler Morning Telegraph]

The list of green improvements runs from roof-mounted solar panels and rain gardens to support beams made of debarked trees, cork floors and bamboo cabinets. [The Frederick News-Post]

But when they arrived, they were not allowed to debark and Marine Corps protocol officers told them to stay on the bus. [Marine Corps Times]

Upon debarking from their bus, the students were blocked by police who, by some accounts, were operating in collusion with a local criminal gang. [Scoop]

The airmen will bring all the equipment necessary to establish an aerial port of debarkation, or APOD, at Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport. [US Dept of Defense]

Having arrived in Cozumel on Friday morning, the captain took the decision to sail onwards – because Mexico had not decided by midday whether to allow the passengers to disembark. [The Telegraph]

“These roads provide vital links for efficient transportation of goods and services to strategic destinations to and from the city of Butuan, the province of Agusan del Norte and other parts of the Caraga Region, more particularly ports of embarkation and disembarkation and the provincial and city centers. [Manila Bulletin]