Blowhard and windbag

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Blowhard and windbag are derogatory terms that have slightly different definitions. We will examine the meanings of the terms blowhard and windbag, where these terms came from and some examples of their use in sentences.

A blowhard is someone who is a braggart, someone who is full of self-importance. A blowhard usually speaks in a loud manner. Politicians are often characterized as blowhards. The word blowhard is an American expression, derived from a term used by sailors. Originally, blowhard most probably referred to a stormy weather condition.

A windbag is someone who talks a lot without saying anything worth hearing. A windbag is an overly talkative person. The word windbag may be traced to the 1400s, when it originally described the bellows of an organ. Blowhard and windbag are sometimes used interchangeably, though there is a slight difference between their meanings. Remember, a blowhard is someone who talks too much and is a braggart, a windbag is simply someone who talks too much.


In an interview during the 2016 presidential campaign, he told the author that Mr Trump was a “blowhard”, driven by “a certain ego” and lacking a commitment to public service. (The Irish Times)

Reiner was reminded that Archie Bunker, the main character on All In The Family, was a bigoted blowhard from Queens. (Newsweek Magazine)

Non-viewers of the show are likely puzzled by the appeal of a delusional windbag like Trump; yet those who did watch the various versions of “The Apprentice” are more prone to seeing him as a stern, tough businessman. (The Las Cruces Sun-News)

Nor was it necessary for any opportunistic parliamentary windbag to say that ‘Franno’ is among those prophets whom his country should honour while the sermon was still gripping. (The Jamaica Gleaner)