Enrol vs. Enroll – Meaning, Usage and Examples

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

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Enrol and enroll both mean registering or entering someone’s name on a list. The main difference here, aside from an ocean and an extra L, is the spelling favored by British and American English. In the U.K., they drop the second L; in the U.S., they keep it.

But why does this even matter? Knowing the correct spelling and usage for your audience isn’t just a neat party trick; it’s important for clear, professional communication. Imagine sending a CV to a British employer and spelling it the American way—you might just find yourself unenrolled from a job opportunity.

In this article, I’ll explain more about the difference between these two spellings, give you plenty of sentence examples, and explain why little details like this can make a big difference in your writing. 

Enrol vs. Enroll – Meaning Usage and Examples 1

Both enrolment and enrollment are variants of the same word. Enrollment is the standard American spelling in the English language, while enrolment is for British English. Both terms refer to the act of enroling or enrolling or being enrolled. They are applicable in many contexts, carrying all of the same meanings.

Enroll vs. Enrol Examples

  • Students are unsure about when to enrol because of the different announced dates for enrolments.
  • Students are unsure about when to enroll because of the different announced dates for enrollments.

As a transitive verb, enrol or enroll means to register, enter in a list or catalog, or insert. It implies that one can enroll something or someone–for example:

  • My mother enrolled me in piano lessons.

The transitive verb enrolled has a direct object me.

As an intransitive verb, enrol or enroll means to enroll oneself–for example:

  • I’m already enrolled for the second trimester of school.

Etymologists agree that the word enroll comes from the Old French word enroller or enrôler. It was associated with writing the name of a person in a roll or register.

When to Use Enrolment?

Enrolment is the standard accepted spelling in the UK or British English, breaking the traditional spelling of double Ls in the preferred language. For example, in canceled vs. cancelled and traveled vs. travelled, the usage of travelled and cancelled are more common in British English.

Here are some sentence examples: 

  • The ennrolment methods include manual enrolment, self-enrolment, and PayPal.
  • The expected rate of enrolment of women is higher this semester. 
  • Teachers should type an enrolment key upon accessing the online course. 
  • Among the types of enrolment, I always preferred the online method.
  • Access the default enrolment settings on the Administration webpage.
  • Bulk the enrolment management with a flat-file enrolment plugin. 

When to Use Enrollment?

Use enrollment when you’re writing in American English. Although American spellings are typically shorter with only one L, enrollment follows the opposite rule. This spelling variant is also more common in Canada. 

Enrol vs. Enroll – Meaning Usage and Examples 2

  • Does the list of courses appear on the course site after enrollment?
  • The goal goes beyond having a higher enrollment rate. The school also wants to enhance student role in the education process. 
  • This participant list includes all the names of individuals who went through enrollment.
  • Female students whose enrollment is not yet confirmed will not access their grades lists.

Enrol and Enroll in Sentences

This list of sentence examples are from U.S. publications:

In place since 2005, the GWU policy aims to provide financial certainty for families after students enroll. [Washington Post]

Just as high school enrollment increased during the 1920s, so too did enrollment at American colleges and universities. [The 1920’s]

Every March, September and November, kids and adults who enroll in the eight-week Learn to Skate beginner session receive a free pair of ice skates. [Newsday]

And these examples are from outside the U.S.:

Procrastination, historically blamed for failure to enrol, is now the default means by which workers are funnelled into 401(k)s. [Financial Times]

Although enrolment and voting is compulsory, the penalties for non-compliance are not particularly onerous. [Australia: The State of Democracy]

Rivonia Primary School today won the right to determine the number of pupils it can enrol in a class. [Independent Online]

Re-Enrol or Re-Enroll

Both re-enrol and re-enroll are correct terms that mean to enroll again. The spelling differences lie in your target audience. Employ enrolment for British usage guide, and use enrollment for American English.

These spelling conventions also break the famous rule that American spellings employ a single-l spelling. Take a look at these sentence examples

  • Schools should be more considerate of learners who wish to re-enroll.
  • I’m re-enroling in the tuition-free school I attended two years ago. 
  • They became lenient with re-enrollment regulations to keep the town’s children in school.

Final Words

Enrol and enroll have the same meaning, but their use in writing depends on different language communities. Current usage patterns show that the double L spelling dominates in writing. 

Use enrol, enrolment, and re-enrol for British English spelling, and enroll, enrollment, and re-enroll for American English spelling.

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