Knave vs nave

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knave is someone (usually a man) who has no morals or ethics, is dishonest or deceitful. It is also the name for a Jack in a deck of playing cards.

nave is a hub of a wheel or the part of a church that is long and narrow.


And while he’s put together a fine cast, it sometimes leans too heavily on guest stars; it’s a treat to see James Spader, as in “Lincoln,” once again playing a fancy knave, but when Meryl Streep shows up as a minister’s wife it feels like a joke (even if, perhaps, she just wanted to drop in on her daughter, Grace Gummer, who plays one of the lunatics). []

‘It doesn’t bear bringing the full weight of the law down on his head. We put this case on the basis that the defendant was a fool rather than a knave’. [Wiltshire Times]

And there was more success for Phoenix in the visiting women’s class, with Angela Kennard’s Knave of Hearts costume earning her first place and Maureen Burrow’s Baroque outfit placed second. [Little Hampton Gazette]

Mr Ward said that to transform the space into a public venue would  mean clearing the area of pews and installing a new floor, underfloor heating and new lighting. He said: “All of these things would enable us to open up the space so that people can come, enjoy concerts, arts events, perhaps even we’d host part of the food festival in the nave.” [Shropshire Star]

Fellies are the curved sections of wood which make up the rim of a wheel (Old English felg), while the nave (cognate with Sanskrit nābhi or ‘navel’) is the central section into which the spokes and axle fit from different axes. [London Review of Books]