Worst vs. Wurst

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Worst means the least skilled, the lowest quality, the most severe, the most egregious, the least pleasing, to the least extent. Worst is the superlative of bad, it may be used as an adjective, adverb, verb or noun. Worst comes from the Old English word wyrresta.

A wurst is a large sausage, typically made from a German or an Austrian recipe. The word wurst comes from the Old German word wurst, derived from the word wurstiz, which is possibly derived from the word wirren, meaning mixture.


One punter made the “worst cash out decision in history” after taking a 45p return on a 5000/1 bet on Leicester City winning the Premier League. (The Telegraph)

The Indian government has begun sending trains carrying water to the western state of Maharashtra, as the region faces its worst drought in almost half a century. (TIME Magazine)

San Diego ranks as the nation’s worst when it comes to cleaning up industrial sites for redevelopment purposes, according to a report released Monday. (The San Diego Union-Tribune)

They spend the worst part of this crisis reflecting and recalibrating their plans, alone and isolated, until eventually they go out and explore new hobbies, interests, and social groups, finally emerging at the other side of the crisis happier, more motivated, and with a greater sense of clarity. (The Harvard Business Review)

The company had about 12,500 wursts on hand to feed the 5,000 shareholders at the AGM, spokeswoman Silke Walters said. (The Globe and Mail)

The wurst-maker cartel has been dubbed the “Atlantic group” after the Hotel Atlantic in Hamburg where the sausage producers first met. (The South China Morning POst)

The Houston Liederkranz will hold its Wurst/Sausage Festival from 4-10 p.m. Saturday, June 29, at Houston Liederkranz Hall in Houston. (The Houston Chronicle)