Blew, blown, or blowed

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As a verb, to blow means, in its most common definition, is for air to move either by nature (e.g., the wind or a breeze) or for a person to push air out of his or her mouth. To blow past something is to move quickly beyond it. The past tense is blew an the past participle is blown (e.g., I have blown a tire.). While dictionaries will say that blowed  is a past tense form of blow, however, most readers will see this as incorrect. In some slang blowed is used to mean an event was awful, but even then it is more correct to say ‘it blew‘.

There are many compound verbs which use blow including: blow up, blow out, blow hot, blow smoke, blow off steam, blow a gasket, and others.

As a noun, a blow is a hit or something which causes injury.


Breezy and gusty north or north northeast winds blow in the vicinity of 20 mph under unlimited sunshine. [KTXS]

A warm sea breeze blows through the Hotel Splendido in Portofino, where actress Cate Blanchett is whizzing through select interviews with the media before she hops on a plane back to Australia. [South China Morning Post]

Just seconds into its launch Tuesday evening, the Orbital Sciences Antares rocket, carrying supplies to the International Space Station, suffered an explosion in the aft end of its first stage, fell back onto the launch pad and blew up in a spectacular fireball. [CNN]

Struggling with an umbrella that has blown inside out in the wind is enough to dampen anyone’s spirit. [Gizmag]

A major blow was dealt last night to the dark net markets – the anonymous online marketplaces that operated in a hidden part of the internet known as Tor Hidden Services, accessible with the anonymous browser Tor. [The Telegraph]

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