Shutter vs. shudder

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shutter is a panel attached to a window that can be closed for privacy. Also, it is the part of a camera that opens to expose light to the film. A person can shutter their windows by closing the shutters.

To shudder is to shake or quake, usually as a result of fear or disgust. A shudder is the act of shaking. It also makes the adjective of shuddery.

These words are homophones for some areas, including Southern US.


While neither company mentioned “Blackfish” as a contributing factor in terminating the relationship, a petition on urging Southwest to shutter its affiliation with SeaWorld garnered over 30,000 signatures. [CNN]

Wikimedia, the US-based organisation behind Wikipedia, has refused a photographer’s repeated requests to remove one of his images which is used online without his permission, claiming that because a monkey pressed the shutter button it should own the copyright. [Telegraph]

Although glass and screens have eliminated the practical need for shutters, they’re still popular for decoration. [Providence Journal]

Today’s ISPs must shudder to think that their innovations are making Apple, Google and Facebook, but not them, very profitable. [Washington Post]

However, longer term investors — those who got their Treasury stock from the Foster’s demerger in 2011 — will shudder when they add up accumulated losses from the brewer’s ill-­advised multi-beverage strategy, which kicked off in 1996 with the $482m purchase of Mildara Blass. [The Australian]

While the Victory’s stunning season-opening win sent a shudder through the A-League, Gombau remained unmoved. [The Australian]

Mr. Podulke’s alert, sympathetic performance never elicits that shuddery sensation. [New York Times]