Do you take a bath or bathe? That probably seems like a silly question, but it’s one I hear quite often. A single letter makes one a noun and the other a verb while also changing their pronunciations. So, let’s take a moment to go over bath vs. bathe quickly and how you can use both words.
Bath vs. Bathe: What Is the Diff?

The difference between bath and bathe is pretty simple, but I always see confusion around the two terms. Bath is the noun we use to describe two things: the tub of water inside your bathroom and also to refer to something you can do/take/or have.
- I need a new bath and want to get a clawfoot tub.
- I’m going to take a hot bath.
See the difference in using the noun?
Now, bathe is used in a totally different way as it is a verb form of the noun. Like bath, bathe can be used in more than one context. Essentially, it’s the action of washing yourself, but it can also mean covering yourself in something.
- That kid is covered in mud; he needs to bathe himself.
- I want to bathe in that essential oil; it smells so good.
Bath and Bathe Spelling & Pronunciations
The spelling of bath and bathe is what makes their pronunciation different. Bath, as a noun, is said as baath, and the verb form bathe is pronounced as bay-th.
What Are Synonyms for Bathe?
There are lots of ways of saying bathe! Here are a few.
- Wash
- Clean
- Cleanse
- Cover
- Soak
- Shower
Using Bathe in a Sentence
- I love satsuma essential oils; I just want to bathe in them every day.
- You need to bathe your dog; she was rolling around in poop!
- I know for a fact that she bathes in milk every Sunday.
- Can you bathe Charlie while I get Jack in his jammies for bed?
For homeowner Marcell Strolz’s chalet in the Austrian resort town of Lech, architect Helmut Dietrich opted for expansive, pressure-resistant panes that would bathe the home with daylight and yet be able to withstand the weight of the area’s heavy snowfalls. [Wall Street Journal]
Using Bath in a Sentence

- Go take a warm, relaxing bath with hot water while I get the kids to bed.
- Both the kids had a bath last night, so they don’t need one tonight.
- I love taking baths in rose water.
- That final episode of Game of Thrones was a total blood bath!
- When I was in gymnastics, I took ice baths every other day to help my sore muscles.
- Don’t forget to have a bath in soapy water before going to the dance! You don’t want to be the smelly kid on the dance floor!
- Just look at the gorgeous clawfoot bathtub! I have to have it!
- We completely renovated our bathroom last year and added a new sink, vanity, and bath. It was a great investment.
You Bathe in Your Bath
There you go! Now you should have no problem telling the difference between the noun bath and the verb bathe after reading my quick guide! I hope it helped, and just remember that when you add the E, it becomes the verb.