Carbon footprint

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A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide and methane released into the atmosphere due to the activities of a person, company or country. The measurement of a carbon footprint is a measurement of how much a person, company or country contributes to global warming. While Google’s Ngram reports that the first use of the term carbon footprint occurred in 1977, most sources contend that carbon footprint entered mainstream English in the early 2000s. Previous attempts to describe the impact of using fossil fuels were global footprint and ecological footprint. The plural form of carbon footprint is carbon footprints. Interestingly, the word footprint is increasingly paired with other words to indicate the impact someone makes in a particular area, such as social media footprint and digital footprint.


Users of the Baltic Sea Card will get an environmental report in their mobile app or internet bank account, effectively letting users track the carbon footprint of their consumption. (The Business Insider)

Mr. Modi told Congress that he hopes to increase India’s energy supply “with a light carbon footprint and a great emphasis on renewables,” a comment met with a standing ovation. (The New York Times)

The Green Army not only reduced the carbon footprint and increased the tree cover in the campus, it also brought laurels from outside. (The Times of India)

This, in turn, reduces our carbon footprint because less fuel is required to collect and transport waste. (The New Straits Times

Aiming to reduce its carbon footprint, the Indian Navy has set a target of producing 21 MW of solar power and is also looking at tapping the energy of oceans for power generation, a statement said. (The Financial Express)