Old Glory

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Old Glory is an informal name for the flag of the United States. The name comes from a particular American flag that was flown by William Driver, a former sea captain who lived in Nashville, Tennessee. Driver flew his American flag from his ship during his seafaring years, when he retired he brought his flag with him. Driver hung the flag at his house in Tennessee beginning with his retirement in 1837, and he continued to hang the American flag at his house during the Civil War. William Driver’s flag was a famous symbol of Union loyalty, it was he who named the flag Old Glory. Today, the term Old Glory is a generic term that is applied to any and all American flags. Note that the term Old Glory is capitalized.


Old Glory has inspired our national anthem with words sung to the sound of dramatic drums or the poetry of a sole trumpet player. (The Silver City Sun-News)

Today is Flag Day, and if you don’t have Old Glory flying on your home or business, you should. (The Utica Observer-Dispatch)

As their friends snoozed on Memorial Day, the Scouts were up before the sun to start the inaugural task of Flags All Year – a paid service that displays Old Glory on front lawns six times a year. (The Orange County Register)

But no matter Old Glory’s appearance, the emotions it evokes are everlasting. (The Canton Repository)

I’ll bet most readers could use a primer about Old Glory, so here’s what you probably should have known yesterday about flags. (The Leavenworth Times)

Adams says he’s received a wealth of support from veterans and military families in his fight to protect “Old Glory” and that he will continue his fight to fly the Stars and Stripes for as long as it takes. (The Examiner)