Soar vs sore

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Soar is a verb which means to fly high, to rise into the air, to glide on air currents. Soar is an intransitive verb, which is a verb that does not take an object. Soar may also be used as a noun to refer to the act of soaring, related words are soars, soared, soaring, soarer, soaringly. The word soar appears in the fourteenth century, from the Old French essorer meaning fly up, soar.

Sore is an adjective which painful, tender, physical pain or emotional pain. Sore also may describe a point of irritation. When used as a noun, a sore means a place on the body which is ulcerated, infected or blistered. Sore may also mean urgent. Related words are sorer, sorest, soreness, sorely. Sore comes from the Old English word sar, meaning painful, grievous, aching, sad, wound, state of pain or suffering.


Records broken as temperatures soar up to 38 degrees across Australia (The Guardian)The latest figures follow a trend seen in 2013-14, when offences involving religious hatred soared by 45 per cent and race hate crime by 4 per cent in the wake of the murder of solider Lee Rigby. (The Daily Express)

The S&P/TSX composite index gave back 14.30 points to close at 13,964.36 after having soared more than 600 points in the week’s first four trading days. (The Huffington Post)

Not surprisingly, Japan’s emissions have soared, hitting the second highest on record in the 2014 year (the highest was in 2007). (The Irish Times)

Matt Harvey might be “sore” and “swelled up,” but the Mets right-hander is determined to take the ball for a potential Game 5 of the NLCS on Thursday. (The New York Post)

The upcoming bye week offers a much-needed break for Lacy and other sore Packers. (The Washington Tiumes)

So when it felt a little sore Friday, head coach Quin Snyder made the decision to keep his leading scorer on the sideline for the team’s open practice at EnergySolutions Arena. (The Salt Lake Tribune)