Vale, vail, or veil

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A vale is a valley, also a common township name in Wales.

To vail is to take off your hat in a sign of respect. It is so archaic we were not able to find modern examples of its use. In the U.S., the word is more commonly associated with the Vail ski resort in Colorado.

veil is a piece of cloth worn over the head and sometimes face, normally associated with women and brides. To veil something is to obscure it or hide it, as a veil does.


Near it hangs an oil sketch, Valley of the Stour (Dedham Vale), which is a precursor of the painting that features the restaurant I had eaten in the night before. [The Telegraph]

Reduced school hours in the Vale of Glamorgan will take effect today due to the NATO summit. The majority of more than 50 schools in the area will close at 2pm today, and also have changed hours on Thursday and Friday. [ITV]

After Angelina Jolie debuted a bridal veil decorated with her children’s drawings during her wedding to Brad Pitt last week, will personalized doodles on bridal wear become the next big thing? [Time]

With Pakistan’s ambassador to Nepal in attendance, Rajnath Singh on Friday made a veiled attack on Islamabad on the issue of terrorism during the Saarc home ministers’ meet in Nepal. Singh said all countries in the region need to be alert on the fallout of withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and specifically mentioned India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as potential victims leaving Pakistan out. [India Times]