Take for granted or take for granite

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Take for granted and take for granite are two phrases that are often confused, but only one is correct. We will examine the definition of the correct phrase, where these expressions came from and some examples of the use of the correct phrase in sentences.

Take for granted may mean to assume something is true without testing it or questioning it, or to expect something to always be available. Take for granted may also mean to not be grateful for something or someone or not appreciate something or someone properly. The idiom take for granted dates back to the 1600s. An idiom is a figure of speech that is a word, group of words or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is not easily deduced from its literal definition. Take for granted has a negative connotation, especially when used to mean to be ungrateful or to not appreciate someone. Related phrases are takes for granted, took for granted, taking for granted.

Take for granite is an expression that is the result of mishearing or misinterpreting the phrase take for granted. Take for granite is an eggcorn, which is a misheard word or phrase that retains its original meaning. Often, take for granite is used as a geological pun.


And even when they are spared from death, these brave souls often sacrifice many other aspects of their lives — ones that we take for granted — because of long deployments and extensive training. (Kennebec Journal & MOrning Sentinel)

And sixteen years later, here’s one thing we can take for granted about what’s likely to happen: in the end, it never goes well. (The Huffington Post)

Davis said part of the beauty of the program is the interns learn skills some people without disabilities can take for granted, such as being punctual and in the right place at the proper moment. (The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer)