On the contrary

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On the contrary is a phrase that is often used in English, especially during debate. We will examine the meaning of the phrase on the contrary, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences.

On the contrary is a phrase that is used to deny something that has been said or implied, a phrase used when one believes in the truth of the opposite of what has been said. On the contrary is considered a fairly strong objection to another person’s assertion, and is usually used in heated debates. On the contrary may serve as an opening phrase to a longer explanation, or it may stand on its own as an objection to a previous statement. Contrary means the opposite. The phrase on the contrary has been in use since at least 1400, though its original rendering is in the contrary.


On the contrary, it is perfectly consistent to support smaller government, traditional social values, and so on while maintaining one’s bedrock belief in democracy and the rule of law. (New York Magazine)

On the contrary, the actor was celebrating the fact that his home team — the Boston Celtics — would now have less competition in the eastern division. (People Magazine)

On the contrary, the detailed report makes clear the independence of the Justice Department and the value of letting a thorough and fair investigation run its course. (The New York Times)

On the contrary, it’s a regrettable decision that has transformed him into a leader that murders his own people, another Somoza capable of being a monster, and as such a government that, according to the latest Cid-Gallup poll, 70% of the people oppose. (The Havana Times)