Is it case in point or case and point? It’s actually case in point, but what does the phrase even mean? Well, I’ll explain everything you need to know about its meaning and how you’re supposed to use it when speaking or writing.
Is It Case in Point or Case and Point?

Just about anyone will likely tell you there’s no difference, or they simply don’t know the difference because case in point and case and point are both so widely used that they’re both acceptable in most informal cases.
But the true, correct saying is actually case in point and the only one accepted in formal settings. If you’re using the saying at work or for school, always use the version case in point.
Case in Point Meaning

The common phrase “case in point” simply means example or instance. You would use it to illustrate a certain situation or a core principle, or even an argument. You’ve probably seen it used mostly to refer to something that proves or supports a particular point.
T.V. shows, like Criminal Minds and CSI, come to mind when I see or hear the phrase because they would often say it when they found evidence or were addressing a courtroom.
If you had a corporate job and your new marketing strategy worked, you could look around the room and say, “The success of my marketing strategy is a case in point that the approach I implemented is working.”
Or if you were the mayor of a town or city and your main goal was currently to bring down the sudden rise in crime, you might say, “This new spike in crime is a case in point that I need to address public safety.”
Case and Point Meaning
This version of the phrase, while commonly used, is actually wrong. It’s an eggcorn. Sure, it sounds right, and most people wouldn’t even know the difference. But it’s incorrect and not even an actual phrase.
What Is the Plural of Case in Point?
It’s simply cases in point. Some might tell you it’s case in points, but that would be wrong.
How Do You Use the Phrase Case in Point in a Sentence?
- The success of the new product launch is a clear case in point that our research and development team is doing a fantastic job.
- Her ability to adapt to new technologies is a case in point that she’s the right person for the job.
- The recent increase in sales is a case in point that our marketing strategy is working.
- The growing popularity of the new app among younger generations is a case in point that technology is changing the way we communicate.
- The new education program’s success is a case in point that investing in education is crucial for our future.
- A growing number of volunteers for the charity is a case in point that people are still willing to give back to their community.
- Positive feedback from customers is a case in point that our customer service is top-notch.
- The success of the new startup is a case in point that there is still room for innovation in the market.
Good Grammar Is a Case in Point!
I hope my quick guide helped explain the meaning and proper usage of the phrase case in point. You should be confident in using it now in both speech and writing. Knowledge of phrases like this is a case in point of your ability to expand your mind.