Drawer vs drawer

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Drawer and drawer are two words that are spelled identically but are pronounced differently and have different meanings, which makes them heteronyms. We will examine the definitions of the words drawer and drawer, where these words came from, and a few examples of their use in sentences.

A drawer (drore) is a five-sided box that slides in and out of a chest, desk, or other piece of furniture and is used for storage. A drawer may or may not have a handle. The word drawer is derived from draw, in the sense the one draws or slides a drawer out of a piece of furniture.

A drawer (draw-er) is someone who draws. Usually, the term refers to someone drawing pictures or someone who is an artist. Drawer may also refer to someone who is pulling something, as in someone drawing water from a well, but this is an usual usage of the word. The word drawer is derived from the agent noun, draw, which is derived from the Old English word dragan.


One such area, the second drawer of my night table, provided an opportunity for celebration and reflection. (The Jewish Standard)

A suspect who stole a cash drawer with a large sum of money from a restaurant in Fairfield County is at large and police are asking the public for help in identifying and finding him. (The Fairfield Daily Voice)

She got recycled drawer handles for the piece from her niece, and painted a circular design on the front. (The Bemidji Pioneer)

If Asmoeroc is the typography guy, then Pakey is the portrait drawer. (The Vulcan Post)