Vegetarian vs vegan

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Vegetarian and vegan have similar meanings, but with some important differences. We will examine the difference between the definitions of vegetarian and vegan, where these terms came from and some examples of their use in sentences.

A vegetarian is a person who eats vegetables to the exclusion of the flesh of animals, poultry and fish. People become vegetarians for a variety of reasons, including health, availability of resources or objection to the treatment of farm animals. The term vegetarian was coined in 1839 from the word vegetable paired with the suffix -arian, patterned on the word agrarian. The formation of the Vegetarian Society of Ramsgate in 1847 helped to popularize the term. Vegetarian may be used as a noun or an adjective.

A vegan is a person who eats vegetables to the exclusion of the flesh of animals, poultry and fish, but also does not eat any animal byproducts such as cheese or eggs. A vegan is a type of vegetarian. The term vegan was coined in 1944 by Donald Watson. Vegan may also be used as either a noun or a verb.


But with plant-based eating (and the percentage of vegetarians) on the rise nationally, it’s remarkable how little attention the humble vegetable receives on the grill. (Vogue Magazine)

The Centre is close to deciding on switching to cellulose-based vegetarian capsules, replacing the widely used, animal-based gelatin capsules. (The Daily News & Analysis)

In what likely came as a surprise to meat-loving Texans, PETA recently named Globe Life Park in Arlington the most vegan-friendly Major League Baseball stadium in the country. (The Dallas Observer)

For proof of what’s happening, which until now has been a sprawl of chain spots and drive-thrus, look no further than two new vegan spots specializing in offers for the dewy after dawn. (Willamette Weekly)