Alison has published two novels in the Teen Fiction and Erotica genres and has ghost-written several non-fiction equestrian books for a client. Alison has been a full-time professional content writer for almost ten years and loves her work as a wordsmith.
She lives in the beautiful rural UK county of Cheshire with her fiancé, two cats, one super cute Shihpoo dog called Raffles, and a collection of tropical fish. When Alison isn’t busy creating content or contemplating plotlines for future novels, she can be found hiking along woodland trails or beaches with Raffles, judging dressage competitions, or reading crime fiction.
Alison has worked full-time in the writing industry for over ten years, using her knowledge and life experience to create online content, fiction and non-fiction.
Before changing tack and moving into writing professionally, she worked in law enforcement, sales, veterinary practice management, and various administration roles. In the 1990s, Alison was a copyeditor for the WCCTG monthly independent magazine and now regularly assists budding authors by compiling, proofreading, and editing their work.
Alison holds a BA Hons in English Language, a BSc in Equine Science, and an HND in Business Studies and Communications. Additionally, she possesses an OU Creative Writing Certificate and is a DirectMarketer Certified DirectResponse Copywriting Specialist.
More recently, Alison gained a UK qualification in Funeral Celebrancy and now specializes in writing Eulogies and creating funeral services.