Regimen and regiment are two words that are very similar in pronunciation and spelling but have two different meanings. We will look at the difference between regimen and regiment, the origins of these terms and some examples of their use in sentences.
A regimen is a way of life, a course of medical treatment or therapy. Regimen may also describe a system of government, though the word regime is much more commonly used to describe a system of government. The word regimen is derived from the Latin word regere, which means to rule. Regimen is a noun.
The word regiment, when used as a noun, refers to an army unit that usually involves two battalions. Regiments may be further divided into companies, squadrons, or batteries. Regiment may also be used figuratively to describe an organized arrangement of things or people. Regiment is also a verb which means to bring strict order, to discipline in an oppressive manner. Regiment is a transitive verb, which is a verb that takes an object. It is also derived from the Latin word regere. Related words are regiments, regimented, regimenting, regimentation.
“Even if you have a great skincare routine that includes a cleanser, toner, exfoliant, daytime moisturiser with SPF, and night time moisturiser, your skin may need a bit of extra help,” says Paula Begoun, Founder of Paula’s Choice, when we asked her to clues us in on what a booster can really do for your regimen. (Vogue Australia)
During World War II the 148th fought in the South Pacific with the 37th Infantry Division where six of its soldiers earned the Medal of Honor and the regiment earned the Presidential Unit Citation. (The Sentinel-Tribune)
olton said the dynamic work he conducts every day as a librarian is very different from the regimented and repetitive job he performed before arriving at Cornell. (The Cornell Daily Sun)