Core, corps and corpse

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Core is a noun which means the center part of something, whether it be the tough pith of a fruit, the dense central region of a planet or the most important part of an idea or discussion. Core also describes the central part of a nuclear reactor that contains the fissile material. The muscles of the human torso are referred to as the core. Core may be used as a transitive verb which is a verb which takes an object, to describe the action of removing the core of something, such as an apple. Related forms are cores, cored, coring. Core also functions as an adjective meaning central or basic.

Corps is a noun that means a military body comprised of two more more divisions, or a military body that performs a specific function, such as an intelligence corps or medical corps. Corps may also be used with adjective or noun modifier to describe any group of people who are associated, such as the press corps. Corps is pronounced with a silent “p” and silent “s” (kor). The plural is also spelled corps, but is pronounced with a silent “p” and with a “z” sound. (korz)

A corpse is a dead body, usually referring to a human being. Corpse is also British theater slang for laughing or causing another to laugh involuntarily while performing.


Results for some of the states that participated in Common Core-aligned testing for the first time this spring are out, with overall scores higher than expected. (U.S. News and World Report)

It’s a baked apple with the crumble cozily tucked away on the inside of the apple where the core used to be. (The Toronto Sun)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says opponents of a Red River diversion should not prevail on allegations that the agency failed to follow federal environmental law when it analyzed the upstream effects of the project, an issue that could delay the $2 billion channel. (The Daily News)

More than 20 years later, as a leader of the Burundian community and the founder of the life-changing Northern Refugees Social Club (NRSC), he is an inspiration to his adopted country and one of many deserving South Australians announced as finalists in the News Corp’s 2015 Pride of Australia awards. (The Herald Sun)

When corpse flowers bloom, they release a stinky odor which attracts pollinating beetles and flies. (The Christian Science Monitor)

“Currently, all of the bodies have been put into corpse bags and are ready to be evacuated from the crash site; however, thick fog has covered the location, halting the evacuation process,” said Basarnas chief Air Marshal FHB Sulistyo at the Jayapura Air Force Base on Tuesday. (The Jakarta Post)

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