Toot Your Own Horn or Blow Your Own Horn — Meaning and Examples

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

Toot your own horn is an idiom commonly used in English to describe someone who’s proudly showcasing their accomplishments, usually to the point of boasting.

Idioms, like toot your own horn, are phrases where the words together have a different meaning than their individual definitions. They are vital in language communication, as they allow for the conveyance of complex ideas in a culturally apt way.

In this article, I’ll cover the intricacies of this phrase by exploring its meanings, variations, origins, and different uses in various contexts. By the end of this quick guide, you’ll understand how and when to use this phrase. So, if you’re ready to toot your own horn about your knowledge of this idiom, keep reading!

Toot Your Own Horn or Blow Your Own Horn — Meaning and Examples 2

What Does Toot Your Own Horn Really Mean?

Toot your own horn means to brag about your own talents, and maybe a bit heavily. It’s an expression we use when someone’s definitely not shy about sharing their successes, however big or small, often to the major annoyance or discomfort of others.

Merriam-Webster defines toot one’s own horn as “talking about oneself or one’s achievements, especially in a way that shows pride or too much pride.” In addition, The Britannica Dictionary defines it as “to talk about yourself or your achievements, especially in a way that shows that you are proud or too proud.”

What Are the Literal and Figurative Meanings of the Idiom?

The literal meaning of toot your own horn is the act of blowing a horn to announce your arrival or to attract attention. Any horn is meant to be loud, which is how this phrase picked up its figurative use.

The figurative meaning of toot your own horn is bragging or boasting about your own achievements or talents way too much.

Are There Variations of This Idiom?

A pretty common variation of this idiom is blowing your own horn, which carries the exact same meaning. However, it is usually used to point out how someone is currently and continuing to brag about something.

Another variation is blow your own trumpet. This one is used interchangeably with toot your own horn quite often, even though it might carry a slightly more positive connotation.

How Is the Idiom Used, and What Are Some Examples?

Toot your own horn is a versatile idiom you can apply in several contexts where shameless self-promotion is painfully evident. Let’s take a look at a few ways it can be used.

What Are Different Ways of Using the Idiom in Context?

  • In a professional setting: I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I played a major role in landing that big client for the firm, so maybe I should take the lead.
  • With other’s personal achievements: Bellamy is always tooting his own horn about how he once ran a marathon without any training. He mentions it several times a day.
  • Positively to point out talent: She’s not one to toot her own horn, but you need to know that Maddie’s artwork is insanely phenomenal.

Are There Notable Examples of the Idiom in Movies, Books, or Media?

I remember watching Nicki Minaj use this line on American Idol when she was a judge. She said, “My best and worst Idol moments? I don’t have the worst Idol moment. I’ve been spectacular. Yes, I am going to toot my own horn. And then my best moment is every single moment. I’ll toot it again!”

But it’s a phrase commonly found in news and media every day, like these few examples:

“I’m not one to blow my own trumpet, but who knows what could have happened if I hadn’t come back?” (The Daily Echo)

“I don’t like to toot my own horn but it is great to be recognised to go away and help the kids at this level, especially at such a crucial age when they have got to learn so much.” (The Marlborough Express)

Because I didn’t toot my own horn, my particular contribution to the success of the organization was seen as a luxury. (Forbes Magazine)

How Is the Idiom Commonly Misinterpreted or Misused?

I’m in an author support group on Facebook, and every Thursday is what they call “Trumpet Thursday,” where we’re encouraged to toot our own horns about new releases or other publishing accomplishments.

I can’t help but think each week how the phrase toot my own horn is used in a backward manner here. It can be used positively, but it’s still a way of saying, “I’m bragging.” If you’re using it with a positive spin, make sure it’s evident that you’re being a bit cheeky and not naïve.

What Is the Origin of the Idiom Toot Your Own Horn?

Toot Your Own Horn vs. Blow Your Own Trumpet Ngram
Toot your own horn and blow your own trumpet usage trend.

The idiom toot your own horn is believed to have originated from the act of announcing the arrival of royalty or other higher-ups by blowing a trumpet or horn. There’s no exact moment to pinpoint the origin of this expression; it just came into being after its heavy use in literal contexts.

But there is a vague connection to a quote from the bible, in Matthew 6:2, where Jesus said, “When you go making gifts of mercy, do not blow a trumpet ahead of you, just as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be glorified by men…”

How Has the Idiom Evolved?

As I touched on above, the phrase has evolved over time by slowly dissolving from its literal intent to a more figurative one. 

Originally, the phrase was blow your own trumpet, but that changed during the mid-1900s when toot your own horn became the more popular saying. We no longer announce the arrival of people with trumpets, but we still have a way of saying, “You’re bragging too much.”

What Are the Related Terms to This Idiom?

Recognizing related terms and phrases to common idioms enhances your understanding and usage of them. Here are some alternatives to chew on:

Toot Your Own Horn or Blow Your Own Horn — Meaning and Examples 1

What Are Some Synonyms?

  • Brag
  • Show off
  • Boast
  • Blow one’s own trumpet
  • Sing one’s own praises
  • Pat oneself on the back
  • Self-praise
  • Tout one’s achievements
  • Flaunt one’s accomplishments
  • Display one’s achievements openly
  • Praise oneself ostentatiously

What Are Related Terms and Phrases?

  • Self-promotion
  • Egotism
  • Pride
  • Arrogance
  • Confidence
  • Achievement showcase
  • Success stories
  • Self-advertisement
  • Personal branding
  • Narcissism
  • Self-aggrandizement

What Are Some Antonyms?

  • Be modest
  • Downplay
  • Underplay your achievements
  • Demean oneself
  • Self-deprecation
  • Play down one’s success
  • Humble oneself
  • Hide one’s light under a bushel
Toot Your Own Horn or Blow Your Own Horn: Test Your Knowledge!

Toot Your Own Horn or Blow Your Own Horn: Test Your Knowledge!

Choose the correct answer.

Where did the phrase toot your own horn come from?
What does the idiom toot your own horn mean?
Which of the following is a variation of toot your own horn?
How is the idiom toot your own horn commonly misused?
Start Over

Toot, Toot!

The idiom toot your own horn refers to proudly displaying one’s achievements, often to a boastful extent. Throughout this article, we’ve explored its meanings, variants, origins, and uses. 

By now, you should be well-equipped to use this phrase correctly in varied contexts, proudly tooting your own horn about your newfound knowledge.

Your understanding of this idiom now contributes to enriching your overall proficiency in English. Learning these details about idioms will make your use of them more effective, so check out my other guides!

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