Experts say the pen is mightier because writing really does have actual power in this world. Trust me, as a professional writer and USA TODAY Bestselling Author of over 15 years, I can attest to the fact that the pen (or written word) majorly impacts us globally, socially, and personally.
Throughout time and our history on this planet, the right word at the right time has kickstarted entire revolutions, toppled governments, and even altered our own maps! But to understand this, you have to know that writing isn’t just scribbling down ideas or jotting down facts. When we write, we’re shaping powerful ideas and emotions that can resonate with people of all ages and influence entire generations.
Don’t believe me?
I’ll list 57 undeniable ways that writing can and does influence the world around us. I’ll cover specific points related to the psychological benefits of writing, the professional advantages of writing, the educational impacts of writing, the social connections improved by writing, the cultural influences of writing, and even how writing can improve personal growth. Ready to see just how mighty the pen really is? Let’s get to it!
What are the Advantages and Benefits of Writing?
I’m sure there are far more than I can list, but here are 57 ways I feel that writing influences the world around us. To give you a quick idea, my list includes:
- Psychological Benefits of Writing
- Professional Advantages of Writing
- Educational Impacts of Writing
- Social Connections Improved by Writing
- The Cultural Influences of Writing
- How Personal Growth Improved by Writing
Now, without further ado, here’s a scrollable list!
Stress Reduction
To me, there’s nothing more relaxing than a blank notebook, a pen, and a good view. If you’re a writer of any kind, use your craft to reduce stress levels. When we write, we distract our minds, override our nervous system, and produce happy, relaxing hormones.
Enhanced Emotional Intelligence
I’m not a big talker, and I think that’s why I always gravitate towards the written word. If you’re having a hard time expressing what’s on your mind or in your heart, write it out! Explore some poetry, and jot down all the emotional words that fill your mind. Not only is it cathartic, but you can better understand your own emotional intelligence that way.
Coping with Trauma
I heal through writing. It doesn’t have to be my next big novel or an engaging piece of content for a client. Sometimes, I write to just…write. It’s a creative form of organization, arranging my thoughts, experiences, and events on paper so they don’t have to take up space in my body.
Improvement in Mental Clarity
Do you have days where you know what you have to do, but the list is so long that you don’t know where to start, so you usually give up or procrastinate? We’ve all been there. But writing can help us clear through all that mental clutter with to-do lists, journaling, and boosting problem-solving skills.
Memory Enhancement
The brain is a muscle just like any other in your body, and it needs exercise. Reading is amazing for memory enhancement, but so is writing. Combine the two and do daily exercises, word puzzles, etc., to sharpen your memory.
Mood Booster
If writing helps regulate our emotions, then it’s definitely a mood booster. Whenever I’m sad or even angry, I sit and write a fun scene in my book or work on an article with a fun topic. I’m always in a better mood afterward.
Building Resilience
Use writing to reflect on the obstacles and challenges you face in life. The process can help organize your thoughts and build a sort of resilience you never knew you had.
Clear Communication
Daily writing helps whip your communication skills into shape. You’ll be more expressive and communicative at work and in your personal life.
Enhanced Persuasion Skills
Words hold power and can tip scales, persuade buyers, resolve conflicts, and so much more. Hone your craft and mold the world in your favor.
Professional Credibility
A writer is always growing and learning. I can spot a seasoned, intelligent writer from a mile away, aka by just reading a paragraph they wrote. The better you write, the more respect you garner.
Career Advancement
There’s no denying that strong writing opens doors and propels you up the ladder of whatever industry you’re in, especially writing and publishing.
Efficient Project Management
I despise a mismanaged project. They take twice as long, never end up the way they were intended, and everyone’s left with a bad taste in their mouths. Clear documentation means smoother sailing and fewer headaches for everyone involved.
Improved Problem Solving
Writing down whatever issues you’re facing and brainstorming solutions with writing sparks fresh ideas and smart strategies.
Networking and Collaboration
I know for a fact that my engaging writing style has landed me several contracts and collaborations over the years. Engaging writing attracts attention and opens doors to new opportunities.
Leadership Development
If you’re in any sort of leadership role or plan to be, I highly recommend d honing your writing skills. Use them to create inspiring messages and set clear visions for work. Writing will make you a better leader, I promise!
Time Management
How many times have you witnessed time wasted due to poor written communication? Make sure you’re never the culprit. Great writing leads to clear, concise communication and saves precious time, leaving more room for the stuff that really matters.
Adaptability to Digital Platforms
In this day and age, where we practically live in a digital world, from the moment we open our eyes, writing skills help us navigate the different platforms and online communities. From emails to tweets, versatile writing keeps you ahead in the fast-paced digital game.
Deeper Understanding
Note taking, meeting minutes, brainstorming. These all require writing and when utilized, make our lives better. Writing about what you learn solidifies knowledge and makes it stick.
Critical Thinking Boost
I’ve talked myself in circles with writing, mixing it with critical thinking to solve problems. Use writing to organize your thoughts, see multiple angles, and argue effectively through writing.
Better Memory
I’ve always believed that a writer’s brain works differently than others. The act of writing aids recall – perfect for remembering facts and concepts.
Across-the-Board Skill
No matter the subject, task, or project, you can become a star student or model employee with great writing skills.
Get Better Through Feedback
Present your writing to a trusted peer or join a critique group to get feedback and tips for honing your craft. Revise and improve based on the input, taking your writing to the next level. This also teaches us the process of constructive criticism.
Makes Learning Fun
In school, I hated math. But I excelled at word problems. So, my teacher worked with me to adapt a method of turning all math problems into word problems, and it helped immensely. Now, math isn’t so painful for me!
Research Pro
Through writing, learn how to find, evaluate, and use information for any project or task in life. Make notes, reminders, save important info, etc.
College & Career Ready
If you want to succeed in college or university, no matter your field of choice, you need writing skills to succeed.
Lifelong Love of Learning
Learn how to write a story, dabble with poetry, do some research, create a screenplay, and start journaling. All of these involve writing in some fashion and, when practiced, can create a deep love of learning throughout your life.
Tech Savvy
You don’t have to be a tech nut to navigate the internet, but you do need some writing skills. Exercise them with a blog, play with digital tools and more.
Better Communication
When I’m put on the spot, I stumble for words, my thoughts scattered. But, given the time to sit and write out my thoughts, I can communicate like a pro. Write to organize your thoughts, then speak with clarity and confidence.
Deeper Bonds
My husband and I are always exchanging different forms of writing, such as cute little poems, homemade cards, etc., but I also use writing to communicate my big feelings, and it’s deepened our bond over the years. Try sharing your feelings and experiences through writing, building strong connections with those in your life.
Professional Networker
Stand out on LinkedIn with awesome daily posts, articles you create, and business emails.
Resolve Conflicts Constructively
I can’t stress this enough. Whether you’re good at writing or not, when you’re mad or upset, try to write out your thoughts first to avoid heated arguments.
Expand Your Worldview
When we share our stories and perspectives with the world, we connect with people across different cultures, which is so cool!
Make a Difference
Thinking about running a fundraiser? A charity event? Need to make a big speech? Mobilize your community around important causes with powerful writing.
Find Support
These days, everyone struggles with mental health problems, and there’s a plethora of sources to help. Thank goodness! But sometimes, just reaching out and connecting with others in tough times through writing can be all you need to get a fresh perspective or simply feel better.
Grow in Empathy
You can write from different viewpoints to understand others better. As a fiction author, I love exploring all my characters through different POVs, seeing what fuels their decisions, emotions, behavior, etc. They may be made up, but they can be applied to real-world personalities.
Collaborate & Learn
Work better and more easily with your peers on writing projects and deepen your knowledge along the way.
Leave Your Mark
Through journaling and record keeping, reserve your family history and experiences for future generations to read and learn.
History Keeper
Use specific writing skills to preserve your family’s or culture’s traditions and stories for so many generations to come. Using the right style guide can help you organize all the important details, dates, times, locations, etc.
Ignite Literacy
When we read and write, it can inspire others to do the same. I firmly believe that parents who read and write create children who do the same. I’m the perfect example! Both my kids would rather sit and read over anything else. My son is even writing his first book!
Voice of Change
The thing I hate most about the internet is how quickly misinformation can take root. This causes riots and cancel culture and can make us complacent to accept the first thing we see and hear. Good and informative writing challenges the status quo and fight for a better future through the written word.
Celebrate Diversity
I love reading perspectives from people from different walks of life. Use your writing to share unique perspectives and experiences to build cross-cultural understanding.
Shape Your Language
Isn’t language a funny thing? Words can take on whole new meanings over the years, new words can be created, and some can even disappear as if they never even existed.
Inspire Art
You have the power to fuel creativity in all forms, from paintings to music, simply with writing.
Guide Nations
On a more serious note, writing can help us properly define laws, political ideas, and the very structure of our society.
Transform Media
Writers map out the news, the ads that influence our buying habits, and all online content, shaping how we see the world.
Fuel the Economy
From first-hand experience as a content writer of over fifteen years, I can attest that clear technical writing and persuasive ads drive business and prosperity.
Connect the World
Once upon a time, we could only connect the world through snail mail, aka handwritten communication sent by horse or even birds. Technology has elevated writing and allowed us to break down barriers and share ideas globally in an instant.
Know Yourself Better
I’ve been writing since I was nine and I’m still learning things about myself to this day. Trust me, with regular writing, you can uncover your inner thoughts and feelings, leading to greater self-understanding.
Set Clear Goals
Turn all your dreams and goals into action plans by writing them down. This creates a visual to work with that you can build upon with ideas and notes.
Make Smarter Decisions
Stuck on something? Make a pros and cons list! Weigh your options on paper and let the writing make the decision for you.
Build Discipline
I preach this tip to everyone who says they want to be a writer. Gain self-control and follow through by sticking to a regular writing routine.
Find Emotional Healing
Believe it or not, expressive writing reduces stress, boosts your mood, and can help you find solace.
Unlock Your Creativity
This kind of goes without saying, but regular writing (gibberish or not) will unlock levels of creativity you never knew you had.
Communicate with Clarity
Hone those technical writing skills and become a skilled communicator in all areas of your life.
Overcome Challenges
Reflective writing, whether it’s a private journal or a daily blog, can help your mind sift through heavy thoughts and emotions and bring you out the other end of certain challenges.
Leave Your Legacy
If you’ve got a story to tell or lessons to share, go ahead and document your life experiences for future generations. This could be through a published memoir, a personal blog, journaling, and more.
Live in the Moment
Try practicing some mindfulness and reduce your stress by focusing on the present through writing. Personally, I start my day with a steaming cup of coffee and my Notes app. I sit and jot down things I remember from my dreams, goals for the day, to-do tasks, thoughts, feelings, and more. It helps me stay grounded and live for today, not tomorrow (or yesterday!)
How is Your Pen Mightier?
I just listed 57 ways that being a wordsmith supercharges your success and alters your life. Which ones did you resonate with? Which ones are you hoping to bring into your life? Whether you’re scribbling in a journal, typing up a storm on social media, or crafting heartfelt letters, each word you write carves a little deeper into the essence of life.
Keep writing, keep sharing, and keep growing. Every line you lay down is a step toward a more insightful and connected existence. After all, if the pen wasn’t mightier, would we still be talking about it? If you loved this list, check out my other insightful breakdowns about writing right here on our site!