Canned goods are foodstuffs which are preserved by sealing the food in cans. Can goods is incorrect, as can may only serve as a verb or a noun. Canned is the adjective form of can. Canning came about as the answer to the problem of preserving food for soldiers during the Napoleonic wars. Nicolas Appert inventing canning in 1809, using glass jars. Home cooks and farmers still use glass jars to can their harvests, commercial canning is most often accomplished using metal cans. Today, grocery stores and supermarkets are filled with foods that are canned, or canned goods.
Students from San Benito High School’s Interact Club will spend their Halloween “trick-or-treating” for canned goods in the neighborhoods between Cienega Road and the Target store. (The San Benito Journal)
Several leadership organizations from Seneca High School “trick or treat” for canned goods Wednesday to donate to the Seneca Food Pantry. (The Neosho Daily News)
The fraternity has set a goal this year to gather 10,000 pounds of canned goods, which people can contribute by either donating the goods themselves or money. (The Tahlequah Daily Press)
He apprenticed in the art department, where designing labels for canned goods was considered the height of creativity. (The Montreal Gazette)
It was the cuisine of an industrial state — and what occurred here happened in other developed countries: fast food, a mix of many national cuisines, new kinds of canned goods, concentrates, and ready-to-eat food. (The Moscow Times)
Donations of canned goods, pasta, cereal, dry milk, almond milk, soy milk, baby formula, diapers, coffee, tea, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, laundry detergent, shampoo and any other non-perishables can be dropped off at a number of locations throughout the district. (The Epoch Times)