- C’est Comme Ca vs. Comme Ci, Comme Ca – Meaning in English
- C’est la vie
- Cabin Fever – Origin & Meaning
- Cacao vs. cocoa
- Cache vs cash
- Cache vs. cachet
- Cacti vs. Cactuses – Which Is the Correct Plural Usage?
- Caddie vs. caddy
- Caddy-Corner, Kitty-Corner or Catty-Corner
- Caduceus vs staff of Asclepius
- Caesarean section, Caesarian, cesarean, etc.
- Cahoots
- Calendar vs colander
- Calfs or Calves – Usage, Difference & Examples
- Caliber or Calibre – Difference & Meaning
- Calibration vs collaboration
- Call a Spade a Spade – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Call My Bluff – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Call on the carpet
- Call the Shots (or Calling the Shots) – Idiom & Meaning
- Call vs caul
- Callous vs. callus
- Calm Before the Storm – Origin & Meaning
- Calumny
- Calvary vs. cavalry
- Camaraderie vs comradery
- Can goods or canned goods
- Can of worms vs pandora’s box
- Can vs may
- Can’t Hold a Candle to – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Can’t vs cant
- Canard
- Canary in the coalmine
- Canceled vs. Cancelled – Which Is Correct?
- Candor or candour
- Candy corn
- Candy Floss vs. Fairy Floss vs. Cotton Candy
- Cannon fodder
- Cannot or Can Not – Usage, Difference & Examples
- Canny vs uncanny
- Canon vs. cannon
- Cantankerous
- Cantor vs canter
- Canvas vs. canvass
- Capiche, Capeesh, Capische – Meaning & Usage
- Capital vs. Capitol – Usage, Difference & Examples
- Capitulate vs recapitulate
- Capstone, keystone or cornerstone
- Captivate vs capture
- Car park vs parking lot
- Caramel vs carmel
- Carbon copy
- Carbon footprint
- Carburetor vs carburettor
- Card Shark or Card Sharp – Origin & Meaning
- Careen vs. career
- Caregiver or caretaker
- Caretaker vs caregiver
- Carnation vs incarnation
- Carnivore, herbivore or omnivore
- Carpe Diem – Origin & Meaning
- Carpetbagger – Origin & Meaning
- Carrot-and-stick
- Carrot, carat, karat, caret
- Carry a Torch for Someone—Journey Through Unrequited Love
- Carte blanche
- Case in Point or Case and Point – Meaning & Difference
- Cash in one’s chips
- Cash on the Barrelhead—A Simplified Expression for Immediate Payment
- Cashmere vs Kashmir
- Casket vs coffin
- Cassandra
- Cast a wide net
- Cast Aspersions—Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Cast the First Stone—An Important Lesson in Judgement
- Cast-Iron Stomach—How to Eat Anything and Not Feel Sick
- Caste vs cast
- Casted – Usage and Meaning
- Cat Got Your Tongue – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Catachresis
- Catalog vs. Catalogue – Difference & Definition
- Catalyse or catalyze
- Catcall – Definition & Examples
- Catch vs. Ketch
- Catch-22
- Catching Some Rays – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Cattle vs chattel
- Caucus
- Caught in the Crosshairs – Targeted Scrutiny or Unwanted Blame?
- Caught Red-Handed – Origin & Meaning
- Cause Célèbre – Meaning & Examples
- Cauterize vs cauterise
- Cavalcade
- Caveat
- Caveat emptor
- Cay vs. Key vs. Quay – Homophones, Pronunciation & Definition
- Cede and seed
- Cede vs. concede
- Ceiling vs sealing
- Cel, cell or sell
- Celebrant or celebrator
- Celiac or coeliac
- Cellar vs. Seller
- Cent, scent and sent
- Center around or center on
- Century or Centuries – Usage and Meaning
- Cereal vs. Serial
- Ceremonial vs ceremonious
- Certainty vs. certitude
- Cession vs. session
- Chafe vs. chaff
- Chai vs chia
- Chain letter
- Chaise lounge and chaise longue
- Chalk up vs. chock
- Champing at the Bit vs. Chomping at the Bit – Meaning and Origin
- Change tack
- Chapstick
- Character or caricature
- Charade and charades
- Charism vs charisma
- Charlatan
- Chary vs. Cherry
- Chase one’s own tail
- Chaste vs chased
- Chasten vs. chastise
- Chatbot
- Chatty Cathy – Origin & Meaning
- Cheap vs. Cheep
- Cheapskate – Origin & Meaning
- Check in vs. Check-in (vs. Checkin)
- Check Kiting – Meaning and Examples
- Check Up, Checkup or Check-Up – Which One to Use?
- Check vs. Cheque – Difference & Definition
- Checkered Past or Chequered Past – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Checkout vs. check out
- Cheek by jowl
- Cheek to cheek vs cheek-to-cheek
- Chew the Fat – Origin & Meaning
- Chewed Out – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Chews vs choose
- Chicanery
- Chick flick and chick lit
- Chicken and Egg Situation – Idiom, Meaning & Examples
- Chickens Come Home to Roost – Origin and Meaning
- Childcare, child care, child-care
- Childlike vs. Childish – What’s the Difference?
- Chili vs Chilly – What’s the Difference?
- Chills down the spine
- Chink vs. kink
- Chinwag
- Chip off the Old Block—A Simple Resemblance Idiom
- Chip on Your Shoulder – Origin and Meaning
- Chips vs. fries
- Choate or inchoate
- Chock-a-block vs chockablock
- Chorale, Choral or Corral
- Chortle
- Chose vs. Choose – Usage With Examples
- Chow vs. Ciao
- Chunder or chunter
- Chute vs. shoot
- Cinch the deal or clinch the deal
- Cisgender vs transgender
- Cistern vs sister
- Civic vs. civil
- Civil rights and human rights
- Civilise vs. civilize
- Clam Up – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Clamor vs clamber
- Claptrap
- Classic vs. classical
- Clause vs claws
- Clean vs. cleanse
- Clean Your Clock – Origin & Meaning
- Cleanliness is next to godliness
- Cleanup vs. clean up
- Cleave
- Clef vs cliff
- Clench vs. clinch
- Clew vs clue
- Click vs clique
- Clickbait – Origin & Meaning
- Client vs. Customer – Difference in Meaning & Usage
- Cliffhanger
- Cliffs Notes
- Climactic vs. climatic
- Clime vs climb
- Cloak-and-Dagger – Origin and Meaning
- Close Proximity or In Close Proximity – Meaning & Definition
- Close Ranks – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Close rhyme
- Close vs clothes
- Close vs. Close – Difference & Meaning
- Close-Knit vs. Tight-Knit – Usage & Meaning
- Close-Minded or Closed-Minded – Definition and Examples
- Closer vs closure
- Cloth vs clothes
- Cloture vs closure
- Cloying and mawkish
- Co-op vs. co-opt
- Co-ordinate vs coordinate
- Coal, cole or kohl
- Coarse vs. course
- Coast Is Clear – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Cock and bull story
- Cockamamie
- Coddle and mollycoddle
- Coddle vs. Caudle
- Coffice
- Cog In The Wheel Or Cog In The Machine – Origin and Meaning
- Cognate and false cognate
- Coiffure vs coiffeur
- Coin a phrase
- Cold Feet – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Cold Shoulder – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Cold Turkey – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Cold-call
- Coliseum vs. colosseum
- Collaborate vs corroborate
- Collectible vs collectable
- Collective nouns
- College vs. University – Usage, Difference, & Meaning
- Collegial vs. collegiate
- Collision vs collusion
- Collocate vs colocate
- Colonize vs colonise
- Color outside the lines
- Color vs. Colour – Difference & Examples
- Coma vs comma
- Comb-over
- Combine vs combine
- Come Hell Or High Water – An Expression Of Perseverance
- Come over vs overcome
- Come What May – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Come-hither look
- Come-to-Jesus moment and come-to-Jesus meeting
- Comedienne
- Comeuppance
- Comic vs. comical
- Coming of age
- Comity vs comedy
- Comma Rules and Usage With Examples
- Commencement
- Commend vs command
- Commentator vs. commenter
- Commiserate vs commensurate
- Common French expressions
- Compact vs compact
- Comparatives and Superlatives – Examples
- Compared To or With – Which One To Use?
- Comparing Apples to Oranges – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Compel vs. impel
- Competence and competency
- Complacent vs complicit
- Complacent vs. complaisant
- Complement vs. compliment
- Compose vs. comprise
- Compound vs compound
- Compress vs compress
- Comprise vs compromise
- Compunction vs compulsion
- Computerize or computerise
- Concave vs. convex
- Conceded or conceited
- Conceive vs. perceive
- Concerning – Usage, Meaning & Synonyms
- Concerted
- Conches vs. conchs
- Concurrent vs consecutive
- Condemn vs. condone
- Conduct vs conduct
- Confidant vs. confidante
- Confident vs confidant/confidante
- Confirmation bias
- Conflate vs conflagrate
- Conflict of interest
- Confusables
- Conjunctions to start sentences
- Conker vs. Conquer
- Connect the Dots—A Simple Idiom for Analysis
- Connexion
- Connive vs contrive
- Connote vs. denote
- Conscience, conscious and self-conscious
- Conservatory, solarium or sunroom
- Consolation vs constellation
- Console vs console
- Conspiracy or collusion
- Constant vs consistent
- Construct vs construct
- Consultative
- Contaminate vs contaminant
- Contemporaneous vs. contemporary
- Contemptible vs. contemptuous
- Content or Contented vs. Contently or Contentedly
- Content vs content
- Contentious vs conscientious
- Contest vs contest
- Contiguous vs continuous
- Continental breakfast
- Contingency vs contingent
- Continual vs. Continuous – Usage, Difference & Examples
- Contractions
- Contraption
- Contravene vs contradict
- Contumely
- Conversate
- Convict vs convict
- Convivial vs congenial
- Convocation, commencement or invocation
- Cook the Books – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Cooler Heads Prevail – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Coon’s Age—The Troubled History of an Idiom
- Coop, coup or coupe
- Cooperate or Co-Operate – What’s the Difference?
- Coordinate adjectives
- Coordinate and Cumulative Adjectives – Examples & Worksheet
- Cooties
- Copacetic or copasetic
- Copse vs. Cops
- Copyright vs. copywrite
- Coral vs. corral
- Cord vs. Chord – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Core, corps and corpse
- Cornball and corny
- Cornet vs. coronet
- Corollary vs. correlation
- Correspondence vs correspondents
- Corroborate vs cooperate
- Cosmetology vs. cosmology
- Cosset vs corset
- Cosy vs. cozy
- Cottage industry
- Council vs. Counsel – Difference & Examples
- Counsel vs consul
- Counselor vs. Counsellor – What’s the Difference?
- Coup d’état
- Coup de grace
- Coups vs. Coos
- Court disaster
- Cover all the bases
- Covert vs overt
- Covet vs covert
- Coward vs. Cowered
- Crack down vs. crackdown
- Crack the Whip – Origin & Meaning
- Crackerjack
- Crap
- Crapshoot
- Crave vs craven
- Crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, etc.
- Crayon vs Crayola
- Cream of the crop
- Creature comfort
- Crèche and manger
- Credible vs. credulous
- Credible, creditable or credulous
- Creek vs. Creak
- Creeped or Crept – What’s the Difference?
- Crème De La Crème—Origin & Meaning
- Crevasse vs. crevice
- Crewel vs cruel
- Crews vs. Cruise
- Crick (variant of creek)
- Crier vs. cryer
- Crime doesn’t pay
- Crisis of conscience vs crisis of confidence
- Criteria, criterion
- Crooked vs crooked
- Cross the Line – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Cross vs crucifix
- Crossing the Rubicon – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Crowdsourcing vs crowdfunding
- Croze vs. Crows
- Cruciferous
- Crueler or crueller, cruelest or cruellest
- Crumby vs. crummy
- Cry All the Way to the Bank – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Cry Wolf – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Crying Over Spilled Milk Idiom—Meaning, Uses, Examples & Origin
- Cryptid
- Cul-de-Sac – Usage, Meaning & Spelling
- Culpable vs liable
- Cum
- Curate’s Egg – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Curb vs. kerb
- Curiosity killed the cat
- Curl One’s Hair—From Fear to Fascination
- Curmudgeon
- Currant vs current
- Currently – Correct Usage, Grammar and Examples
- Curricula vs curriculums
- Curry Favor—An Idiom Behind the Mix-Up
- Cursory vs curse
- Curtsy vs. Courtesy – Difference & Meaning
- Custom vs costume
- Customise vs. Customize – What’s the Difference?
- Cut and dried
- Cut off your nose to spite your face
- Cut the Mustard – Meaning and Origin
- Cut to the Chase – Meaning & Origin
- Cut to the quick
- Cut Your Losses – Origin & Meaning
- Cut-throat
- Cute as a Button – Origin and Meaning
- Cybersquatting
- Cyclist vs. biker
- Cynical