- A Big Ask – Idiom & Meaning
- A cat may look at a king
- A day late and a dollar short
- A Dime a Dozen – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- A Far Cry From – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- A Fate Worse Than Death—The Hidden Phrase for ‘Too Horrible to Bear’
- A Feather in Your Cap – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- A Fish Out of Water—A Simple Idiom for Feeling Awkward
- A hold vs ahold
- A la (à la)
- À La Mode – Origin and Meaning in English
- A leg up
- A Lick and a Promise – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- A lot vs allot
- A Lot vs. Alot – Difference & Meaning
- A means to an end
- A method in one’s madness
- A miss is as good as a mile
- A New Lease on Life – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- A penny saved is a penny earned
- A Piece of Work – Meaning & Examples
- A priori
- A Shot in the Arm – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- A Slap In The Face – Meaning & Examples
- A stitch in time saves nine
- A Stone’s Throw—A Simple Phrase for Short Distance
- A Taste of Your Own Medicine or Dose of Your Own Medicine
- A watched pot never boils
- A Whole Nother – Usage and Meaning
- A.D., B.C., B.C.E., C.E.
- A.M. or P.M. – How to Write Them (+ Examples)
- Abandon vs. abandonment
- Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms
- Abdicate, abnegate, abrogate
- Abecedarius
- Abetter vs. abettor
- Abhorrent vs aberrant
- Abided vs. abode
- Abject or object
- Abject vs object
- Abjure vs. adjure
- Abolishment vs. abolition
- Aborted vs. abortive
- About-face
- Above Board, Above-Board or Aboveboard
- Above one’s pay grade
- Abracadabra – Usage, Origin & Meaning
- Abridgment and abridgement
- Absolve vs resolve
- Abstracter vs. abstractor
- Abstruse vs. obtuse
- Abuse vs abuse
- Acapella or A Cappella – Definition and Correct Spelling
- Accell
- Accent vs accentuate
- Accept vs Except
- Acceptance vs. acceptation
- Access
- Access vs excess
- Accessorize or Accessorise – Meaning & Spelling
- Accessory vs accessary
- Accidental vs incidental
- Acclimate, acclimatise, acclimatize
- Acclimation vs acclamation
- Accord vs. accordance
- According to Hoyle or According to Cocker – Origin & Meaning
- Accost
- Accoutrement
- Ace in the Hole – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Acephalous
- Achilles’ heel
- Acid Test vs. Litmus Test – Idiom & Meaning
- Acknowledgement vs. Acknowledgment – Uses and Examples
- Acme vs acne
- Acronym vs anacronym
- Across the Board – Origin & Meaning
- Action Speak Louder Than Words – Meaning & Examples
- Actualise vs actualize
- Ad hoc
- Ad Hominem Fallacy Examples and Definition
- Ad Nauseam – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Ad vs. add
- Ad-lib and ad lib
- Adam’s off ox
- Adamance
- Adapt vs adopt
- Adaptable or adaptive
- Adapter vs. adaptor
- Adaption vs. Adaptation – What’s the Difference?
- Add fuel to the fire
- Add Insult to Injury – Origin & Meaning
- Addenda vs. Addendums – What’s the Difference?
- Addicting vs. addictive
- Addition vs. edition
- Addlepated, addlebrained and addleheaded
- Adduce vs educe
- Adjectives: Definition, Types, Examples and Quizzes
- Adjudicate
- Administrate
- Admittance vs. Admission – Difference & Definition
- Adolescence vs adolescents
- Adopted vs. adoptive
- Ads, adds or adze
- Advance vs. advanced
- Advent
- Adventurous vs adventuresome
- Adverse vs. Averse – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Advert vs. avert
- Advertise vs advertize
- Advice vs. Advise – Meaning, Spelling & Examples
- Adviser vs. Advisor – Which Is Correct?
- Aegis
- Aeon vs. eon
- Aerie vs airy
- Aerobic vs anaerobic
- Aeroplane vs. airplane
- Aesthetic vs. ascetic
- Aether vs. ether
- Aetiology or etiology
- Affect vs. Effect – What’s the Difference?
- Affective vs. effective
- Affinity vs infinity
- Afflict vs. inflict
- Affluent vs. effluent
- Affluenza
- African-American vs. black
- Afterward vs. afterwards
- Afterward vs. afterword
- Agape vs agape
- Ageing vs. Aging – Which Is Correct?
- Agent and recipient nouns
- Aggrandize
- Aggravate – Usage, Meaning & Examples
- Aggravate vs aggregate
- Aggravate vs mitigate
- Aggression vs. aggressiveness
- Agitprop
- Agnostic vs. Atheist – What’s the Difference?
- Agog or agape
- Agree
- Agreement vs. Agreeance – Which Is Correct?
- Ahead of the Curve or Ahead of the Curb – Origin & Meaning
- Ahold
- Aid vs. Aide – Difference, Meaning & Examples
- Ail vs ale
- Ailment vs aliment
- Ain’t
- Air quotes
- Air vs err
- Air vs heir
- Akimbo
- Alas or But Alas – Usage, Punctuation & Meaning
- Albatross Around My Neck – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Albeit
- Alcoholism vs dipsomania
- Algorithm vs logarithm
- Alight
- All American or all-American
- All Bark No Bite – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- All but
- All but vs anything but vs everything but
- All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go – Origin & Meaning
- All get-out
- All good things must come to an end
- All Hands on Deck – Origin & Meaning
- All in all
- All of the Sudden vs All of a Sudden – Which is Correct?
- All Ready vs. Already – Meaning, Definition & Spelling
- All right vs. alright
- All Roads Lead to Rome – Origin & Meaning
- All sizzle and no steak
- All Systems Go – Origin & Meaning
- All that
- All that glitters is not gold
- All together vs. altogether
- All-around, all-round
- All’s fair in love and war
- All’s Well That Ends Well – Meaning & Expansion of Idea
- Allegation vs accusation
- Alleviate vs elevate
- Alley vs ally
- Alligator vs. crocodile
- Alliteration vs assonance
- Allude vs elude
- Allude vs. elude
- Allusion vs. elusion vs. illusion
- Allusive, elusive or illusive
- Alma Mater – Meaning, Spelling & Capitalization
- Aloud vs allowed
- Alphabetic vs. alphabetical
- Also-ran
- Altar vs. alter
- Alter ego
- Alternate vs alternate
- Alternate vs. alternative
- Alternately vs alternatively
- Although vs. though
- Alum vs alum
- Aluminium vs. aluminum
- Alumna, Alumnae, Alumni, Alumnus – What’s the Difference?
- Always a bridesmaid, never a bride
- Always vs all ways
- Amalgam vs. amalgamation
- Amative or amatory
- Amazeballs
- AMBER alert
- Amber vs ember
- Ambiance vs. ambience
- Ambiguous vs ambivalent
- Ambulance chaser
- Ameliorate vs alleviate
- Amend vs. emend
- Amends vs amends
- America
- American
- American Indian vs Native American
- Amiable vs amicable
- Amiable vs. amicable
- Amok vs. amuck
- Among vs. Amongst – Difference, Usage & Examples
- Amoral vs. Immoral – What’s the Difference?
- Amount vs. number
- Amphitheater vs amphitheatre
- Amuse vs. bemuse
- An Arm and a Leg – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- An historic
- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- Anachronism
- Analog vs. analogue
- Analogue vs. analogy
- Analyse vs. Analyze – Difference & Meaning
- Analyses vs analyzes
- Anamorphic
- Anapest
- Anathema
- Ancillary vs auxiliary
- And yet
- Anecdote vs antidote
- Anesthesia vs anaesthesia
- Angel vs. Angle – How to Remember the Difference
- Animal Adjectives – Complete List
- Animal collective nouns
- Animate vs adamant
- Annal vs annual
- Annex vs. annexe
- Annual, perennial or biennial
- Anodyne vs analgesic
- Anomalous vs anonymous
- Another string in your bow
- Another think coming
- Antediluvian
- Antennae vs. antennas
- Antichrist
- Antimacassar
- Antonyms
- Anyday vs any day
- Anymore or any more
- Anyone vs. Any One – Usage & Difference
- Anyplace or Any Place – Which is Correct?
- Anytime vs. Any Time – Difference, Usage & Examples
- Anyway vs. anyways
- Apart vs. A Part – Usage, Difference & Definition
- Apartment vs. Flat – What’s the Difference?
- Apiary vs aviary
- Apologetics
- Apologise vs. apologize
- Apoplectic vs apocalyptic
- Apostle
- Apostrophe (poetry)
- Apostrophe Rules and Punctuation Guide With Examples
- Apotheosis
- Appal vs. appall
- Appeal to Authority Fallacy – Definition & Examples
- Appellation vs appellative
- Append vs. Upend
- Appetizer or hors d’oeuvre
- Appetizer vs appetiser
- Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree – Origin & Meaning
- Apple of My Eye – The One Cherished Above All Others
- Apple-pie order
- Apple-Polish – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Apposite vs opposite
- Appositive Phrases and How to Use Them in a Sentence
- Appraise vs. apprise
- Apprehend vs apprehensive
- Apprehend vs comprehend
- Apprehensive vs reprehensive
- Approbation vs approval
- Approbation vs opprobrium
- Appropriate vs appropriate
- Appropriate vs. expropriate
- April Fool’s or April Fools’
- Apropos
- Arbor or arbour
- Arc vs arch
- Arc vs ark
- Arcane and obsolete
- Archaeology vs. archeology
- Arctic, Antarctic
- Ardor or ardour
- Argot vs ergot
- Argumentative vs. Argumentive – What’s the Difference?
- Arise or rise
- Armor vs. armour
- Around the clock, round the clock
- Around vs. round
- Arouse vs. rouse
- Arrant vs. errant
- Arse vs. Ass – What’s the Difference?
- Artefact vs. artifact
- Artesian vs artisan
- Articulate vs articulate
- As crook as Rookwood
- As Far As – Meaning & Examples
- As per
- As pleased as Punch
- As the Crow Flies – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- As Thick As Thieves – Meaning & Origin
- As yet, as of yet
- Ascared – Meaning and Usage
- Ascent, ascendance, ascendancy, etc.
- Ascribe vs attribute
- Ascribe vs subscribe
- Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies
- Askew vs eschew
- Asking For a Friend – Origin & Meaning
- Asleep at the Wheel or Asleep at the Switch – Idiom & Meaning
- Aspire vs inspire
- Assail vs. assault
- Assignation or assignment
- Assure, ensure, insure
- Astrology vs astronomy
- Asylum
- At a loose end
- At All Costs or At Any Cost – Idiom & Meaning
- At loggerheads
- At Sixes and Sevens – Origin & Meaning
- At the Drop of a Hat – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- At the End of the Day – Usage & Meaning
- At Wits End – Meaning, Origin and Correct Spelling
- Ate vs. Eight – Homophones, Spelling & Meaning
- Atlas
- Attache
- Attain vs. obtain
- Attic vs addict
- Attribute vs attribute
- Au contraire
- Au Courant – Meaning in English & Examples
- Au fait
- Au pair
- Auger vs. augur
- Aught or Aughts – Usage & Meaning
- August
- August vs august
- Auld lang syne
- Aunt vs. Ant – What’s the Difference?
- Aural vs. oral
- Aureole vs oriole
- Auspicious vs suspicious
- Authorise vs. Authorize – What’s the Difference?
- Authoritative vs. authoritive
- Autobiography vs biography
- Autocorrect
- Autotune or Auto-Tune
- Autumn vs. fall
- Auxiliary Verbs – Uses, Examples
- Avail
- Avant-Garde – Meaning and Examples in a Sentence
- Avocation vs. vocation
- Aw or awe
- Awaiting vs. Waiting – What’s the Difference?
- Award vs reward
- Away vs a way
- Awed vs odd
- Awhile vs. A While – Difference, Examples
- Awry vs wry
- Ax vs. axe
- Axel vs. axle
- Axes vs axes
- Axiom, adage or epigram
- Axis vs axes
- Aye vs eye