- Rabble-rouser
- Rack one’s brain
- Rack vs. wrack
- Racket vs. racquet
- Radical
- Radical vs. Radicle
- Rah vs. Raw
- Rail vs. Rale
- Rain vs. Rein vs. Reign – Difference in Definition & Spelling
- Raise Cain
- Raise One’s Hackles or Get One’s Hackles Up
- Raise the Bar – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Raise vs rays
- Raise vs rise
- Raise vs. Raze
- Raison d’etre
- Rake over the coals and haul over the coals
- Rambunctious
- Ramrod straight and ramrod through
- Ramshackle
- Rancor vs. rancour
- Random act of kindness
- Randomize vs randomise
- Rank and file
- Rap on the Knuckles – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- Rappel vs. repel
- Rapt vs. wrapt
- Raring to Go – Meaning and Origin
- Rat Race – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Rational or rationale
- Ravaging vs. ravishing
- Raven vs ravenous
- Razzle-dazzle and razzmatazz
- Razzmatazz or razzamatazz
- Re-create vs. recreate
- Reactionary vs. reactive
- Read Between the Lines – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Read the Riot Act – Meaning and Origin
- Read the Room – Origin & Meaning
- Read vs read
- Real-time vs. Real Time
- Realise vs. realize
- Realty vs reality
- Reappropriate
- Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic
- Rebel vs rebel
- Rebuke vs refute
- Rebus
- Rebut vs refute
- Recant vs recount
- Recede vs. Reseed
- Receipt vs. Recipe – Difference in Meaning & Spelling
- Recent vs. resent
- Recognize vs recognise
- Reconnoiter
- Record vs record
- Recur vs. reoccur
- Recuse vs excuse
- Red carpet
- Red Flag – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Red herring
- Red tape
- Red vs. Read – Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Red-Letter Day – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Redact vs retract
- Redneck vs. Hillbilly vs. Hick – What’s the Difference?
- Redoubt
- Redress vs readdress
- Reed vs read
- Reef vs wreath
- Reek vs. Wreak
- Referendum
- Reforested wood
- Refugee vs immigrant
- Refuse vs refuse
- Regard vs. regards
- Regime vs. regimen
- Regimen vs regiment
- Regrettable vs. regretful
- Regulate vs relegate
- Reindeer or caribou
- Reinvent the Wheel – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Relevancy vs. Relevance – Usage, Difference & Meaning
- Reluctant vs reticent
- Remunerate vs. renumerate
- Renascence and renaissance
- Rend or rent
- Renege vs rescind
- Repair vs reparation
- Repeal vs. rRepeel
- Repel vs. repulse
- Repertoire or repertory
- Repetition vs repetitiveness
- Repetitive vs redundant
- Represent vs represent
- Repudiate and refudiate
- Repudiate vs refute
- Repugnant vs pungent
- Repute vs refute
- Reputedly vs reportedly
- Resemble vs reassemble
- Resent vs resent
- Resign vs re-sign
- Resilience vs. resiliency
- Resister vs. Resistor
- Resolve vs solve
- Respective, respectively
- Rest on one’s laurels
- Rest or Wrest – Meaning & Difference
- Restaurateur vs. restauranteur
- Restitution vs retribution
- Restive
- Restrictive and nonrestrictive
- Résumé
- Retard
- Retch vs. wretch
- Retcon
- Retrograde vs anterograde or antegrade
- Retronym
- Retrospect vs introspect
- Reverent vs reverend
- Review vs. revue
- Rhetorical question
- Rhyme or reason
- Ridded
- Ride roughshod and run roughshod
- Riding Coattails—Success by Association
- Riding Shotgun — Meaning, Uses, Examples & Origin
- Rife vs. ripe
- Riff vs. rift
- Riffle vs rifle
- Riffraff
- Riffraff vs riprap
- Right as Rain – Idiom, Origin & Meaning
- Right Off the Bat – Meaning and Origin
- Right-of-way
- Right-side up
- Right, Rite or Write
- Righten
- Rigmarole
- Rigor mortis
- Rime vs. Rhyme – What’s the Difference?
- Ring a Bell- Meaning, Uses, Examples & Origin
- Ring vs. wring
- Rip-off or rip off
- Riposte vs. Repost
- Riptide, rip current or undertow
- Rise Like a Phoenix From the Ashes
- Risky vs risqué
- Rivaled/rivaling vs. rivalled/rivalling
- Road hog
- Road kill or roadkill
- Road rage
- Road rash and gravel rash
- Road vs. Rode
- Roam vs. Rome
- Robbing Peter to Pay Paul – Meaning and Origin
- Rock ‘n’ roll, rock and roll, rock’n’roll, etc.
- Rock the Boat – Idiom, Origin and Meaning
- Roil vs. Royal
- Role vs. Roll – Difference & Meaning
- Roll Up Your Sleeves – Meaning, Uses, Examples & Origin
- Rollout vs. roll out
- Rollover vs. roll over
- Roman-à-clef
- Rood vs rude
- Roofs vs. rooves
- Rookie
- Roommate, room mate or room-mate
- Root vs. route vs. rout
- Rose Colored Glasses – An Idiom Of Optimism Or Ignorance
- Rot vs. Wrought
- Rotate or revolve
- Rotund vs rotunda
- Rouge vs. Rogue – What’s the Difference?
- Rouse vs rows
- Roux, rue or roué
- Row vs row
- Rows vs rose
- Royal “we”
- Rub someone the wrong way and rub someone up the wrong way
- Rub someone’s nose in it
- Rubberneck
- Rubenesque
- Rude vs. Rued
- Ruff vs. Rough – Spelling, Usage & Meaning
- Ruffle someone’s feathers
- Rule of thumb
- Rummy
- Rumor vs. Roomer
- Rumour or Rumor – Difference & Meaning
- Run It Up the Flagpole — Meaning, Uses, Examples and Origin
- Run Out the Clock – Origin & Meaning
- Run rings around someone and run circles around someone
- Run the Gauntlet – A Risky Situation or Corporal Punishment?
- Run-on sentences
- Runaway vs. run away
- Rung vs. Wrung
- Running on empty and running on fumes
- Rye vs wry
- A rolling stone gathers no moss
- Absolve vs resolve
- Apprehensive vs reprehensive
- Arise or rise
- Award vs reward
- Blow Hot and Cold – Idiom, Meaning & Origin
- Capitulate vs recapitulate
- Delegate vs relegate
- Droid vs. Android vs. Robot – What’s the Difference?
- Duplicate vs replicate
- Feckless vs reckless
- Go to Seed – Idiom, Meaning and Sentence Examples
- I Rest My Case—From Courtrooms to Conversations
- Is Run of the Mill Really About Being Just Plain Average?
- It’s Raining Cats and Dogs – Idiom, Meaning and Origin
- Malware vs ransomware
- On your mark, get set, go! and ready, set, go!