Word confusion

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Breach, breech, broach

Breach = (1) an opening or gap; (2) to make an opening or gap. Breech = (1) the hind portion of a person or (2) the back of a gun. Broach = (1) to make a hole to draw off liquid; (2) to bring up for discussion.

Perspective vs. prospective

Perspective: 1. a view; 2. the angle from which something is viewed; 3. the proper appearance of objects in relation to each other. Prospective: 1. likely to happen; 2. likely to become.

Portend vs. portent

Portend (v): 1. to serve as an omen or a warning of; 2. to forecast. Portent (n): 1. an indication of something calamitous about to occur; 2. prophetic or threatening significance.

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Defuse vs. diffuse

To defuse (something) is to make a threatening or dangerous situation safer. To diffuse something is to soften it by spreading it out.