Technical Writing—Beyond Instructions

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

Technical writing is about more than just crafting instruction manuals; it’s a very specific form of writing that simplifies complex information, making technology accessible to everyone. In today’s tech-saturated world, the demand for skilled technical writers has gone sky-high, spanning across so many industries, from software development to healthcare.

Technical writers create documents such as user manuals, API docs, and whitepapers. They have a specific writing skill that not everyone can master or has the patience for.

But, if you’re wondering how to become a technical writer or what’s involved in remote technical writing, this guide covers everything you need to know, from a detailed definition to technical writing tools and even the technical writing skills needed to excel in the field. Ready to see if you got what it takes? Keep reading!

Technical Writing—Beyond Instructions

What Is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is the bridge between complex information and the people who need it. It’s all about dealing with difficult information or instructions and refining them for clarity, precision, and, most importantly, understanding the audience.

It could be a user manual for a smartphone or an application programming interface (API) documentation for developers. Either way, technical writing covers it all and everything in between.

What Are the Most Common Industries That Rely on Technical Writing?

In today’s complex world of technology, every industry could benefit from clarity. See, it’s not just about making things comprehensible for everyone; it’s about creating that connection between innovation and the people who use it every single day.


Imagine trying to assemble a spaceship with instructions that read like a poorly translated cookie recipe. Engineering is where technical writing becomes not just useful but absolutely essential, with no ifs or buts about it.

Here, a technical writer would handle detailed product manuals that prevent your new coffee machine from becoming an accidental espresso jetpack. It could also be project proposals that convince stakeholders not to consider some new design as a modern art piece but as a viable, revolutionary project.

Tip: Always put your focus on clarity and precision because, in engineering, a misplaced comma could mean the difference between a successful launch and a morbid fireworks show.


In the software industry, technical writing juggles endless lines of code, backend features, and user interfaces. Here, technical writers can have their hands on detailed API documentation that serves as a Rosetta Stone for developers or a straightforward user guide that prevents end users from launching their laptops into the nearest body of water in frustration.

Tip: Keep your audience in mind; developers need precision and detail, but end users (aka, the regular people using them) appreciate simplicity and step-by-step instructions. I mean…I know I do.


Sure, robots might be the future, but without technical writing, they could also be the harbinger of a very confused apocalypse. Manuals and reports in robotics need to carefully and correctly instruct on assembly and operation.

These documents detail the intricacies of systems that could one day run the world (or at least clean your house). Technical documents need to cover everything from initial setup to advanced programming and everything step in between.

Basically, a technical writer for robotics needs to understand how the robot works to create these documents and manuals properly.

Tip: Accuracy is non-negotiable, and diagrams are your best friend. Remember, a well-documented robot uprising is a well-managed robot uprising.


Jumping right into the world of chemistry without clear technical writing is like trying to decipher an ancient alchemist’s notes—exciting but utterly perplexing and has the potential for a disaster.

In this field, technical writers clear a path through complex chemical processes, safety protocols, and research findings. They work to turn the potentially hazardous into the highly educational so that lab reports don’t end up reading like cryptic spells. When it comes to chemical reactions, we definitely want them to be on purpose!

Tip: Your writing should mix clarity with accuracy like a well-balanced chemical equation.


In the realm of finance, technical writing involves turning the complex web of market analytics, regulatory requirements, and financial products into something that doesn’t require an interpreter.

Here, technical documents are made so that financial advice isn’t confusing for the average person to follow and that compliance documents don’t feel like they’re penned in some sort of alien script. Not everyone is good with money, and not many understand the terminology in this field. So, a technical writer should be able to take that confusing info and refine it to be understood by all.

Tip: Try to balance transparency with thoroughness. The goal here is to demystify finance, not to induce a headache.

Consumer Electronics

Okay, just try to imagine trying to use the latest shiny gadget without a manual. Technical writing in the consumer electronics industry ensures that your new device doesn’t become an expensive paperweight. (I’m looking at you, Aunt Carol, who literally used a Kindle as a bookmark in a paperback.)

When you buy a new device or fancy gadget, the manual, FAQs on the website, help guides, and all the literature that comes with it are written and created by a technical writer. Cool, right?

Tip: Aim for ease and user-friendliness. Your guide might be the only thing standing between a user and the urge to return their new purchase.


I know what you’re thinking. Does forestry need technical writers? Sure, this industry might seem all about the great outdoors, but there’s a vast need for clear technical writing to support sustainable management, conservation efforts, and educational outreach.

It could be research papers on ecosystem services or some management plans for forest reserves. Either way, technical writers are there to make sure the green lungs of our planet are understood, respected, and preserved as they should be.

Tip: Your writing should root itself in accuracy and aim to branch out, making complex ecological concepts accessible to everybody.


Technical writing in aeronautics takes you closer to the stars than you could have ever dreamed, one well-crafted document at a time. It’s all about carefully managing the words so that manuals for aircraft maintenance, operation, and safety protocols are as meticulously constructed as the aircraft themselves. Without it, we’d be grounded, literally.

Tip: Don’t enter this industry unless you’re absolutely confident in your skills and knowledge of aeronautics. There is no room for error here.

Medical and Healthcare

In the medical and healthcare industry of any country, technical writing stands between groundbreaking medical advancements and the professionals and patients who rely on them. Here, you could be crafting clinical trial reports or patient education brochures. Either way, your job is to make sure the medical jargon doesn’t become a barrier to care.

Tip: Empathy and accuracy are the most important things here. Your work can inform and comfort, guiding patients and professionals through the overwhelming industry of healthcare.


What’s biotechnology? It’s where science fiction meets reality, and technical writing keeps track of every step of that weird and wonderful journey.

One day, you might write about genetically modified organisms. The next, you could be studying cutting-edge therapeutic techniques and creating tutorials. In biotechnology, technical writers ensure that today’s innovations are clearly communicated and not smothered in mystery.

Tip: Go for clarity without oversimplification. You want everything to be easily understood, but not to the point where you’re leaving out important details just because they’re hard to comprehend.

What Are Some More Examples of Technical Writing?

Technical Writing—Beyond Instructions 1

Technical writing is a field that demands a deep understanding of the subject at hand and the creativity to make complex concepts accessible and, dare I say, even engaging. If you’re thinking about becoming a technical writer, here are some projects you might find yourself working on.

Instruction Manuals

Think of the last time you bought something more complex than a toaster, and it came with a booklet the size of a novella. That’s your user manual, the only thing saving you from hours of frustration.

User manuals are like a GPS for navigating products of every kind. They take you from puzzled to proficient by breaking down the assembly, operation, and troubleshooting into bite-sized, digestible steps.

It could be the assembly instructions for an IKEA bookshelf or the setup manual for a new smart device.

Tip: When writing user manuals, imagine explaining the process to someone who believes Wi-Fi is some kind of mystical energy field. Keep it simple, keep it clear, and for the love of clarity, include pictures.

E-learning Content

There’s no denying that we live in an age where digital learning has become the way of education. Because of that, e-learning content has become a pretty common form of technical writing.

It transforms difficult and heavily involved educational materials into engaging, interactive online courses that anyone can take. A technical writer here might create coding boot camps one day and develop language learning apps the next.

Tip: Sink deeply into the subject matter and ensure accuracy is above everything else. But remember, the goal is to engage and educate people regardless of age, experience, or location. Use interactive elements like quizzes and animations to bring the content to life.

Software Guides

Have you ever opened a new app and felt like you were trying to read hieroglyphics? That was me joining TikTok during the pandemic. I once did a live video and didn’t realize I was live!

Software guides are here to translate software for people like me. They connect complex software functionality with the end user’s understanding so that even the most tech-challenged can find the “on” switch.

It might be the help section of your favorite photo editing software or the online knowledge base for that project management tool your company insists on using.

Tip: Remember, not everyone speaks fluent tech. Avoid complicated jargon and focus on guiding the user with clear, actionable instructions.

Product Specifications

This type of technical writing is all about any product’s nitty-gritty details. It’s the backbone of manufacturing and engineering, providing important data like dimensions, materials, and performance criteria.

Technical writers create product specs for things like new smartphones, coffee makers, and office printers.

Tip: Be meticulous and as precise as possible, but also create the materials as if you want a child to understand them.

Product Descriptions

Ever found yourself convinced to buy something online because the product description was just that compelling? I’ve recently had to buy two new bookshelves to accommodate the gorgeous special edition books I keep nabbing off Instagram.

But that’s the power of a well-crafted product description. It blends technical accuracy with persuasive writing to showcase everything about a product, making it irresistible to consumers.

Tip: Focus on the features that matter most to your audience. What problem does the thing solve? How does it make the user’s life easier or better? What itch does it scratch?


Reports are an absolute must in industries like finance, environmental science, and healthcare. They compile data, analysis, and recommendations into a document that can influence decisions and policies in many industries. It’s technical writing with high stakes because these reports can shape the future of companies, communities, and even whole countries.

Tip: Clear writing and credibility are the key. Present your findings in a logical structure, and back up your conclusions with solid data.

Press Releases

When a company, celebrity, or organization announces big news, it does so through a press release. A press release is a specialized form of technical writing that conveys the who, what, when, where, why, and how to the media and the public.

From product launches to company milestones, press releases get the word out in a clear, concise, and engaging manner, and we have technical writers to thank for that!

Tip: Be informative but also captivating. Start with the most important information, and keep the wording simple and direct to grab and hold attention.

Business Proposals

This is where technical writing meets persuasive writing. So, if you have a background in content creation or marketing, this might be an area for you to look into. It’s not just about listing specs or services; it’s about convincing the reader that your solution is the answer to their prayers (or at least their business needs).

Here, a technical writer could work on a proposal for a new cybersecurity system for a small business or a pitch for a renewable energy project.

Tip: This is your chance to show off your technical savvy and your understanding of the audience’s needs. Be detailed but direct, and always highlight the benefits.

Job Descriptions

If you have a job opening to fill and need someone to whip up an attractive and enticing job description, you might need a technical writer. If this sounds like something you can do, then you might be a technical writer.

The description should outline the role, responsibilities, qualifications, and skills needed, acting as a guide to the company’s needs and potential candidates’ expectations. If possible, always list the potential pay rate or salary range.

Tip: Be clear about what the job is all about and the skills required, but also highlight what makes the company a great place to work. It’s not just a list of demands—it’s an invitation to join a whole team of people.


Technical writing in textbooks is a good mix of educational content with a structured, accessible format. This area involves breaking down complicated subjects into easy-to-understand segments.

Usually, this content is accompanied by examples, illustrations, and exercises for the readers. Just try to remember the textbooks we used in school. From math to molecular biology, these are basic tools in any educational setting, and they guide students through new concepts and topics.

Tip: Remember, your goal is to aid in the learning process, so consider the student’s perspective in every topic you tackle.

Company Documents

Every organization relies on many technical documents to operate smoothly—employee handbooks, policy manuals, and operational guidelines, to name a few. These documents set the standards for company practices and employee conduct, helping everyone be on the same page.

Tip: Keep the language straightforward and the format user-friendly. You’re creating the blueprint for a company’s daily operations and culture.

Case Studies

I love case studies! This is where technical writing gets to tell a story. It’s not fiction, but it’s not dry facts, either. Case studies explain how a product or technology was used to solve a real-world problem, giving people insight and evidence of its effectiveness. Think of it like the content you had to create for science fair projects!

Different case studies could be things like how a new software improved efficiency for a nonprofit organization or the way a medical device changed patient outcomes in a clinical trial.

Tip: Here’s where you get to combine data with narrative. Keep it factual, but don’t be afraid to make it compelling. Think of it as storytelling with a spreadsheet.

How Do You Become a Rockstar Technical Writer?

Technical Writing—Beyond Instructions 2

Like anything in life, just stick with it and constantly hone your skills. But here are some more specific tips to help you along the way.

Always Pursue Education

First up, let’s talk about hitting the books. You don’t need to be the valedictorian of your class at Tech Writing U (not a real place, but imagine if it were!), but having a degree in a related field like English, Communication, or even Engineering can lay a pretty solid foundation.

But here’s the kicker—the learning never stops. The tech world evolves faster than fashion trends, so staying informed and educated is part of the job description.

Sharpen Your Skills

The hard part. To excel in technical writing, you need impeccable writing, an eagle eye for details, and a solid grasp of the technology you’re writing about. Imagine trying to explain how to use a software application when you can barely turn on a computer.

Not going to fly, is it? Immerse yourself in resources, take extra courses, and practice, practice, practice. Your future self, drowning in accolades for your clear and concise manuals, will thank you.

Know Your Style Guides

No one likes the style guides, but they’re a must-have in writing. So, familiarize yourself with APA, Chicago, MLA, and their friends. They might not be as fun as the latest novel or as thrilling as a mystery movie, but they’re your bread and butter in technical writing. The better you know them, the easier your job becomes.

Get Certified

Anyone can be a writer, but if you want to get into technical writing, certifications are like those gold stars you used to get in school—they show that you’ve got what it takes. They’re not just pretty to look at; they tell the world, and more importantly, your potential employers or clients, that you’re serious about your craft. Look into certifications like the Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC).

Develop a Portfolio

Here’s where you get to brag, ahem, tastefully. A portfolio is the highlight reel of all the best things you’ve done in your career. It shows the world what you’re capable of. Maybe you worked for months to turn the driest software manual into a page-turner, or perhaps you took a complex whitepaper and made it something that readers could actually understand.

Variety is your friend here; it shows potential employers that you’re versatile. Just remember, quality over quantity—choose your best work, not all your work.

Build a Network

Other writers are not your competition. They’re your friends and connections. Some of the best gigs I’ve ever landed were from recommendations from other writers I’ve connected with over the years.

Likewise, build a network on LinkedIn and interact with people in the industries you want to focus on. The next time they need a technical writer, your name might be the first to pop into their mind.

Working with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

We need subject matter experts more than ever these days. AI content is on the rise, and it’s everywhere, but it’s all so generic and repetitive. It’s boring. We want real opinions, real experiences, and real people creating the things we consume. Becoming an SME or connecting with one will only help further your career.

Building Collaborative Relationships with SMEs

Picture this: You, a killer technical writer, and the SME, a wizard in their area of expertise. Together, you’re like the dynamic duo of tech writing. If you’re tasked with developing a manual or textbook on a certain subject, your SME friends can help make your job easier. If you’re stuck on something or don’t understand how to simplify a point, ask your SME connection.

Building a collaborative relationship with SMEs is like finding your rhythm in a dance. It’s all about communication, respect, and sometimes, agreeing to disagree.

Start by setting clear expectations, respecting their time (because wizards are busy people!), and showing genuine interest in their expertise. The magic happens when they see you’re there to showcase their brilliance, not challenge it.

Interview Techniques for Extracting Technical Information

Interviewing an SME should be less ‘hard-hitting journalist’ and more ‘curious student.’ Your goal is to extract those nuggets of wisdom buried in their vast tombs of knowledge. Prepare, prepare, prepare—show up with specific questions, but be ready to follow the conversation where it leads. And remember, there’s no such thing as a dumb question.

Sometimes, the simplest questions reveal the most profound answers. Oh, and always record (with permission), because you won’t remember that technical jargon, no matter how good your memory is. Take it from me.

Ensuring Accuracy and Clarity in Technical Content

The ultimate goal? To make sure that valuable knowledge from your SME is clear and accurate down to the last detail.

This means taking those big ol’ ideas and translating them into something accessible without losing the essence of the topic. It’s like being a translator for the tech world. Double-check all facts, ask for clarifications, and never assume—assuming is the enemy of accuracy.

Incorporating Feedback and Revisions

Don’t take it personally, but almost everything you write will come back with change requests and revisions to be done. Think of this feedback as stepping stones you can use to make yourself a better writer.

Establishing a Feedback Loop with Clients and Stakeholders

Establishing a good feedback loop means creating a space where criticism is accepted and welcomed. Whether it’s from clients, stakeholders, or your cat walking across the keyboard, feedback is invaluable.

Set up regular check-ins, be open and receptive, and always, always thank them for their input, even if it makes you want to gently bang your head against the wall. (I recommend padding the walls around your desk).

Handling Revisions and Iterative Improvement

Revisions are not a sign of failure; they’re a sign of evolution. Embrace the iterative process of improvement like you’re trying to sculpt a masterpiece. Each round of edits gets you closer to that final, polished version.

Stay organized, keep track of changes, and don’t forget—the document is getting better, and so are you. It’s going to feel overwhelming. That just means things are working.

Balancing Client Preferences with Writing Standards

Aligning your client’s preferences with the unyielding standards of technical writing is a balancing act. It’s a dance of diplomacy and expertise, where sometimes you lead, and sometimes you follow.

Your job is to guide your clients with your expertise while respecting their vision. Find common ground, explain your choices, and when necessary, know when to compromise.

That’s How You Get Technical!

Starting a career in freelance technical writing is an exciting thing! This industry is filled with opportunities to grow and make an impact. By developing a strong foundation of skills, continuously learning, and embracing the collaborative process, technical writers really can thrive.

I hope you found my guide helpful! Be sure to check out our other breakdowns on different fields of writing right here on our site!