Winning Freelance Writer Pitch Examples—From Rejection to Success

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

A freelance writer pitch is a concise proposal sent to potential clients or publications. It outlines ideas for articles or projects and highlights the writer’s expertise and qualifications. It’s your first impression with a potential client. It’s the first thing they see from you, their initial introduction to who you are and what you can do for them.

However, mastering the pitch is an art form in itself and one that every freelance writer needs to refine if they want to succeed in the competitive world of freelance writing. It’s a madhouse out there; make sure you’re putting the best of everything forward when job hunting.

I know—it’s easier said than done, right? Well, yes and no. Selling yourself can sometimes feel weird, especially for writers who tend to be pretty introverted. But once you know how to pitch to clients, you’re all set! You’ll likely land the majority of gigs you apply for.

I’ve been a freelance writer for over 15 years, so I made this guide to teach you all about the anatomy of a good writer’s pitch, how to craft one for yourself, how to pitch to clients, and even about cold pitching for freelance writers. Heck, I’ll even throw in some winning pitch examples and templates you can use. So, what are you waiting for? Keep reading!

What Are Some Real-World Examples of Writer Pitches?

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Here are a few examples of real-world pitches for different niches:

A Pitch for Health & Wellness Example

Subject: Health & Wellness Writer with 10 Years Experience

Hello, Derek!

I was so thrilled to find your posting for a health and wellness writer on BloggingPro, especially since I’ve spent the last five years writing passionately about holistic health approaches using my background in meditative breathing and natural remedies. My articles have helped readers implement life-changing routines, and I’m excited about the possibility of bringing my expertise to your company.

I know your audience is looking for actionable health advice with alternatives to traditional methods. Having worked with brands like NewU and Eat the Earth, I’ve developed engaging content that boosts organic traffic and engagement by simplifying complex health topics like keto diets and mindfulness meditation.

If you’re interested, my rates are $.05/word or $50 per hour. But that’s negotiable. Would love to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Looking forward to your reply!

Candace Osmond

Key aspects clients look for:

  • Expert knowledge in specific health topics
  • Ability to translate medical jargon into reader-friendly content
  • Strong research skills to back claims with scientific data

A Pitch for Parenting Example

Subject: Award-Winning Writer & Mother of Two Applying for Writing Position

Hi, Claire!

As a seasoned freelance writer of over a decade and a parent of two kids, I’ve merged professional expertise with personal experiences to craft attention-grabbing stories that speak to the heart of parenting challenges and joys. Your recent series on newborn sleep regression resonated deeply with me, and I feel I could bring fresh and engaging perspectives to your audience at Go Mama.

My work with different publications like Baby Gear Spot and Parenting Canada, where I covered topics ranging from toddler nutrition to the best strollers and even navigating parenthood in the digital age, has been well-received for its helpful insights and empathetic tone.

My standard rates are $.05/word or $50/hour.

Let’s chat about what I can bring to your content lineup. I’d love to chat!

Have a wonderful day!

Candace Osmond

Key aspects clients look for:

  • Personal experience as a parent
  • Empathetic writing style that connects with readers who are likely parents
  • Diverse knowledge of parenting phases from newborns to teens

A Pitch for DIY Example

Subject: Avid DIYer and Bestselling Author Applying for Writing Position

Hello, David!

My name’s Candace. I’ve been an avid DIYer and a content creator for well over a decade, specializing in turning complex projects into simple, easy-to-follow guides for all ages. Seeing your call for a DIY expert at Let’s Craft, I’m eager to help your readers transform their homes and lives with creativity and confidence.

My tutorials on how to upholster furniture and how to DIY home renovations have not only increased DIY engagement but also boosted social shares and audience interaction on my own platforms. I’d love to bring this energy and expertise to your website.

Here is a link to my portfolio for you to view some of my past projects.

My standard rates are $0.05/word or $50 per hour, but this is open to discussion. Looking forward to potentially joining your creative team!

Have a great day!

Candace Osmond

Key aspects clients look for:

  • Provable hands-on experience with DIY projects
  • Ability to write clear, concise, and instructive content that’s easy to follow
  • Creativity in fresh project ideas and presentation

What Are the Steps for Crafting Effective Pitches?

To create effective pitches, follow these steps:

  1. Start by crafting a compelling subject line that immediately grabs the recipient’s attention.
  2. Personalize your opening to establish a connection and build rapport with the recipient. 
  3. In the body of your pitch, succinctly demonstrate your value and expertise, highlighting what sets you apart from others. 
  4. Clearly outline how your offering can benefit the recipient or address their needs.
  5. Set your rates straight.
  6. Finally, end with a clear call to action, prompting the recipient to take the desired next step, whether it’s scheduling a meeting or requesting more information. 

What Are Some Pitching Tips and Best Practices?

Winning Freelance Writer Pitch Examples—From Rejection to Success 2

Here’s a rundown of a few important tips for crafting a perfect pitch:

  1. Know your client: Tailor your pitch to reflect your understanding of the client’s business and specific needs. Address them by name, if possible. Mention a piece of work they did that you really like.
  2. Be clear and straightforward: Keep your pitch brief and to the point. Most clients are busy and will move on to the next email if yours is super long. Use 1–2 paragraphs and highlight your strengths without overwhelming them with too much information.
  3. Show personality: Let your unique voice shine through; clients are looking for a person, not just a skill set. This is especially true nowadays with the rise of AI writing. Standing out is more important than ever!
  4. Follow up: Don’t hesitate to follow up if you haven’t received a response in a week or two and you notice that the position hasn’t been filled. A gentle reminder can sometimes make all the difference. I’ve actually landed a few gigs from follow-ups, and it just turned out that the client forgot to reply.
  5. Learn from the rejections: Don’t take rejections to heart. Instead, use them as learning opportunities. Request feedback if possible and refine your approach moving forward.

What Are Some Pitch Templates to Adapt?

Remember what I said before! Pitching isn’t a science, but there is a formula to it. The basics of a good pitch can be applied to any niche. So, save these templates below and use them whenever you want. Just be sure to tweak them to be more personal!

Template for General Blog Writing Pitch

Subject: Experienced Writer Ready to Elevate [Client’s Company] Blog with Engaging, SEO-Driven Content

Opening: Hello! I’ve been following [Client’s Company]’s blog, and I loved your recent post on [Topic]. It resonated with me because [reason].

Value Proposition: With over [X] years in [industry], I specialize in creating content that engages and converts. For example, [brief mention of a relevant project].

CTA: My rates are [Rate], and I’d love to discuss how I can bring results to [Client’s Company]. Can we schedule a call this week?

[Your Name]

Template for E-commerce Product Description Pitch

Subject: Experienced Writer Looking to Boost [Company’s] Sales with Captivating Product Descriptions

Opening: As a keen advocate for [industry or product type], I was so excited to stumble upon your brand, and I’m impressed by [specific product or initiative].

Value Proposition: I’ve successfully enhanced product visibility and sales for brands like [Previous Client] by crafting compelling descriptions that highlight benefits and appeal to eco-conscious consumers. I’d love to work with you to do the same!

CTA: My rate is [Rate}, but that’s open to discussion. Let’s schedule a call to chat about how my content can drive results for [Client’s Company].

[Your Name]

Start Crafting That Pitch!

As you can probably tell, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for the perfect pitch. But my examples, templates, and tips should provide you with a solid foundation to develop your freelance writer pitches.

Remember that each pitch is an opportunity to show off your understanding of the client’s needs and how you can meet them. Also, keep your pitch as short as possible without sacrificing all the most important elements.

I hope my little guide helped shed some light on pitch creation. If you want even more helpful tips for freelancers, have a look at our other guides here on the site.