
Grammarist Featured Image V5 88

Troop vs. troupe

As a noun, troop means (1) a group of people, animals or things, (2)  a group of soldiers, or (3) a great many. As a verb, it means to move in a group or as a crowd. The meaning of troupe is much narrower. It denotes a company or group of actors, singers, or dancers.  Examples …

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Grammarist Featured Image V3 97

Illegible vs. unreadable

Illegible: difficult to decipher because of bad handwriting or physical deterioration. Unreadable: difficult, dull, or nonsensical.


Criteria, criterion

Criteria is becoming singular, and criterion is disappearing from English, but we are still early in the process and the more traditional forms remain safer in formal writing.

Grammarist Featured Image V5 69

Ad hoc

= for this specific purpose.

Wary vs. weary

Wary: on guard or watchful. Weary: tired.


Upmost vs. utmost

Utmost: to the highest or greatest degree. Upmost: situated in the top or most upward position.