
Privatization vs nationalization

Privatization and nationalization are two words that have opposite meanings, which makes them antonyms. We will examine the different definitions of privatization and nationalization, where these words came from and some examples of their use in sentences. Privatization is the process by which a government-owned business or a publicly-owned business …

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Impecunious and pecunious

Impecunious and pecunious may be used as antonyms, though with a twist. Antonyms are two or more words that have opposing meanings. We will examine the definitions of impecunious and pecunious, where these two words came from and some examples of their use in sentences. Impecunious describes someone who does …

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Discord vs accord

Discord and accord are antonyms. Antonyms are two or more words that have opposite meanings. We will examine the definitions of the words discord and accord, where these words came from and some examples of their use in sentences. Discord is a lack of harmony between two or more people …

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Indefatigable and defatigable

Indefatigable is a word that is often found confusing, as well as its rarely-used antonym, defatigable. Antonyms are two or more words that have opposite meanings. We will examine the definitions of indefatigable and defatigable, where these terms came from and some examples of their use in sentences. Indefatigable describes …

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Placebo vs nocebo

Placebo and nocebo are two words that are antonyms. Antonyms are words that have opposing meanings. We will examine the definitions of the words placebo and nocebo, where these terms came from and some examples of their use in sentences. A placebo is a procedure or medicine that works to …

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Persuade vs dissuade

Persuade and dissuade are antonyms, which are words that have opposing meanings. They are complementary antonyms, which are contradictory words. We will examine the definitions of persuade and dissuade, where these words came from and some examples of their use in sentences. Persuade means to talk someone into doing or …

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Antonyms are two or more words that have opposing meanings. We will look at the different types of antonyms, where the word antonym came from, a few examples of antonyms and some examples of the word antonym used in sentences. There are three types of antonyms. Graded antonyms are pairs …

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Gravity vs levity

Gravity and levity are antonyms. Antonyms are are words that have meanings that are opposite to each other. We will examine the definitions of the words gravity and levity, where these words came from and some examples of their use in sentences. Gravity is the force that causes things to …

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