Top Companies Hiring for Online Proofreading Jobs

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

Online proofreading jobs have seen a massive increase in demand as our current digital age flourishes more and more each day, transforming the way we create, disseminate, and consume content.

With it comes a natural surge in digital publications, websites, and academic work, which is switching to mostly online. This has also created the need for meticulous proofreaders. Their skills to produce error-free, polished content have never been more important.

If you’re hoping to launch a freelance proofreading career or just want to elevate your skills, understanding the landscape of online proofreading work is the first step you need to take.

But who’s hiring, anyway? And what does it take to stand out in the never-ending world of online proofreading? I’ve got all the answers here, plus a list of the top companies hiring online for proofreaders right now! Are you ready?

What Role Do Online Job Platforms Play in Proofreading Careers?

If you’ve spent more than a minute online, it’s not hard to see that online job platforms have taken over and revolutionized the way proofreaders connect with potential employers. Some say it’s ruining the industry, but I think it’s only given us more opportunities and different ways to work.

Why Are Online Job Platforms Important?

These platforms are important because they’re the link between proofreaders and those in need of their services. Within them, you can find everything from academic proofreading jobs to content creation roles.

However, they also provide a centralized location for finding trusted work, showing off your skills, and building professional networks with potential clients and fellow proofreaders.

One of my top reasons for using online platforms is the security they provide when it comes to financial transactions. I can see a client’s previous working relationships in reviews and testimonials. I can also see if their payment source is verified, which means I’m more likely to be paid on time.

What Types of Jobs Are Available?

Like the rest of the internet, the types of online proofreading jobs are vast and can range from a quick proofread of an academic paper in a time crunch to a long-term contract to proofread a series of novels and everything in between.

The beauty of this vastness can work in your favor if you have the right skills and know-how to apply for these jobs. If you’re a subject matter expert, look for gigs that cater to your skills and experience.

What Are the Top Platforms for Online Proofreading Jobs?    

You can spend days scouring through sites and job listings to get a better idea of what’s out there, but I’ll list the top companies hiring online for proofreading jobs and even include a taste of the types of jobs available on each. Ahem, you’re welcome!

1. Upwork


This is one of the older, more trusted platforms to find proofreading gigs. Years ago, it was called Elance-oDesk, but it was revamped into what we know today as Upwork.

The types of jobs you’ll find here will have a huge range, as will the rates offered. If you’re a newbie looking to start your career and get some expertise under your belt, Upwork is a great place to go.

You’ll find jobs like proofreading resumes, academic papers, novels, and articles. The great thing is the filter option, which allows you to search for certain keywords in the job listings.

Signing up is easy and free. You create your profile and provide your tax, payment, and other important information. However, they charge a whopping 10% fee on top of any earnings, so keep that in mind.

I suggest you focus on making your profile stand out with all the most important factors about you. Include who you are, what you offer, any relevant experience, and client testimonials.

Visit Upwork

2. FlexJobs    

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The best thing about FlexJobs is that they have actual people behind the scenes curating and monitoring every single job posting for spam. That’s right. Employers have to submit their job posting for review before it’s listed publicly. So you never have to worry about filtering through a bunch of scammy jobs!

As for job types, you’ll find everything from entry-level gigs to big, fancy executive roles with long-term contracts. There’s academic proofreading, translation work with editing and proofreading in other languages, editorial leads, script proofreading, and more.

Some membership fees are included in order to use the site and access the job listings. You can choose from a one-week, one-month, three-month, or one-year plan that ranges from $9.95 to $59.95. But if you’re unsure and just want to test things out, there’s a 4-day trial for $2.95.

Visit FlexJobs

3. Fiverr


Fiverr flips the traditional job board completely on its head. Instead of you searching for gigs, potential clients search for you! It’s like setting up your own little proofreading shop. You create “Gigs” offering your proofreading services, set your rates, and wait for the orders to roll in.

This platform is excellent for proofreaders at all levels, from beginners hoping to break into the field to seasoned pros looking to expand their clientele. Rates can vary widely, giving you the flexibility to start low and increase your prices as you gain reviews and experience.

Signing up is pretty straightforward, and listing your services is free. There’s no membership or other fees to get started, but Fiverr does take a painful 20% commission on each gig, so price your services accordingly, proofreaders!

You can easily stand out by showing off your unique skills or niches upfront and center in your profile, such as experience proofreading technical documents or creative fiction, like romance novels.

Visit Fiverr

4. Scribendi

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Scribendi is for serious proofreaders who want to work with a long-standing editing and proofreading company. The company is known for its high-quality services, so it expects the best from its proofreaders.

You’ll find a variety of proofreading jobs, such as academic papers, business communications, and book manuscripts.

The application process is a bit more rigorous than other platforms, with them requiring proof of your proofreading abilities. However, it’s worth it for the steady stream of work and professional development opportunities they provide.

It’s not a freelance site where you create a public portfolio. It’s more like a traditional job process where you apply to work for them, and they subcontract your services under their umbrella. The client doesn’t pay you; Scribendi does.

But there are zero fees to you, the service provider, to work with Scribendi.

Scribendi offers both freelance and full-time positions for ESL, academic, author, corporate, student, and personal proofreading services, but definitely check their website for all their current openings and requirements.

Visit Scribendi

5. Scribbr

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Scribbr is a dream for those who have a knack for academic proofreading. It specializes in student essays, theses, and dissertations, so it’s definitely a platform that offers a chance to contribute to academic success worldwide.

The downsides? It’s less about proofreading and more heavy on the editing side for jobs. You also need to have a bachelor’s degree and be familiar with APA, MLA, and Chicago style guides. The sign-up process includes a language quiz and a trial assignment, and if you pass, you can be one of their editors, and they will provide the work to you.

Yes, it might sound daunting, but it’s their way of ensuring top-notch quality for their clients. Scribbr’s community and support for its editors stand out, making it not just a job but a place to grow and learn. If you can make this platform work for you, there’s the potential to earn $25–$30 per hour.

Visit Scribbr

6. Proofreading Services

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Proofreading Services is a site where you can find a wide range of proofreading and editing gigs for academic and literary works, resumes, and business documents. It prides itself on flexibility because it allows its proofreaders to set their own schedules.

It’s much like Scribbrr and Scribendi, where you apply to work for them, and they sub out your services. The application process involves a challenging 20-minute test to assess your proofreading skills. If you pass, you’ll have access to competitive rates and the chance to work with clients from around the world.

A winning tip is to focus on highlighting your attention to detail and any super-specific areas of expertise when you’re applying.

Visit Proofreading Services

7. Proofreading Pal

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If you’re looking for variety, Proofreading Pal is the place. It’s another hybrid-type platform where you don’t have a profile or search for gigs. Instead, you go through a hiring process; if chosen, they give you work matching your skills.

They cater to academic, business, and personal documents, meaning you could put something new on your desk. Applicants are expected to have a graduate degree, though, or be currently enrolled in a graduate program, or have substantial professional proofreading experience.

The application includes a detailed test of your proofreading abilities. Proofreading Pal is well-known for its collaborative editing approach because it pairs proofreaders with projects for the best results.

There is no promise of what you’ll earn, but they do state that their editors and proofreaders make between $500 and $5000 per month.

Visit Proofreading Pal

8. Gramlee

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Gramlee is all about personality. They look for proofreaders who have the skills and a great sense of humor and empathy—key ingredients for handling the wide range of content they edit, from novels and blog posts to business documents.

Yet again, it’s another hybrid platform with an application and hiring process. However, it offers two options for anyone interested: an employment application for content editors and an employment application for dissertation editors.

Their application process is less about tests and more about getting to know you and your editing style. If you enjoy a platform that values your unique voice as a proofreader, Gramlee could be your new online home.

The downside to Gramlee is that some service providers have reported that they don’t pay that great, with rates falling somewhere around $10 to $18 per hour.

Visit Gramlee

9. Polished Paper

Polished Paper

Polished Paper is where the super-duper meticulous proofreaders go to sparkle. They offer editing services to people in so many formats, including academic papers, business reports, manuscripts, screenplays, and personal projects. So, you can be sure to find gigs in those realms.

The platform requires you to upload a resume and complete a 35-question editor test before you’re accepted. In your application, try to emphasize your proficiency with style guides and any subject matter expertise.

They claim to be at their client’s beck and call 24/7, so if you work for them, expect fast turnaround times and last-minute tasks. Depending on your level, you can earn anywhere from $10 to $45 per hour, and no fees are involved.

Visit Polished Paper

10. EditFast

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EditFast is perfect for proofreaders who love diving into diverse projects. From website content to novels, your proofreading skills won’t go to waste here. The registration process involves creating a profile, passing an editing test, and agreeing to their terms. 

They offer their clients two options: upload and submit their content to be edited directly, and the professional EditFast editors will handle it in no time, or they can also scroll through the list of approved editors and writers and pick who they want to work with.

This means you, the service provider, can use either route to procure work. However, they do require that their in-house editors and proofreaders have a college degree.

Warning: The site does take an astronomical 40% of your earnings. However, the wide array of projects and the autonomy to choose what you work on can make it a worthwhile trade-off.

Visit EditFast

Building a Successful Freelance Proofreading Career

You need more than just an expert’s grasp of grammar and punctuation. So much more goes into building and maintaining your proofreading career.

What Are Some Tips for Success?

  • Diversify your skills: Broadening your proofreading capabilities across different content types can open up more job opportunities.
  • But go niche: Having a broad range of skills is great because it means you can pick which ones to highlight and focus on, becoming an expert, which you can then leverage for higher-paying jobs in that niche.
  • Stay updated: Read up on the common style guides, subscribe to industry newsletters, follow experts online, etc. Always be hungry for knowledge!
  • Be social: Use social media to put yourself out there and actively advertise who you are and what you do, as well as show off successful jobs you’ve done.

How Do You Get Positive Reviews?

Listen, positive reviews from clients are the currency of success in the freelance world, so you definitely don’t want to ignore this part. Always deliver top-quality work on time (or ahead of schedule!), communicate effectively with your clients, and show flexibility when addressing their needs.

After a job is complete, ask for feedback and if they’d be interested in writing a quick testimonial you can use in your portfolio.

Pro Tip: Freelance platforms like Upwork allow you to create a full-on portfolio, not just a profile, and clients are prompted by the site to provide feedback on every job.

Frequently Asked Questions

Proofreaders’ earnings will vary based on their experience, specialization, and workload. Freelancers might charge per word, per page, or per project, with rates influenced by the complexity of the text and turnaround time.

You need a strong command of language, great attention to detail, and some sort of familiarity with common style guides like MLA, CMoS, and APA. A degree in English or journalism can work to your advantage, but it’s not mandatory. Practical proofreading experience and a portfolio usually hold more weight.

Online platforms like LinkedIn, personal websites, or freelance marketplaces like Upwork are awesome places to show off your proofreading portfolio.

Start off by honing your language skills, familiarizing yourself with different style guides, and gaining experience through smaller projects or volunteer work. Building a portfolio and collecting some proofreading certifications can also bolster your credentials.

You can subscribe to helpful newsletters like the one we have here at Grammarist or check out our Grammar Guru Proofreading Course.

No, a degree is not technically necessary, but relevant qualifications and certifications can definitely set you apart.

Yes, the demand for proofreaders continues to grow, especially for those with expertise in specific fields like law, medicine, fashion, publishing, or technology.

Are You Ready to Find an Online Proofreading Job?

If you have a keen eye for detail and a passion for perfection in written content, then you should have no problem finding and landing proofreading jobs online.

By leveraging online job platforms, continuously developing your skills, and building a reputable online presence, you can work your way through the many opportunities in freelance proofreading.

I always recommend checking job boards and platforms weekly to see what fresh new gigs are up for grabs. If you choose the hybrid route with sites such as Scribbr or Polished Paper, you definitely get more security, but the expectations are much higher. So, choose your route wisely! For more tips on the freelance life, be sure to check out our other helpful guides!