
Grammarist Featured Image V5 65

Addition vs. edition

Addition = (1) the act or process of adding; (2) something added. Edition has several definitions mostly related to publishing.

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Hail vs. hale

Hail = (1) precipitation in the form of spherical ice pellets; (2) to salute or greet; (3) to call out in order to catch attention; (4) to come or originate from. Hale = free from infirmity or illness.

Ring vs. wring

Wring: to twist, squeeze, or clasp firmly, especially to extract liquid. It’s the spelling in wring one’s neck.

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Jam vs. jamb

Jamb: a post that forms the side of a door or window. Jam: 1. a preserve made from boiled and sugared fruit, 2. a congestion, 3. a difficult situation, and 4. a song that one holds to be especially moving or meaningful.

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Levee vs. levy

Levee: an embankment used to prevent water overflows. Levy: to collect taxes, to draft into military service, or to wage war against.