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Timeout vs. time out

Outside North America, it’s always two words. In North America, it’s one word in sports and two words in all other contexts.


Peak vs. peek vs. pique

Peak: 1. a maximum; 2. to achieve a maximum. Pique: 1. to provoke or arouse; 2. a feeling of resentment or indignation. Peek: a quick glance or to glance quickly.

One-time vs. onetime

In North America, one-time means occurring only once and onetime means former. This distinction doesn’t exist outside North America.


Paralyse vs. paralyze

paralyze in North America; paralyse outside North America.

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Palate, palette, pallet

Palate: the roof of the mouth and the sense of taste. Palette: the board painters use to mix their colors, and the colors used in a work. Pallet: a platform used for moving cargo or freight.