

Grammarist Featured Image V4 15


Derring-do = daring deeds or heroic daring.

Grammarist Featured Image V4 2022 07 10T181202.157

Bloc vs. block

A bloc is a group with common interests working together.

Ere vs. err

Ere = before. Err = to make a mistake.


Grammarist Featured Image V3 2022 06 06T215445.550

E. coli

The E. is capitalized, and the coli is not. This is the conventional way of treating species names.

Grammarist Featured Image V7 2023 01 06T230311.424

Role vs. Roll – Difference & Meaning

Role: a function or a part played in a performance. Roll: 1. to move by turning over; 2. to recur; 3. a list of names; 4. a deep rumble; 5. a rapid succession of short sounds; 6. a scrolled piece of paper.