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Douse vs. dowse

Douse = (1) to plunge into liquid, (2) to drench, or (3) to extinguish (especially flames). Dowse = to search underground using a divining rod.


Backyard, back yard, back-yard

The adjective is backyard or back-yard, and the noun is usually back yard, but there is little consistency in real-world use.

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Dam vs. Damn – What’s the Difference?

Dam: a structure used to hold back water, plus related verb senses. Damn: (1) to condemn, (2) to bring about the failure of, (3) to prove guilty, or (4) to send to everlasting punishment.

Blowup vs. blow up

Blowup (sometimes blow-up) is a noun or an adjective. The verb is two words—blow up.

Sacrilege, sacrilegious

Sacrilege: the misuse or desecration of something sacred. Sacrilegious: of or relating to sacrilege.


Envoi vs. envoy

Envoy = a representative on a diplomatic mission. Envoi = a closing stanza in certain forms of poetry. The former is sometime used for the latter.

Barbed wire

Barbed wire is the standard form.