
Semi-, hemi-, and demi-

Semi-, hemi- and demi- are all prefixes that mean the same thing for the most part, but are used in different circumstances. A prefix is a set of letters that is affixed to the beginning of a word in order to give it a new meaning. Prefixes are not words …

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Poly- vs mono-

Poly- and mono- are prefixes that often used in the English language and are sometimes confused. We will examine the definitions of poly- and mono-, where these terms came from and some examples of their use in sentences. Poly- means many, a lot, a large quantity. Poly- is used to …

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Nano- is a prefix that was introduced at the Union Internationale de Chimie in 1947, though it came into more general use in the 1960s. We will examine the definition of the prefix nano-, how it is used, and some examples of that use in sentences. Nano- was coined in 1947 …

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Cyber- is a prefix that has gained popularity since the middle of the twentieth century. We will examine the meaning of the prefix cyber-, where it came from and some examples of its use in words and sentences. Cyber- is a prefix that designates something pertaining to computers, virtual reality …

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Ante- vs anti-

Ante- and anti- are prefixes. Though spelled and pronounced similarly, they have very different meanings. Learning the definitions of ante- and anti- is a good way to understand how to spell various words. We will look at the meaning of ante- and anti-, where these prefixes come from and some …

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