Freelance Writing

Writing Samples

Writing Samples—What They Are and Why You Need Them

Freelance writing samples are examples of a writer’s work, typically created for clients or personal projects. These serve as tangible evidence of a writer’s capabilities and style, allowing clients to assess whether they are the person for the job they have in mind. Clients often request writing samples to evaluate …

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15 Freelance Writing Services—From Blogs to Whitepapers 2

15 Freelance Writing Services—From Blogs to Whitepapers

Freelance writing services involve a wide range of content creation jobs designed to meet the diverse needs of different businesses and projects. We live in a digital-first world, which makes the demand for high-quality, accurate, and engaging content pretty intense. But, as a professional freelance writer of over 15 years, …

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Freelancer Financials—Tame Your Cash Flow

Freelancer financials refers to the financial management and planning you must undertake when working as a freelancer. That includes managing your cash flow, budget, taxes, rates, and retirement savings. Working as a freelance writer comes with a set of unique financial challenges. My biggest challenge is managing an irregular income …

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Freelance Writing Contracts—Navigating Negotiations

Freelance Writing Contracts—Navigating Negotiations

Freelance writing contracts are the written form of the full agreement between you, the writer, and the client. They’re the failsafe of any professional freelance writer’s business, no matter what you’re writing. Think of them as your safety net in the world of freelancing—they protect you, give you confidence, and, …

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From Words to Rights—Copyright Law for Writers

From Words to Rights—Copyright Law for Writers

Copyright is a legal protection that grants exclusive rights to creators of original works. It gives them control over how their creations are used and prevents others from using or reproducing their work without permission.  Copyright law applies automatically to original works as soon as they are created and fixed …

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Personal Branding for Writers—Stand Out from the Crowd

Personal Branding for Writers—Stand Out from the Crowd

Personal branding for writers means creating a unique identity and reputation for yourself as a freelance writer. This involves showcasing your experience, skills, and personality. You can do that via your online presence, presenting an overall professional image that makes you stand out from the crowd and attracts the right …

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Research Methods for Writers—From Idea to Authority

Research Methods for Writers—From Idea to Authority

Research methods for writers refer to the techniques and strategies used to gather, evaluate, and analyze information for writing projects. That can include using research tools, identifying reliable sources, fact-checking, and organizing information to write accurate, credible content. Strong research can set freelance writers apart since clients demand factually accurate, …

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SEO Copywriting—Balancing Keywords and User Experience

SEO Copywriting—Balancing Keywords and User Experience

SEO copywriting is a type of freelance writing for products, websites, and other online content but with the behavior of search engines in mind. It’s where well-written copy meets strategic keyword placement to charm your readers and woo search engines like Google. For freelance writers, doing this well isn’t just …

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Freelance Writing Rates—Industry Benchmarks

Freelance Writing Rates—Industry Benchmarks

Freelance writing rates define the compensation writers receive for producing content for various clients, including webmasters, businesses, academic institutions, magazines, newspapers, and independent websites. One of the most challenging aspects of being a freelance writer is setting your writing rates. Many freelance writers are competing for the same work, and …

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