Check Up, Checkup or Check-Up – Which One to Use?

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

It’s far too easy to get the meanings of words mixed up when they look almost identical. Every time I see the words checkup, check up, and check-up, my brain spins. But I will lay out all the details here, define each version, and show you the right way to use each in a sentence.

Checkup or Check-up or Check Up? Meaning and Spelling Explained

Okay, they may all look like different spelling variations of the same word, and they are, in a sense. But their differences are in their classifications.

  • Checkup: When it’s a single word like this, it’s a noun to describe an appointment. “I have a checkup at the dentist later this month.”
  • Check-up: Add in the hyphen, and it becomes a phrasal adjective meant to describe the type of appointment or something. “My check-up appointment is at two o’clock, Thursday.” Here, it modifies the word appointment. With that being said, in British English, “check up” and “check-up” are both used interchangeably as the noun form. 
  • Check up: If used as two individual words, you’ve got yourself a verb to describe what you’re doing, aka a phrasal verb. “I’m going to check up on my dad later this week and ensure he’s okay.” Check up is the action here.
Check up, checkup and check-up usage trend.

In terms of usage and popularity, all three terms are neck and neck, with “check up” being the more common.

When to Use Each

  • Use “checkup” or “check-up” as a noun or adjective to describe a medical exam or an inspection of some kind, like for cars.
  • You use “check up” in the two-word form as a phrasal verb when you’re referring to the action of examining or inspecting something or someone.

What Is a Follow-up Checkup?

A follow-up checkup is basically a checkup that takes place after the initial checkup. “I had a regular checkup with my doctor, and now he’s scheduled me for a follow-up checkup.”

Checkup Examples in a Sentence

  • Anna scheduled her monthly checkup with her family doctor to make sure she was in good health after the cancer scare.
  • During the routine checkup, the mechanic found a small issue with my car’s brakes.
  • My dentist recommended scheduling a complete checkup every six months for my kids.
  • Our pediatrician examined my son during the checkup and determined he was growing at a faster rate than other kids his age.

Check-up Examples in a Sentence

  • My dad went for a regular check-up to keep his type-2 diabetes under control.
  • My doctor advised me to come back in three months for a follow-up check-up.
  • During his dental check-up, Corey discovered that he needed a cavity filled.
  • The tech guy performed a check-up on my work computer and found no problems with the hardware.

Check Up Examples in a Sentence

  • The friendly nurse called to check up on the patient after his successful surgery.
  • I really should check up on my elderly neighbor to make sure she’s doing okay.
  • As a teacher, I decided to check up on one struggling student’s progress throughout the semester.
  • We asked a friend of ours to check up on our guinea pigs while we were on vacation.

English Is Funny That Way

I know it can get a little confusing, but just stick with it and refer back to my guide whenever you’re unsure. A great way to remember the difference is to think of the two-word version as the verb/action. “Checkup” and “check-up” can be used more similarly for a medical examination. For more insight, have a look at our guides to the words “burn out” and “work out.”